• 159: Healthy Living Simple Tips with Dr. Aaron Hartman
    Apr 11 2023

    Covered in Episode 152 with Dr. Aaron Hartman:

    • What is hypermobility and the illnesses associated with it
    • Why is hypermobility associated with so many different health challenges?
    • The common symptoms of hypermobility
    • How hypermobility affect Lyme and Mold illness

    Dr. Aaron Hartman's journey with functional medicine started when he & his wife adopted their first daughter from foster care. She has cerebral palsy & countless dietary issues. They went from specialist to specialist and, even as a physician, he felt let down & confused. His daughter's health struggles forced him to confront an uncomfortable realization: Our current healthcare system doesn't have all the answers. His wife, however, refused to give up hope. She ultimately pointed him to functional medicine. His daughter & other two kids began to thrive. After years in family practice, he felt called to make a dramatic shift.

    He now helps patients identify leverage points in key areas of their lifestyle & health that harness their body's remarkable power to heal and begin living the vibrant life they deserve. He has become the ‘go to’ doctor for difficult and hard cases in central Virginia.

    As a clinical researcher, Dr. Hartman has been involved with over 60 clinical studies, he is the founder of the Virginia Research Center, and currently is serving as an Assistant Clinical Professor of Family Medicine at the VCU School of Medicine.

    In 2016 he founded Richmond Integrative and Functional Medicine







    Mentioned in this episode:




    LMNT: http://elementallabs.refr.cc/lisaolszewski or https://bit.ly/drlisaolmnt

    Dr. Lisa's Cookbooks:


    Dr. Lisa's Kick Sugar and Keto Courses:




    Check out Dr. Lisa O's favorite things at

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    3 mins
  • 158: Coconut Oil, MCT & Alzheimer's: Exploring the Latest Research
    Apr 6 2023

    It’s funny how life comes full circle sometimes, right? I remember early on in my practice digging into some doctor’s research on coconut oil. I had been using coconut oil in my diet for several years, and this lady was giving it to her husband and seeing changes in his dementia symptoms. Little did I know then that I’d be recording a podcast with her nearly 15 years later. And that we’d laugh and cry on the podcast too. Dr. Mary Newport shares her and her husband’s heart wrenching story regarding Alzheimer’s Disease and what led this neonatologist to developing a product with Pruvit, the first company to bring exogenous ketones to the marketplace.

    Dr. Mary Newport's website:  https://coconutketones.com/

    Mentioned in this episode:

    For Exogenous Ketones, Pruvit 1:4:3, and KetoUP: drlisa.shopketo.com

    For virtual consults with Dr. Lisa: bitly.com/drlisaconsult

    Dr. Lisa’s Facebook Group: KetOWN Your Health https://www.facebook.com/groups/869536203210488



    LMNT: http://elementallabs.refr.cc/lisaolszewski or https://bit.ly/drlisaolmnt

    Dr. Lisa's Cookbooks:


    Dr. Lisa's Kick Sugar and Keto Courses:




    Dr. Lisa’s Favorite Things: www.drlisao.com/bio

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Crunchi Makeup and Beauty Products

    Crunchi: Smart. Conscious. Beautiful. https://crunchi.com/lisaolszewski


    Grab Your LMNT Here:

    https://bit.ly/drlisaolmnt http://elementallabs.refr.cc/lisaolszewski

    Nourish Super Greens and Reds


    Balance T Natural Testosterone Support


    Dry Farm Wines

    Claim Your Dry Farm Wines Penny Bottle at www.dryfarmwines.com/healthylivingsimple

    Dry Farm Wines

    Dr. Lisa O Nourish UT (Urinary Tract Support)

    Dr. Lisa O Nourish UT (Urinary Tract Support) https://www.drlisao.com/products/urinary-tract-support

    Nourish Balance Thrive Supplements

    Our New Supplement Line Has Arrived!

    Help cleanse your liver with our Nourish Liver Support get it at...

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    1 hr and 20 mins
  • 157: Healthy Living Simple Tips with Dr. Diane Mueller
    Apr 4 2023

    Dr. Diane Mueller knows firsthand what it is like to be misdiagnosed, underdiagnosed, and told that everything is fine when it most certainly is not. At one point in her medical history, she thought she might be dying due to the serious memory loss and inability to walk. Lyme Disease was one of the root causes that caused symptom from pain to digestive disorders and hormonal imbalances. At her clinic, My Lyme Doc, she is passionate about helping people return to full health, just as she did.




    Covered in the Episode 150 with Dr. Diane:

    • When should someone consider that Lyme Disease is an underlying cause of their symptoms?
    • How does Lyme Disease impact the brain, the hormones, the gut and sleep?
    • What does one do to determine if they have Lyme Disease?
    • How does one begin to treat Lyme Disease?

