• What is Epigenetics and Controlling our Environment with Ken Close
    Jul 28 2022

    The process of epigenetics, where the readability, or expression, of genes, is modified without changing the DNA code itself. Tiny chemical tags are added to or removed from our DNA in response to changes in the environment in which we are living. These tags turn genes on or off, offering a way of adapting to changing conditions without inflicting a more permanent shift in our genomes.

    In Biology of Belief, Dr. Bruce Lipton, Ph.D., outlines a new understanding of life-based on his pioneering research with stem cells at Stanford University. In his book, Dr. Lipton proclaims that genes do not control biology and that cellular perceptions of the environment are the primary factor in biological processes.

    The field of epigenetics is quickly growing and with it the understanding that both the environment and individual lifestyle can also directly interact with the genome to influence epigenetic change. These changes may be reflected at various stages throughout a person’s life and even in later generations.

    Diet has also been shown to modify epigenetic tags in significant ways. The field of nutrigenomics explores how food and epigenetics work together to influence health and wellbeing. The environment is being investigated as a powerful influence on epigenetic tags and disease susceptibility. Pollution has become a significant focus in this research area as scientists find that air pollution could alter methyl tags on DNA and increase one’s risk for neurodegenerative disease.

    00:00 Introduction to Epigenetics

    08:40 It's about efficiency. So we build a body. Here's an interesting concept to think about it. A body. This disease is disordered. All right? There's an efficiency to that. The body is efficient at being disease. It's not efficient for being healthy. It's propagation. It's a signal is being built over time. And so chronic disease or disordered chronic disease is something that didn't happen just today.

    22:50 there's a memory and the memory has a huge attachment to the emotion. So that's what triggers that discharge the emotions. So we need to separate that to release just emotion from the memory so you can experience that. Okay. What it looked like in the past. But this doesn't trigger the emotion because this slide would have done.

    29:33 How to fall in love with life?

    isamizu - helping you expand your awareness through the integration of ancient wisdom and modern science with knowledgeable experts to balance mind, body, and spirit.

    Visit us: www.ISAMIZU.com
    #isamizu #awarenesstowellbeing #isamizuglobal #isamizuintegrative #dentaldecoding #pnei

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    31 mins
  • Introduction to isamizu
    Mar 31 2022

    We are passionate about empowering you to take control of your health and well-being.  We strive to expand awareness and knowledge by providing a simple approach combining the latest breakthroughs of modern science, technology with ancient wisdom. Our knowledgeable experts might help you get some answers to express the best version of yourself.

    We want to welcome you to this journey where we expand awareness to achieve well-being.

    isamizu - helping you expand your awareness through the integration of ancient wisdom and modern science with knowledgeable experts to balance mind, body, and spirit.

    Visit us: www.ISAMIZU.com
    #isamizu #awarenesstowellbeing #isamizuglobal #isamizuintegrative #isamizuwellness

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    3 mins
  • Finding the Root Cause in Women's health that could be triggered by Teeth, with Dr Caitlin Czezowski
    Jan 26 2022

    Dr. Caitlin Czezowski DC, CFMP, CACCP is a doctor of chiropractic, certified functional medicine practitioner, author and speaker with extensive training in women's health, pregnancy and pediatrics. There are 2 things that Dr. Caitlin believes will determine your health. The first is the health of your mouth. Dr. Caitlin's health took a turn for the worse in her 20's, and no doctor could tell her why. It wasn't until she traced her root cause back to the dental work she had done as a teenager and young adult. Because of this, The Dental Detox was created. The second thing that will determine your health is not only the food that you eat but also when you eat it. 

    This is where Diet Diversity comes in. Teaching people how to go in and out of different diets (low carb, keto, paleo, carnivore) while varying when they eat so they can become metabolically fit. Dr. Caitlin is hugely passionate about finding the root cause of one's health issues and developing a safe and effective plan to reverse their symptoms and restore their quality of life. She does this by working one on one with select individuals along with educating the masses through different self
    guided programs, group training, the Women N Wellness podcast, different speaking engagements
    and social media avenues.

