This episode might be a little bit different from most podcasts you listen to in that you're going to have to actually work in order to benefit from it.
I get it. You're already bitten down to a nub, and you just want to crack open a cold one and listen to a couple of guys run their mouths for awhile. Well, there will be time for that in future episodes, but I think you'll be glad you put on your thinking cap and really listen in to this one.
Today we hear from John Foster, a man I met at an event where he was speaking on the topic of angel investing. After his talk, I approached him and asked if he would be willing to speak about angel investing on my new podcast, the one you're listening to now.
He said absolutely, he'd love to do it, and we were able to make it happen!
We begin with the audio of John's YouTube presentation, "Zero to Austrian in 18 Minutes"; then go right into the interview talking about angel investing.
I knew next to nothing about angel investing, outside of what I'd seen on Shark Tank, before I recorded this interview. And it turns out that Shark Tank, ahem, exaggerates the actual angel investing scenario for dramatic effect.
I promise you'll come away from today's episode with a genuine knowledge of what angel investing is. You might even find yourself snickering at your friends who are raving about the crazy antics they recently saw on an episode of Shark Tank!
Here are a few of the questions I was able to ask John about angel investing:
-Is there some connection between your company and angel investing? Are you really giving middle-schoolers MBA’s?
-What exactly is angel investing?
-How did you get get into angel investing?
-What does the private company ecosystem look like and where does angel investing fit in?
-What about accelerators and incubators?
-What sort of companies do angels want to invest in?
-What does the process look like? Is it basically like Shark Tank?
-What about just getting a loan from your local bank? What about grants?
-How do entrepreneurs get into this game? What should they look for? What are their chances?
-Is the recent increase in interest rates having any effect on the space?
-What’s with Silicon Valley Bank blowing up? Does that impact startups?
Resources mentioned:Middle School MBA
Scott Adams: How to Fail At Everything...
About the guest:
John Foster is president and founder of Middle School MBA, an Ed-Tech company disrupting the business/entrepreneurship space.
John received his BS, Chem Eng, and MBA from LSU and was kindly employed for the next thirty-three years by Freeport-McMoRan, Stauffer Chemical, Rhone-Poulenc, and Innophos, Inc.
His industrial career failed its way through process engineering, plant operations, business management, M&A, and corporate strategy; finally failing big enough to exit.
He founded Middle School MBA to teach kids the lowdown on business, economics, and entrepreneurship, hoping they might fail bigger and sooner.
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Outwitting the Devil Audiobook
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