• A Good Stretch, A Cool Room, and a finger touch Guided Meditation
    Feb 13 2025

    Steps 9 and 10 in “Sleep Reset in 12 Steps” teach you how to use stretching techniques to improve sleep circulation, and how cooler temperatures at bedtime help keep you asleep and stimulate regrowth and repair during deep sleep.

    As always, you can listen to this episode and get sleep help. But you get more out of it with my book “Sleep Reset in 12 Steps”, available in E-book form on all major E-book platforms, and on Amazon if you prefer paperback.

    Start head first with two free chapters, weekly emails, and a bonus guide by signing up here https://subscribepage.io/SleepHelp

    Time Stamps

    1:44 massage, and testing to see if nagging injuries you don’t feel during the day are impacting your sleep

    6:15 the step I hated to do but learned to value- sleep in the cold

    9:16 Guided meditation: finger touching to focus and wind down in bed

    Reach out and touch for sleep,

    Paul Bright, Certified Sleep Science Coach

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    19 mins
  • Bedroom Avoidance and a Warm Tea Guided Meditation
    Feb 6 2025

    Warning: Do NOT play this episode during the day!

    This episode is about Steps 7 and 8 , where you learn what to avoid all day and how hydration improves your sleep.

    I HIGHLY suggest you save this episode until close to your bedtime. You can start it while you brush your teeth, and I give you an opportunity to transition from the bathroom to the bed for this!

    But you don’t have to avoid my book “Sleep Reset in 12 Steps”, available in ebook form on all major ebook platforms, and on Amazon if you prefer paperback.

    Give yourself a head start with two free chapters, weekly emails, and a bonus guide by signing up here.https://subscribepage.io/SleepHelp

    Time Stamps

    2:45 The Bedroom, and why you need to part ways with it until bedtime

    6:00 Spilling the tea on what teas help and hurt your sleep

    8:55 Guided Meditation: drinking warm tea

    I am your Valerian Root,

    Paul Bright, Certified Sleep Science Coach

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    18 mins
  • Sleepwear, Exercise, and an Ocean Guided Meditation
    Jan 30 2025

    Welcome to Season 3, episode 3 of “The Why Behind Your Z’s”.

    We’re at the halfway point in the steps of my book “Sleep Reset in 12 Steps”, available in E-book form on all major E-book platforms, and on Amazon if you prefer paperback.

    Give yourself a head start with two free chapters, weekly emails, and a bonus guide by signing up here.https://subscribepage.io/SleepHelp

    This episode will focus on two steps that seem like they have nothing to do with sleep, but can have EVERYTHING to do with sleep by helping focus on your mindset and your body, two of the four domains that I believe have the most impact on your sleep.

    Time Stamps

    2:30 changing clothes, and how my dirty Air Force uniforms impacted my family life

    6:40 Exercise, anxiety, and Adele

    9:15 Guided Meditation: swimming in a peaceful ocean

    Walk to your wake up,

    Paul Bright, Certified Sleep Science Coach

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    15 mins
  • Stimulant Management, and a Body Scan Guided Meditation
    Jan 23 2025

    Welcome to this episode, where we will focus on how meditation and monitoring your stimulant intakes can help and harm your sleep.

    Incorporate what you learn in this episode, and you could see drastic, positive changes to your sleep! Some of the best work I’ve done with clients has been from identifying one area of need and applying a strategy to address it.

    This episode is based on steps 3 and 4 of my book, “Sleep Reset in 12 Steps”, available on all major ebook platforms for download, and Amazon if you want the paperback version.

    Want two free chapters of “Sleep Reset in 12 Steps?” Subscribe here and you’ll get bonus materials plus weekly emails full of free sleep tips. https://subscribepage.io/SleepHelp

    I suggest starting this episode 10 minutes before bedtime so that you’re nice and comfy by the time the guided meditation starts playing

    Time Stamps

    1:30 Meditation and its benefits

    6:30 Surprising sources of stimulants

    12:28 Guided Meditation: Body Scan

    Sleep well on this!

    Paul Bright, Certified Sleep Science Coach


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    22 mins
  • How Your Morning Routine Impacts Sleep, and a Sunrise Guided Meditation
    Jan 14 2025

    Want two free chapters of “Sleep Reset in 12 Steps?” Subscribe here and you’ll get bonus materials plus weekly emails full of free sleep tips. https://subscribepage.io/SleepHelp

    Season 3 will be based on my book, Sleep Reset in 12 Steps, available on all major E-book platforms for download, and Amazon if you want the paperback version.

    Every episode this season will be based on every step in the book. You don’t “need” the book to benefit from these episodes, for two reasons:

    1. I have additional action steps I talk about for each chapter that are not in book, and

    2. Every episode ends with something that’s not in the book: a guided meditation!

    But if you DO buy “Sleep Reset”, everything makes even more sense. You can start building your own restorative sleep plan, and use these podcast episodes as extra armor in your battle against insomnia!

    One thing I suggest for this season is to wait until nighttime to listen. The best time to start is right before bed, while you’re brushing your teeth, and be in bed for the guided meditation.

    Time Stamps

    3:42- Step Zero, the one you need before you do anything else

    7:19- Step 1: Sun Exposure

    11:37- Step 2: Sleep Supporting Breakfast

    15:09- The guided meditation: watching a sunrise


    Paul Bright, Certified Sleep Science Coach

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    22 mins
  • Season 3 Teaser
    Dec 17 2024

    Season 3 of The Why Behind Your Z's debuts January 13th at 10pm Eastern!

    This season will be a companion to my book "Sleep Reset in 12 Steps", currently available on all major Ebook selling platforms and as a paperback on Amazon. I present additional beneficial techniques and info for each step, plus end every episode with a sleep-inducing guided meditation!

    You don't need to buy the book to learn something from this season, but it helps!

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    2 mins
  • Prescribed Sleep Medications: Do They Help You Sleep?
    Jan 23 2024

    Season 2 of "The Why Behind Your Z's" will feature interviews with other experts in the field, and I thought it best to start with a medical doctor.

    Dr. Arjun Iyer is an emergency medicine physician and a host on USMLE's medical podcast, the Audio Bricks Podcast.

    In this episode, we do more than just talk about prescribed sleep medications and their efficacy. I ask Dr. Iyer about insomnia-related cases he's treated in the E.R., what he thinks about supplements and cannabis as sleep aids; and what he believes is the best way to fight insomnia. Here's a hint: we both agree that prescribed medications are not the ultimate answer!

    This podcast is partly sponsored by the Creative Copes podcast. Listen to part 1 of my guest appearance here!

    If you want more free sleep coaching help in your inbox and alerts about upcoming episodes, subscribe now.

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    25 mins
  • Mindfulness Meditation Over A Warm Drink
    Dec 13 2023

    Do you find yourself too busy in the holiday season to enjoy the simple things? It's no secret that daily stressors have a negative impact on sleep, and even the "simple things" that are normally relaxing become stressful!

    On this final episode of Season 2, I provide a mindfulness meditation that helps you engage in your senses as you do something most people do in the cold months- sit down and have a warm drink.

    Play this episode the next time you plan to sit at a table or comfortable spot with your warm drink- be it coffee, tea, or hot chocolate. It only takes 10 minutes, and I'll guide you along the way to do what you normally do, but with better, relaxing benefits.

    As always, if you want more tips to improve sleep, you can sign up here.

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    8 mins