    Dr’s Caitlin Czezowski DC, CFMP, CACCP
    For more information 

    Do you know what kind of bacteria is in your mouth and how it affects the rest of your body?
    A microbiome is a group of microorganisms that live inside and outside of the body and are both helpful and potentially harmful. For example, microbes contribute to our mood, concentration, memory weight, digestion. 

    Visit us: www.ISAMIZU.com
    We are passionate about empowering you to take control of your health and well-being.  We strive to expand awareness and knowledge by providing a simple approach combining the latest breakthroughs of modern science, technology with ancient wisdom. Our knowledgeable experts might help you get some answers to express the best version of yourself.

    We want to welcome you to this journey where we expand awareness to achieve well-being.

    isamizu - helping you expand your awareness through the integration of ancient wisdom and modern science with knowledgeable experts to balance mind, body, and spirit.

    Visit us: www.ISAMIZU.com
    #isamizu #awarenesstowellbeing #isamizuglobal #isamizuintegrative #isamizuwellness

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    36 mins
  • Dental Decoding and how it is linked to Psycho Neuro Odontology (PNO) with Dr. Christian Beyer
    Jan 26 2022

    Dr. Christian Beyer has shared for many years the encounter with our teeth from the eyes of the heart and a synthetic understanding of different human levels. He affirms that all the theoretical-practical approaches to Dental Decoding (Decodification) are his own.

    The beginning of his journey towards what he is today was totally accidental. It all started as a result of an unexpected manifestation in a cavity. During the third year of his career, one of the patients he treated had strange cavities: they were symmetrical!

    He deduced that if his upper right first molar was affected on its occlusal surface, the left upper first molar was affected in the same place and on the same face. There was only one difference in size because of the start date. And there is nothing to explain why "microbes" jump from one tooth to another without first passing the one next to it, so the contagion seemed selective.


    Our mouth is a privileged place where we allow the answer to all our needs to enter within us, eat, drink, breathe. Our cerebral cortical structure is going to associate with this oral job all the survival stress, because it is the place where the answer will arrive because we are human beings and, thanks to that, we have access to a complex and articulated language.

    The mouth is the place through which we give birth to ourselves. The teeth are crystals, they are electrical systems with positive and negative charges that have a current of 220 mv. Through the cheeks, in contact with the teeth, pass the 12 acupuncture meridian, in this way the teeth function as acupuncture waters. Each tooth has the ability to inform our energy system from inside the body and at the same time receives energy information, from the outside, through the acupuncture meridians.

    The health of the human being depends on the balance between the inside and the outside. Our bodily manifestations, that is, biological, are the last resort for the human being to solve a relational conflict. And in the same way that we inherit a gene that codes for organic pathology, we are carriers of behavioural memories or human relational pathologies.

    Dental Decoding is a tool that allows us to know ourselves better and this knowledge is to discover the programs that we carry. For example, we look at the roots of the teeth, which have different shapes. Well, these forms are survival programs, not disease programs, which have been transmitted to us in order to adapt to life in a particular way. The positions of the teeth in the mouth, especially the previous ones, are survival programs and give us information about our identity, about who we are, how we are and how we relate to others.

    Caries indicates unresolved unconscious conflicts, and depending on which tooth and also on what surface the caries are located on will give us an idea of ​​the type of conflict.

    Fractures in the teeth can indicate a solution to a conflict and, again, we can establish a relationship between the tooth and the fractured surface and the conflict.

    Dental Decoding consists of reading the information that the teeth have with the intention of allowing the patient to become aware of a relational conflict. The analysis and understanding of this information from the teeth provide an important complement to the genealogical study and the biological decoding of the individual.

    Everything that is hidden, that which is not spoken, ends up manifesting itself in the body. The same is true of teeth.

    For more information visit - https://www.isamizu.com/mouth-connections

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    47 mins
  • Mind and Mouth Connection through PNEI and PNO
    Jan 26 2022

    PNEI is focused on four major control systems of the human body: the nervous, the endocrine and the immune systems, and between them and the psyche which is the emotional and cognitive identity that allows us all to be different.

    The various systems (psychological, neurological, endocrine and immune) interact with each other to achieve the internal homeostasis of the organism. As proof of this, it has been proved that the immune cells are able to interpret the messages coming from the autonomous nervous system (ANS) and from the brain.

