• Welcome to Science and Shit!
    Sep 11 2021

    In this podcast I'll show you how a healthier gut leads to a happier life. I specialize in all things digestion, and I've seen it all!

    Over the past 8 years, I've helped clients in my practice to reverse their autoimmune symptoms and now I want to help you sift through all the info to find what's relevant for you. We'll seriously uplevel your health, taking into account your entire self and treating you as a whole person.

    I use scientific, research-backed remedies and protocols, go deeper, ask questions, and practice curiosity.

    For more about me and the work I do, visit michellecaseynutrition.com.

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    3 mins
  • Michelle's Story
    Dec 13 2021

    *CONTENT NOTE: In this episode, there is mention of suicidal thoughts*

    Seven years ago I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis.  It took several years to get the diagnosis.  I used to be a personal trainer, a figure competitor, and marathon runner.  I was starting to get hit by debilitating fatigue, extremely painful and heavy periods, and eventually bloody diarrhea, 10-15 times a day.  I had already been on and off elimination diets for competitions so removing food groups wasn’t too difficult, but it didn’t really help.  I was keeping myself busy with multiple jobs, holding myself together with cortisol and caffeine and once I stopped, I could not get going again.

    It wasn’t until I was tested for food allergies and found the Paleo anti-inflammatory diet that I was able to finally start reversing the symptoms and reach remission.

    Your mileage may vary! My work is all about customizing to the individual to find a protocol that works for their unique biochemical situation, so don’t take my story as a cure-all protocol to be followed blindly.

    If you want a research-backed gut healing diet to reverse your systems and reset your relationship with food, visit goodpoopersclub.com to get the scoop.

    Connect with me more at https://michellecaseynutrition.com/podcast/

    Or on the socials:




    Music credit: “New Way Forward” by Young Presidents

    A Podcast Launch Bestie production

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    31 mins
  • Get Your Shit Together Workshop
    Dec 13 2021

    First things first: go to this link and get your workbook! >>> ​​https://michellecaseynutrition.com/get-your-shit-together-workshop-download/

    Using this worksheet, you can rate yourself on the different aspects of each of these 9 steps of wellness mastery:

    1. Prioritize nutrient density.
    2. Eat mindfully.
    3. Fortify your gut.
    4. Test and assess - don’t guess!
    5. Identify and remove stressors.
    6. Supplement to support.
    7. Tailor to your tendency.  Start here >> Four tendencies quiz: https://quiz.gretchenrubin.com/
    8. Measure what matters.
    9. Make it sustainable.

    Now, remember we are just gathering data. There’s nothing moral about it. Don’t use this information to beat yourself up!

    If you want a research-backed gut healing diet to reverse your systems and reset your relationship with food, visit goodpoopersclub.com to get the scoop.

    Connect with me more at https://michellecaseynutrition.com/podcast/

    Or on the socials:




    Music credit: “New Way Forward” by Young Presidents

    A Podcast Launch Bestie production

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    29 mins
  • Prioritize Nutrient Density
    Dec 13 2021

    A lot of health issues that people have that turn into symptoms that can be grouped together into a diagnosable disease starts out with nutrient deficiencies.  Simply put, whole, unprocessed foods in their natural form have more nutrients.  Processed foods may be “enriched” with supplements, but supplements should be just that… not staples.

    To get started with Step 1 of my “Get Your Shit Together” system, understand these 3 things first:

    1. Understanding your unique nutrient needs
    2. Understanding which foods contain those nutrients
    3. Eating a diet of at least 80% of those foods

    A word of caution here - if you need a certain nutrient and the list of foods you can get it from is full of foods you’re allergic or sensitive to, still avoid those foods.  Allergy testing can be helpful, but an elimination diet is the best way to really pin down what foods are causing an inflammatory reaction.

    >>>Nutrient Deficiency Self-Assessment: ​​https://michellecaseynutrition.com/nutrient-deficiency-self-assessment/ <<<

    Additional Resources:

    ​​Effects of a nonnutritive sweetener on body adiposity and energy metabolism in mice with diet-induced obesity: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0026049513002813?casa_token=P6GSW60SE7QAAAAA:Kag16-AZVNOtBQ1s7pAfW4UDF6chhrJ3LN_8xp9fl60HpDe3QCAOnN1dobqGiWDP7G7HCTuAFA

    Non-nutritive sweeteners possess a bacteriostatic effect and alter gut microbiota in mice: https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0199080

    Weatherby, Dicken N.D. (2004). Signs and Symptoms Analysis From A Functional Perspective, 2nd Edition. Emperors Group LLC






    If you want a research-backed gut healing diet to reverse your systems and reset your relationship with food, visit goodpoopersclub.com to get the scoop.