    LMNT: http://elementallabs.refr.cc/lisaolszewski 

    or https://bit.ly/drlisaolmnt




    Dr. Lisa's Cookbooks:


    Dr. Lisa's Kick Sugar and Keto Courses:




    Check out Dr. Lisa O's favorite things at drlisao.com/bio

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Grab Your LMNT Here:

    https://bit.ly/drlisaolmnt http://elementallabs.refr.cc/lisaolszewski

    Crunchi Makeup and Beauty Products

    Crunchi: Smart. Conscious. Beautiful. https://crunchi.com/lisaolszewski


    Dry Farm Wines

    Claim Your Dry Farm Wines Penny Bottle at www.dryfarmwines.com/healthylivingsimple

    Dry Farm Wines

    Nourish Super Greens and Reds


    Balance T Natural Testosterone Support


    Show More Show Less
    9 mins
  • 156 Unexplained Symptoms: How Fatigue, Thyroid Issues, Pain & More Might Be Linked to your MOUTH?
    Mar 30 2023

    Dr. Caitlin Czezowski DC, CFMP, CACCP is a doctor of chiropractic and certified functional medicine practitioner with extensive training in women's health, pregnancy and children.

    The reason Dr. Caitlin’s searches for the root cause is because her health took a turn for the worse in her 20’s and no Doctor could tell her why.

    It wasn’t until she traced her root cause back to the dental work she had done as a teenager and young adult. Through extensive research, she found that the majority of symptoms and even illnesses can be linked back to the mouth, and because of this, The Dental Detox was created.

    Covered in this Episode:

    What are amalgams, why are they bad?

    How silver fillings affect your health systemically

    How mercury affects thyroid function

    How can one address these challenges?

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Nourish Thyroid Support: https://www.drlisao.com/products/nourish-thyroid-support

    Nourish Brain and Body Omega: (Fish Oil) https://www.drlisao.com/products/nourish-brain-body-omega

    Kids Nourish Brain & Body Function: (Kids Fish Oil) https://www.drlisao.com/products/nourish-brains-body-function



    LMNT: http://elementallabs.refr.cc/lisaolszewski or https://bit.ly/drlisaolmnt

    Dr. Lisa's Cookbooks:


    Dr. Lisa's Kick Sugar and Keto Courses:




    Check out Dr. Lisa O's favorite things at drlisao.com/bio

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Nourish Super Greens and Reds


    Our New Supplement Line Has Arrived!

    Help cleanse your liver with our Nourish Liver Support get it at www.drlisao.com and click on the Shop button. Balance T might just be the supplement you are missing in your routine! Women need testosterone too, so grab a bottle at the link below!

    Nourish Balance Thrive Supplements

    Grab Your LMNT Here:

    https://bit.ly/drlisaolmnt http://elementallabs.refr.cc/lisaolszewski

    Crunchi Makeup and Beauty Products

    Crunchi: Smart. Conscious. Beautiful. https://crunchi.com/lisaolszewski

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    39 mins
  • 155 Chiropractic Miracles? Or Just the Body Functioning without Nerve Interference?
    Mar 28 2023

    In celebrating her 20 years since graduation of Chiropractic School, Dr. Lisa had so many of her patients asking how she ended up in Chiropractic. She realized that a lot of her own patients didn't even know the "miracle" story of one of her family members, and she wanted to share it with all of you... Plus, for those of you in the practice, you may have seen the photo of the kids from a mission trip in Kathmandu Nepal in 2002. There's a reason she keeps those pictures on her wall, 21 years later... Tune in today to a special episode from another podcast Dr. Lisa was a featured guest on, where she was asked about her own personal story...

    Dr. Lisa's Upper Cervical Chiropractic Office in Chelsea Michigan:


    Mentioned in this episode:




    LMNT: http://elementallabs.refr.cc/lisaolszewski or https://bit.ly/drlisaolmnt

    Dr. Lisa's Cookbooks:


    Dr. Lisa's Kick Sugar and Keto Courses:




    Mentioned in this episode:

    Crunchi Makeup and Beauty Products

    Crunchi: Smart. Conscious. Beautiful. https://crunchi.com/lisaolszewski


    Grab Your LMNT Here:

    https://bit.ly/drlisaolmnt http://elementallabs.refr.cc/lisaolszewski

    Nourish Super Greens and Reds


    Nourish Liver

    We talk about toxicity a lot on the pod, from our food and our environment to the air we breathe and the water we drink. As you’ve heard me say, if we’re not getting rid of toxins, they’re going to store in certain areas of our body—like our fat. As I’ve told my patients for years, if you’re struggling with weight loss, it could be an over burdened body by toxins. Think of it this way—your body won’t release fat because it’s protecting itself from the toxins. It’s so necessary to clear out the filters of our body… including our liver. We change the filters on our cars often, but what about our body? Check it out at https://www.drlisao.com/collections/all

    Dry Farm Wines

    Claim Your Dry Farm Wines Penny Bottle at www.dryfarmwines.com/healthylivingsimple

    Dry Farm Wines

    Balance T Natural Testosterone Support


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    23 mins
  • 154 Insomnia: Sleep Medications and Increased Dementia Risk: The Link You Need to Know About Before Buying Another Sleep Med!
    Mar 23 2023

    Recent research show an increased risk of dementia with the use of pharmaceutical sleep aids. Dr. Lisa deep dives into the reasons why and talks about other options to help get healthy sleep.