    PNO (Psycho-Neuro-Odontology) or Dental Biological Decoding is a path towards understanding the disease based on the biological sense of the symptoms. This allows us to know the coding mechanism of diseases whether physical, functional, organic, psychological, or behavioural, and is complementary, not exclusive, of any medical or psychotherapeutic treatment.

    BIological decoding brings the information that the body is manifesting to consciousness.

    Decoding is learning to find the conflict and deal with it. It is unconscious and biological, it is found in every cell of our body and our whole life is inscribed in our body. Teeth have the ability to tell us things about ourselves, codes that are transmitted from generation to generation in the form of disease and suffering.

    Everything that is hidden, that which is not spoken, ends up manifesting itself in the body. The same is true of teeth. 
    The health of the human being depends on the balance between the inside and the outside. Our bodily manifestations, that is, biological ones, are the last resort for human beings to solve a relational conflict. And in the same way that we inherit a gene that codes for organic pathology, we are carriers of behavioural memories or human relational pathologies.

    We are passionate about empowering you to take control of your health and well-being.  We strive to expand awareness and knowledge by providing a simple approach combining the latest breakthroughs of modern science, technology with ancient wisdom. Our knowledgeable experts might help you get some answers to express the best version of yourself.
    We want to welcome you to this journey where we expand awareness to achieve well-being.

    isamizu - helping you expand your awareness through the integration of ancient wisdom and modern science with knowledgeable experts to balance mind, body, and spirit.

    Visit us: www.ISAMIZU.com
    #isamizu #awarenesstowellbeing #isamizuglobal #isamizuintegrative #isamizuwellness

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    9 mins
  • But it really starts from your Gut - Serotonin, Dopamine and GABA Hormones
    Jan 26 2022

    If you’ve ever “gone with your gut” to make a decision or felt “butterflies in your stomach” when nervous, you’re likely getting signals from an unexpected source: your second brain. There has been a huge interest in the connections between the microbiome and the brain.

    Throughout our lives, we acquire bacteria. Each part of the human body has different types of bacteria. Bacteria living in the mouth are different from those ones living on the hair. Bacteria arrive in our bodies very early. For example, when we are born, we acquire our first bacteria through contact with the skin of our mothers. Also, when we are newborns, we receive a significant number of bacteria from the food that we receive. Breast milk is one of the main sources of our first good bacteria.

    With increasing attention being paid to improving emotional well-being, recent evidence points to gut microbiota as a key player in regulating mental and physical health via bidirectional communication between the brain and gut. Here, we examine the association between emotional well-being and gut microbiome as well as the hormones associated with it: Serotonin, Dopamine and GABA.

    We are passionate about empowering you to take control of your health and well-being.  We strive to expand awareness and knowledge by providing a simple approach combining the latest breakthroughs of modern science, technology with ancient wisdom. Our knowledgeable experts might help you get some answers to express the best version of yourself.

    We want to welcome you to this journey where we expand awareness to achieve well-being.

    isamizu - helping you expand your awareness through the integration of ancient wisdom and modern science with knowledgeable experts to balance mind, body, and spirit.

    Visit us: www.ISAMIZU.com
    #isamizu #awarenesstowellbeing #isamizuglobal #isamizuintegrative #isamizuwellness #seratonin gaba #guthealth #brainandgut #secondbrain

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    5 mins
  • How to treat TMJ (Temporomandibular Joint) Dysfunction and BRUXISM (teeth grinding) with YOGA
    Jan 26 2022

    Florencia Melo facilitates communication spaces with the body so that people connect with their authenticity and understand the impact of stress on the body and emotions to improve their quality of life.

    What is TMJD?
    Temporomandibular dysfunction is a problem in this joint and may end up causing jaw pain, headaches, neck pain, limited mouth opening and clicking when moving the jaw.

    What is bruxism?
    Bruxism is the habit of teeth grinding, usually during sleep. Bruxism is an abnormal clenching or grinding of the teeth, either while awake or during sleep. Bruxism may play a role in temporomandibular disorders (TMD), although the exact link is unclear. 