    Connect with me more at https://michellecaseynutrition.com/podcast/

    Or on the socials:




    Music credit: “New Way Forward” by Young Presidents


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    36 mins
  • Eat Mindfully
    Dec 13 2021

    Here we are, step 2 of my “Get Your Shit Together” system.  This portion is all about eating mindfully.

    1. Do you sit down and eat in a relaxed state?
    2. Do you chew each bite thoroughly?
    3. Do you enjoy and savor your food?

    Mindfulness is a term that’s thrown around a lot lately, but all it really means is that you’re being attentive and intentional with whatever we’re doing. Remember, this doesn’t mean that we’re assigning “good” or “bad” morality to food.

    The important thing here is that if we’re not in a parasympathetic state, our digestive system will slow down.  We need to get out of the fight-or-flight sympathetic mode in order to digest.

    Now for the super obvious part: you have to chew thoroughly! Your stomach doesn’t have teeth and you only have one shot at breaking your food down mechanically, so your stomach acid and enzymes have a chance to break it down into absorbable nutrients.

    Also, make sure you’re eating food you enjoy that also fills the nutrient density profile.  You want the endorphins and happy hormones that come from that first delectable bite!

    If you want a research-backed gut healing diet to reverse your systems and reset your relationship with food, visit goodpoopersclub.com to get the scoop.

    Connect with me more at https://michellecaseynutrition.com/podcast/

    Or on the socials:




    Music credit: “New Way Forward” by Young Presidents

    A Podcast Launch Bestie production

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    22 mins
  • Fortify Your Gut!
    Dec 13 2021

    Step 3 of my “Get Your Shit Together” system is to fortify your gut.  I say fortify because not everyone specifically needs gut healing, but everyone can fortify their gut so it works better.

    There are 3 main habits that are important for this step:

    1. Reduce or stop damage to the gut lining
    2. Eat probiotic foods or supplements
    3. Give your digestive system a break by waiting 4 or 5 hours between meals

    Some probiotics to look for if you are prone to certain issues: 

    • Bifido strains for food sensitivities
    • Lactobacillus reuteri, lactobacillus rhamnosus, or saccharomyces boulardii for yeast, thrush, and fungal infections
    • If you have reactions to probiotics, try a spore based probiotic like MegaSpore

    If you want a research-backed gut healing diet to reverse your systems and reset your relationship with food, visit goodpoopersclub.com to get the scoop.

    Connect with me more at https://michellecaseynutrition.com/podcast/

    Or on the socials:




    Music credit: “New Way Forward” by Young Presidents

    A Podcast Launch Bestie production

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    23 mins
  • Test and Assess, Don't Guess
    Dec 13 2021

    Now we’re into step 4 of my “Get Your Shit Together” system, which comes down to functional medicine screenings at regular intervals. “Functional” means something is working optimally, doing what it’s supposed to be doing.  Functional medicine investigates how and why illness occurs rather than treating symptoms.  Typical ranges for blood work interpretation is looking for treatable disease, not dysfunction.  Functional medicine looks at a much narrower range to find imbalances before they become disease.

    1. Understand what functional lab tests are and what functional ranges are 
    2. Have someone on your team or learn how to interpret your labs
    3. Retest at regular intervals

    This is just a taste of what functional lab testing is all about. You can learn to interpret your labs yourself, starting with this book: Blood Chemistry and CBC Analysis

    If you want a research-backed gut healing diet to reverse your systems and reset your relationship with food, visit goodpoopersclub.com to get the scoop.

    Connect with me more at https://michellecaseynutrition.com/podcast/

    Or on the socials:




    Music credit: “New Way Forward” by Young Presidents

    A Podcast Launch Bestie production

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    22 mins
  • Identify & Remove Stressors
    Dec 13 2021

    Step 5 in my “Get Your Shit Together” system is about identifying and removing stress.

    1. Are you getting regular coaching, therapy, or support as needed to help manage your stress and relationship to stressors?
    2. Do you have practices or habits in place to support your central nervous system and get parasympathetic?
    3. Are you working to reduce sources of inflammation and infection?

    Yeah, it’s a lot.  But, if this piece isn’t in place, it makes everything else very difficult.

    If you want a research-backed gut healing diet to reverse your systems and reset your relationship with food, visit goodpoopersclub.com to get the scoop.

    Connect with me more at https://michellecaseynutrition.com/podcast/

    Or on the socials:




    Music credit: “New Way Forward” by Young Presidents

    A Podcast Launch Bestie production

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    27 mins