Frederica Mathewes-Green is the author of the recently released Two Views of the Cross: Orthodoxy and the West.
The book centers on two separate paintings depicting the crucifixion of Christ. One shows him ultimately victorious; the other hopelessly defeated. From this springs a vibrant discussion on how the Orthodox view of the cross and of our responsibility toward God is quite different from commonly accepted views within modern Christianity.
I was very grateful that Frederica agreed to join me for an interview. And I don't think we even scratched the surface of all there is to discuss from her book, even in a nearly 90 minute interview, so it's all the more reason to purchase a copy for yourself!
In this discussion with Frederica, you'll discover:
-Frederica’s spiritual journey from idealistic hippy to knowing God…03:30
-Lying is the death of reality…07:15
-War is hell on earth…09:30
-How Frederica discovered and embraced Orthodox Christianity…10:40
-Why young men particularly are disenchanted with the “coddling” modern churches, and embrace Orthodoxy…15:15
-The problem of "the race to relevance” among churches in any given locale…19:50
-The forsaken man and the venerated "single mother"...24:00
-How a Greek word meaning "divine energy" validated James' formulation of the C.R.A.V.E. acronym...33:15
-Controversy behind translating the Hebrew Scripture into Greek, and then back into Hebrew...39:15
-Why aren't native English speakers forced to learn Greek to learn the Bible?...46:45
-Doctrinal problems with mainline Protestant thought...51:30
-Orthodox (and most likely obscure) perspectives on common Bible stories...56:00
-Ways in which the crucifixion is depicted visually throughout history (re: two views of the cross), and how this informs one's theology and understanding of atonement...01:00:30
-Is sin a disease that needs to be healed, or a debt that needs to be repaid?...01:08:00
-How our individual sin contributes to the sinful world at large in which we live...01:12:00
-Why are we so inclined to embrace an image of God that is prone to anger and judgment?...01:18:00
-And much more!
Resources mentioned:
Two Views of the Cross: Orthodoxy and the West by Frederica Mathewes-Green
Frederica's website