    Florencia does it through workshops, classes and individual sessions with the Be Soma method that combines body exercises based on yoga and muscle chains, the development of interoception and mindfulness. This is an integrated mind-body balancing technique. This method is based on our understanding and experience of working with the human body {physical and energetic}. The SOMA technique allows us to access relevant information from the mental, physical and emotional spheres, delving into the deepest layers of the subconscious mind, to help identify and clear the origin of imbalances and triggers which contribute to illness. Through a new specially designed technique, she creates an individual program to help each person to enhance their healing ability, helping them to access and achieve their full potential, ie returning their original blueprint. Scientific research suggests that most illnesses originate in the energy field.

    Although she works independently, she comes from the corporate world where she worked for 8 years in communication departments. Currently, she does do some short stories and media collaborations on health and wellness and would like to continue developing.

    Content and activities on Instagram: @flopiom and in medium 

    We are passionate about empowering you to take control of your health and well-being.  We strive to expand awareness and knowledge by providing a simple approach combining the latest breakthroughs of modern science, technology with ancient wisdom. Our knowledgeable experts might help you get some answers to express the best version of yourself.

    We want to welcome you to this journey where we expand awareness to achieve well-being.

    isamizu - helping you expand your awareness through the integration of ancient wisdom and modern science with knowledgeable experts to balance mind, body, and spirit.

    Visit us: www.ISAMIZU.com
    #isamizu #awarenesstowellbeing #isamizuglobal #isamizuintegrative #isamizuwellness

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    56 mins
  • Do you know what kind of bacteria is in your mouth and how it affects the rest of your body?
    Jan 26 2022

    Dr Iśabel Perez is an integrative dentist with over 20 years of experience. She promotes comprehensive oral health, knowing the connection between oral health and general health. She believes that the mouth reflects the overall wellness and focuses on natural health and energy healing, utilizing her Reiki Master skills to support her patients.

    So let's talk about the oral microbiome. A microbiome is a group of microorganisms that live inside and outside of the body and are both helpful and potentially harmful. For example, microbes contribute to our mood, concentration, memory weight, digestion.

    When the oral microbiome is in a state of balance, otherwise known as microbial homeostasis, its nature is very different from its nature when it’s in an imbalanced state. The ecosystems in your mouth are referred to as the oral biofilm or plaque. A balanced oral microbiome consists of bacteria that are mostly aerobic—meaning they rely on oxygen to live. They form a thin, protective, clear, and odourless film. Your teeth feel squeaky-clean and your gums appear pink and well-oxygenated in this balanced state.

    The understanding of the entire human microbiome has helped us redefine what it means to be human. We are a composite of many species, and there is a symbiotic relationship between man and microbe that is foundational to our ability to stay alive and thrive with countless bodily functions. In the mouth, this unique community of mostly bacterial organisms, known as the oral microbiome, is an intelligent, semipermeable membrane that performs vital functions to help keep our mouths healthy. These functions include transporting ionic minerals from saliva to the surface of teeth to aid in remineralization, carrying molecular oxygen to the gums and soft tissue, and eliminating free radicals and other waste products from the surface. In addition to these important functions, the oral microbiome plays a vital role in protecting us from harmful environmental organisms.

    When imbalanced, this biofilm transforms into a thick, sticky, and smelly film, which is commonly observed as the off-white plaque film on your teeth in the morning. Often this repetitive formation results from constant disturbances of the oral microbiome. It is important to note that in the human microbiome there is no such thing as “good bacteria” and “bad bacteria.” Rather, it’s just bacteria that behave well (probiotics), or those that behave poorly (pathogens), depending on the condition of their terrain. A number of species of bacteria in the mouth associated with tooth decay and gum disease are totally benign in a balanced oral microbiome.

    With this key understanding, we are able to treat the causes instead of the symptoms.
    We are passionate about empowering you to take control of your health and well-being.  We strive to expand awareness and knowledge by providing a simple approach combining the latest breakthroughs of modern science, technology with ancient wisdom. Our knowledgeable experts might help you get some answers to express the best version of yourself.

    We want to welcome you to this journey where we expand awareness to achieve well-being.

    isamizu - helping you expand your awareness through the integration of ancient wisdom and modern science with knowledgeable experts to balance mind, body, and spirit.

    Visit us: www.ISAMIZU.com
    #isamizu #awarenesstowellbeing #isamizuglobal #isamizuintegrative #isamizuwellness

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    6 mins