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Nourish Co-Q10 (300 mg): https://www.drlisao.com/products/nourish-coq10

    Thrive Melatonin: https://www.drlisao.com/products/thrive-melatonin

    Nourish Magnesium: https://www.drlisao.com/products/nourish-magnesium

    Balance Adrenal: https://www.drlisao.com/products/balance-adrenal-support (to help calm)

    Nourish Adrenal: https://www.drlisao.com/products/nourish-adrenal-support (best taken during the day)

    Mentioned in this episode:




    LMNT: http://elementallabs.refr.cc/lisaolszewski or https://bit.ly/drlisaolmnt

    Dr. Lisa's Cookbooks:


    Dr. Lisa's Kick Sugar and Keto Courses:




    Check out Dr. Lisa O's favorite things at drlisao.com/bio

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Nourish Super Greens and Reds


    Dry Farm Wines

    Claim Your Dry Farm Wines Penny Bottle at www.dryfarmwines.com/healthylivingsimple

    Dry Farm Wines

    Nourish Collagen Peptides

    Nourish Collagen Peptides - It is often recommended to take collagen for the maintenance of healthy skin, hair, and nails. Additionally, it contributes to the strength of tendons and joints. There is a huge demand for collagen in both the health and beauty and fitness sectors. + These collagen peptides are derived from grass-fed, pasture-raised bovines. There are two types of hydrolyzed collagen in this product to give you the maximum benefit. https://www.drlisao.com/products/collagen-peptides

    Nourish Balance Thrive Supplements

    Our New Supplement Line Has Arrived!

    Help cleanse your liver with our Nourish...

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    21 mins
  • 153 Posture Matters: Healthy Living Simple Tips with Dr. Krista Burns
    Mar 21 2023

    Dr. Krista Burns is the founder of the American Posture Institute, author of the textbook The Posture Principles, and TEDx Speaker. Dr. Krista has two doctorate degrees and is leading the charge against postural decline as a Doctor of Chiropractic and a Doctor of Health Administration.

    She has been featured on media including ABC, CBS, NBC, Fox News Radio, and Global Woman Magazine, and prestigious stages including the World Congress of Neurology and Neurological Disorders and the World Congress of Falls and Postural Stability. She was recognized as a Top 100 Doctor by the Global Summits Institute and is the host of the International Posture Symposium.

    Seven Day Posture Reset: https://drkrista.kartra.com/page/the-7-day-posture-reset-register

    Connect with Dr. Krista:




    LMNT: http://elementallabs.refr.cc/lisaolszewski or





    Dr. Lisa's Cookbooks:


    Dr. Lisa's Kick Sugar and Keto Courses:




    Check out Dr. Lisa O's favorite things at drlisao.com/bio

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Grab Your LMNT Here:

    https://bit.ly/drlisaolmnt http://elementallabs.refr.cc/lisaolszewski

    Crunchi Makeup and Beauty Products

    Crunchi: Smart. Conscious. Beautiful. https://crunchi.com/lisaolszewski


    Dry Farm Wines

    Claim Your Dry Farm Wines Penny Bottle at www.dryfarmwines.com/healthylivingsimple

    Dry Farm Wines

    Nourish Super Greens and Reds


    Balance T Natural Testosterone Support


    Show More Show Less
    10 mins
  • 152 Connective Tissue and Hypermobility: The Missing Link for Lyme, Mold and more?
    Mar 16 2023

    Covered in this episode:

    • What is hypermobility and the illnesses associated with it
    • Why is hypermobility associated with so many different health challenges?
    • The common symptoms of hypermobility
    • How hypermobility affect Lyme and Mold illness

    Dr. Aaron Hartman's journey with functional medicine started when he & his wife adopted their first daughter from foster care. She has cerebral palsy & countless dietary issues. They went from specialist to specialist and, even as a physician, he felt let down & confused. His daughter's health struggles forced him to confront an uncomfortable realization: Our current healthcare system doesn't have all the answers. His wife, however, refused to give up hope. She ultimately pointed him to functional medicine. His daughter & other two kids began to thrive. After years in family practice, he felt called to make a dramatic shift.

    He now helps patients identify leverage points in key areas of their lifestyle & health that harness their body's remarkable power to heal and begin living the vibrant life they deserve. He has become the ‘go to’ doctor for difficult and hard cases in central Virginia.

    As a clinical researcher, Dr. Hartman has been involved with over 60 clinical studies, he is the founder of the Virginia Research Center, and currently is serving as an Assistant Clinical Professor of Family Medicine at the VCU School of Medicine.

    In 2016 he founded Richmond Integrative and Functional Medicine







    Mentioned in this episode:




    LMNT: http://elementallabs.refr.cc/lisaolszewski or https://bit.ly/drlisaolmnt

    Dr. Lisa's Cookbooks:


    Dr. Lisa's Kick Sugar and Keto Courses:




    Check out Dr. Lisa O's favorite things at drlisao.com/bio

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Our New Supplement Line Has...

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    40 mins