
  • E10: The Birds & The Bees.
    Nov 13 2021

    OT & Reem from the Dukkan Show joined us today at the studio to talk about a very important yet sensitive topic that isn't openly discussed within our community: The Birds & The Bees; the conversation about intercourse, how babies are made and all that's in between. As we leap into this a little further, we start unraveling the differences on how this specific topic is being portrayed to girls and boys in the region once they've hit puberty and how this in itself may be the reason why there's a very big disconnect on how we view ourselves, our bodies and the opposite sex. #LeapWithAmal

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    Follow us on social media:

    Instagram at @leap.of.hope / @DukkanMedia

    Twitter at @_leapofhope / @DukkanMedia

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/LeapofHope

    If you have any questions, get in touch with us at amal@leapofhope.fit

    LEAP! is hosted by Amal Murad and brought to you by Dukkan Media.

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    54 mins
  • E09: PCOS & Athleticism with Masuma Hussain.
    Nov 4 2021

    We leap a little deeper into the life of a Coach & Fitness enthusiast, Masuma Hussain who was diagnosed with PCOS. We try to unravel the complexities of PCOS as she is constantly trying to find what works for her through trial and error. Doctors are constantly prescribing birth control and glucophage and she felt that didn't sit right with her. Join us as tries to manage the unpredictable symptoms of PCOS through nutrition, exercise and lifestyle changes. #LeapWithAmal

    Be sure to subscribe to this show and leave a rating and review!

    Follow us on social media:

    Instagram at @leap.of.hope / @DukkanMedia

    Twitter at @_leapofhope / @DukkanMedia

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/LeapofHope

    If you have any questions, get in touch with us at amal@leapofhope.fit

    LEAP! is hosted by Amal Murad and brought to you by Dukkan Media.

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    44 mins
  • E08: 7 Myths Surrounding Pregnancy.
    Oct 21 2021

    As I approach my second pregnancy, I realized how easy it is to fall victim to myths and fads we find on social media. On this episode, I speak my mind and vent a little bit about things that have been affecting me while I'm going through this very vulnerable part in my life.  #LeapWithAmal

    Be sure to subscribe to this show and leave a rating and review!

    Follow us on social media:

    Instagram at @leap.of.hope / @DukkanMedia

    Twitter at @_leapofhope / @DukkanMedia

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/LeapofHope

    If you have any questions, get in touch with us at amal@leapofhope.fit

    LEAP! is hosted by Amal Murad and brought to you by Dukkan Media.

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    22 mins
  • E07: Pursuing A Career in Fitness.
    Sep 2 2021

    This episode, we leap into the world of fitness as a career choice. I have left my corporate job almost 5 years ago and I haven’t looked back since but is personal training the way to go for everyone? We look into the pros and cons of this decision that can possibly guide you in knowing what to expect if you ever do want to take the leap into this industry. #LeapWithAmal

    Be sure to subscribe to this show and leave a rating and review!

    Follow us on social media:

    Instagram at @leap.of.hope / @DukkanMedia

    Twitter at @_leapofhope / @DukkanMedia

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/LeapofHope

    If you have any questions, get in touch with us at amal@leapofhope.fit

    LEAP! is hosted by Amal Murad and brought to you by Dukkan Media.

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    18 mins
  • E06: Nutrition & Understanding your body.
    Aug 12 2021

    Joining us today at the LEAP podcast is a mom, athlete, and nutritionist, Eman Shakeeb. Together, we dive a little deeper into nutrition and the different myths we, as women, tend to believe due to the rise in diet culture. #LeapWithAmal

    Be sure to subscribe to this show and leave a rating and review!

    Follow us on social media:

    Instagram at @leap.of.hope / @DukkanMedia

    Twitter at @_leapofhope / @DukkanMedia

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/LeapofHope

    If you have any questions, get in touch with us at amal@leapofhope.fit

    LEAP! is hosted by Amal Murad and brought to you by Dukkan Media.

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    25 mins
  • E05: Miscarriages shouldn't be Taboo.
    Aug 5 2021

    On this episode we share a very intimate conversation with Zainab AlSawalhi talking about her experience with pregnancy and loss. We touch upon the physical and mental state women are in when they are trying to recover from trauma and how unfortunate that Miscarriage is still considered Taboo even though studies show that they are more common than we think. So many women suffer in silence and Zainab's brave decision to post about her own experience online has allowed more women to come forth and find a safe space to share their own stories. #LeapWithAmal

    Be sure to subscribe to this show and leave a rating and review!

    Follow us on social media:

    Instagram at @leap.of.hope / @DukkanMedia

    Twitter at @_leapofhope / @DukkanMedia

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/LeapofHope

    If you have any questions, get in touch with us at amal@leapofhope.fit

    LEAP! is hosted by Amal Murad and brought to you by Dukkan Media.

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    36 mins
  • E04: Resilience in Motherhood.
    Jul 29 2021

    Resilience is often described as the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; or “mental toughness”. But when do you draw the line? When can you decide that enough is enough? #LeapWithAmal

    Be sure to subscribe to this show and leave a rating and review!

    Follow us on social media:

    Instagram at @leap.of.hope / @DukkanMedia

    Twitter at @_leapofhope / @DukkanMedia

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/LeapofHope

    If you have any questions, get in touch with us at amal@leapofhope.fit

    LEAP! is hosted by Amal Murad and brought to you by Dukkan Media.

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    10 mins
  • E03: What your OB-GYN & personal trainer don't know.
    Jul 25 2021

    It was a pleasure to have Celina Bicho, a passionate women’s health physiotherapist that is also specialized in pediatric rehabilitation. We leaped into the different stages of a woman’s life and what her job entailed as a woman that knows her way around pelvic floors. We both agreed that all women need a team but unfortunately we rarely see women get the help they need after their visits with their OB-GYN. In most cases, women rush to go to the gym and meet with their personal trainer without knowing that there needs to be a middle-woman in this equation; a women’s health specialist/physiotherapist. The physiotherapist is the one who can diagnose and assess whether a woman is ready to exercise and to know where she stands from a musculoskeletal point of view.  Like they always say “it takes a village to raise a child” and we’re hoping that through this episode, you’ll know how to find your own village. #LeapWithAmal

    Be sure to subscribe to this show and leave a rating and review!

    Follow us on social media:

    Instagram at @leap.of.hope / @DukkanMedia

    Twitter at @_leapofhope / @DukkanMedia

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/LeapofHope

    If you have any questions, get in touch with us at amal@leapofhope.fit

    LEAP! is hosted by Amal Murad and brought to you by Dukkan Media.

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    48 mins