Should you be paying $200-$1,000 per month for so-called "SEO optimization?" Almost certainly NOT!. In fact, as you will discover in this video, ranking in search and great reputation management are almost ALWAYS the product of solid, Google-compliant marketing, not vice-versa. In this special Rebel Agents Dispatch training, Tammy and her special guest, Infofuel and founder Sherilyn Orr discuss why SEO is often a lot of hype that does NOTHING to help you grow your business. #seo While this training is directed at #insuranceagents , #financialadvisers, #CPAs, and others, ANY small business owner trying to get noticed in the digital world will profit. We answer questions such as: Is most of the SEO marketed today mostly overpriced, empty promises? (yes!) What do agents and advisors REALLY need from their digital marketing? What you NEVER want to do when it comes to your digital "real estate?" Why it's a bad idea to let your IMO or FMO do all your marketing. and a whole lot more. Stop putting your money and time into marketing that will never work. Tammy and Sherilyn will show you the decidedly NON-fancy, non-technical "storytelling" marketing that can take your business to new heights. #seo #financialwebsites, #seoforfinancialservices, #insuranceseo, #seosucks, #searchengineoptimization #searchengineoptimizationtips #searchenginemarketing, #insurancemarketingagency #insurancemarketing, #insuranceagents #integritymarketing #annuityagentsalliance #anthonyowen #anthonyowens, #tonyowen, #chadowen, #aegis, #fmo, #imo #annuitymarketing #insuranceagents #annuitycom #broich #trifecta, #safemoneyradio, #safe-money-radio-reviews, #agentmarketing, #annuityagentmarketing, #annuityagent, #annuity-agent, #sellingannuities, #sell-more-annuities, #safemoney #insuranceagent #insuranceleads, #tonyowen, #anthonyowen, #bill-broich, #retirevillage, #broichtrifecta Check out our websites: