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The Running Effect Podcast
- By: Dominic Schlueter
- Original Recording
The Running Effect Podcast aims to bring storytelling to the sport of running. What gets people invested in a sport, movie, or book? A good story. Our sport has plenty, but no one is telling them. The Running Effect is changing that. Through our podcast episodes that release every other day, we tell the stories of those at every level of our sport. Through these incredible athletes' stories, we hope it'll inspire you to turn your "what ifs?" into realities. You can also follow us on Instagram @therunningeffect to stay up to date on all current and upcoming projects!
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Meet The Athlete
- By: Cole Running
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A series of Podcasts where myself, Cole Running, interviews different runners from all over the globe from Elite to Amateur level giving an insight into the lives, training and habits of some of the most interesting runners the world has to offer.
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Obstacle Racers New Zealand
- By: Obstacle Racers NZ
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Join hosts Max Bell and Stephen Steddy as they explore the realms of obstacle sports - including OCR, mud running, adventure racing, hybrid racing, ninja, and more - in New Zealand and abroad. Disclaimer: The hosts are members of the New Zealand Obstacle Sports Association (NZOSA). However the views expressed by the hosts are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of the NZOSA.
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Fail Forward with Adnan & Dan
- By: Adnan Basrai & Dan Smith
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Adnan & Dan discuss failure, struggle and self-doubt to demystify what success actually means & looks like. Ready to deep dive your failure? Message to be a guest on the show!
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Einer rennt Einer hinterher
- By: Einer rennt Einer hinterher
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Hendrik Pfeiffer, Deutscher Marathonmeister und Olympionike, trifft auf den laufverrückten Sat.1-Reporter Christian Schmidt, dessen Stärke vor allem auf der Zielgeraden liegt: Sein unwiderstehlicher Endspurt zur Kölsch-Theke. Wie schafft es der Laufsport, dieses ungleiche Duo zu vereinen? Was treibt eigentlich ein Marathonprofi den ganzen Tag? Natürlich kommen auch die Aufreger und Anekdoten der Woche nicht zu kurz und sogar vor den großen Fragen des Lebens wird (manchmal) kein Halt gemacht. Denn die beiden vereint nicht nur ihre Liebe zum Laufen, sondern auch eine gehörige Portion Humor...
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Biegowe Podcasty
- By: - wszystko o bieganiu
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To są "Biegowe Podcasty" portalu! Gościmy w nich ekspertów, sportowców, trenerów, organizatorów imprez biegowych. Rozmawiamy o najważniejszych biegowych wydarzeniach, produktach i trendach. Zawiązujemy buty i ruszamy! © - wszystko o bieganiu
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Runner's Tales
- By: Runner's tales
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Ogni runner ha una storia che merita di essere raccontata, fatta di sacrifici, allenamenti e quel pizzico di magia che solo la corsa sa dare Racconto storie di Runner, e ogni tanto ci chiacchiero anche
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「RUCOE RUN」が当たるキャンペーンを実施!応募はコチラから!☞【】 この番組は、「これからランニングを始めたい!」「ランナー初心者だけどそろそろ次のステージにいきたい!」と思っているみなさんに、カラダのケアをしながら、長くランニングライフを楽しむための情報をお届けするPodcastです。【毎週金曜日更新】 ●パーソナリティ:ハリー杉山/井上喜久子 ●番組Twitter: ●お便りフォーム:https...
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The Mettleset Podcast
- By: The Mettleset
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The Mettleset Podcast is on a mission to bring you stories of tenacity, courage and mettle from athletes in the Middle East and beyond. From women’s sports and motorsports to adventure, action- and ultra- endurance sports, and everything in between, listeners will get a dose of the region’s most compelling - fun and funny - underreported sports stories every week. Hosts Dawn Barnable (Sports Communications Professional & Ultra Cyclist) is joined by friends who range from record - and boundary – breaking athletes, world-class explorers, community sports leaders and pro athletes at every ...
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Alma de Corredoras
- By: Alma de Corredoras
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O Podcast feito por mulheres, falando de corrida e do universo feminino muito além do esporte. Por: Apoena Evangelista (@correpopo) e Jucelene Ramos (@juce_ramos).
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Courir 24h - Bouger au naturel
- By: Cyril Hussenet
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Des épisodes d'une dizaine de minutes, avec comme but de vous inviter à vous questionner sur votre pratique sportive, faire la liste de tout ce qui compose votre vie par l'alimentation, la préparation mentale et physique, le matériel, la logistique, les ressources web, audio, vidéos, livres, etc.Une belle aventure qui sera pour sûr une re-naissance !Cyril Hussenet aka Le Gars aux pieds-nus !Tous les liens du podcastOn se connecte sur StravaClub "Courir en sandales et pieds-nus" Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
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Swim Bike Talk
- By: Kurt Wesley
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Welcome to my podcast! I will be interviewing triathletes to find out their stories, successes, and questions from fans. Look out for the first episode coming before the end of 2022.
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El Stake-out
- By: El Stake-Out
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El podcast del mushing en España. Un espacio dedicado a compartir experiencias, aprendizajes y buenas prácticas de mushing. El Stake-out lo formamos una comunidad de personas unidas por una misma pasión y desde unos mismos valores: – Practicar deporte junto a nuestras manadas. – Disfrutar de la naturaleza. – Aprender y mejorar sobre las buenas prácticas, metodologías y cuidados.
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Breaking the Barrier
- By: Andrew Lorenzo & Zac Domagalski
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Breaking the Barrier follows the fitness and running journeys of Andrew & Zac... through Marathons, Ultramarathons, OCRs, and everything in between. The aim with the podcast is to inspire people to go above and beyond what they ever thought possible by sharing our experiences as well as interviewing people who have done just that and getting their perspectives. Self-improvement and reflection are also a big part of the show. Lastly, we delve into the world of running and fitness with regular news and trivia. We hope to see you there, going above and beyond what you ever thought possible!
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Schnellerwerden - Der Lauf und Marathonpodcast
- By: Alexander Meisolle
- Original Recording
Willkommen zu "Schnellerwerden - Dein Laufpodcast"! Host Alexander Meisolle, ehemaliger Leistungssportler und mehrfacher deutscher Meister in der Leichtathletik, entführt dich in die Welt des Laufsports und der mentalen Stärke. Mittlerweile ist Alexander einer der gefragtesten Lauftrainer und Mentalcoaches und teilt in diesem Podcast seine wertvollen Kenntnisse und Erfahrungen. Ganz egal, ob du gerade erst mit dem Laufen beginnst, oder bereits ein erfahrener Läufer bist, in diesem Podcast ist für jeden etwas dabei.
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