There really is nothing new under the sun, moon, or stars when it comes to financial advisor and insurance agent marketing. Still, the IMOs, and FMOs continue to pitch magical, mystical LEAD GENERATION systems. Most of these don't work well, unless the idea is to empty your wallet.
In this episode, Tammy takes a look at's "new" marketing system, Retire Village, #Safemoney Radio, and all that nonsense. Supposedly, this new/old element is part of a "marketing trifecta." Is this the real deal or phony baloney? In this review, Tammy D. of Safe Space Podcast and https://www. examines claims made by Bill Broich and others that they have a special alchemy that allows them create leads from thing air the same way The Fed creates money from thin air. In this video, Tammy D. reviews the marketing material for the revamped #retirevillage- a website for annuity, insurance agents and financial advisors. What is this so-called amazing, shiny new marketing tool? Will Trifecta truly help agents? This is my impartial as possible look at yet another attempt to drain insurance agents' and annuity advisors' pockets, luring them in with hollow promises of ALL YOU CAN EAT LEADS, almost, nearly, but not quite for free. Let's separate fact from fiction, hype from reality.. before they separate you from your hard-earned dollars. #insuranceagentmarketing, #insuranceagents #annuityleads #annuitymarketing, #insurancemarketing, #retirevillage, #retirementplanners. #getannuityleads, #trifecta. #aegis, #annuityagentsalliance #annuitycom #annuitycom #broich #trifecta, #safemoneyradio, #safe-money-radio-reviews, #agentmarketing, #annuityagentmarketing, #annuityagent, #annuity-agent, #sellingannuities, #sell-more-annuities, #safemoney #insuranceagent #insuranceleads, #tonyowen, #anthonyowen, #bill-broich, #retirevillage, #broichtrifecta
Check out all my videos on Safe Money Trends on Youtube.