PNEI is focused on four major control systems of the human body: the nervous, the endocrine and the immune systems, and between them and the psyche which is the emotional and cognitive identity that allows us all to be different.
The various systems (psychological, neurological, endocrine and immune) interact with each other to achieve the internal homeostasis of the organism. As proof of this, it has been proved that the immune cells are able to interpret the messages coming from the autonomous nervous system (ANS) and from the brain.
PNO (Psycho-Neuro-Odontology) or Dental Biological Decoding is a path towards understanding the disease based on the biological sense of the symptoms. This allows us to know the coding mechanism of diseases whether physical, functional, organic, psychological, or behavioural, and is complementary, not exclusive, of any medical or psychotherapeutic treatment.
BIological decoding brings the information that the body is manifesting to consciousness.
Decoding is learning to find the conflict and deal with it. It is unconscious and biological, it is found in every cell of our body and our whole life is inscribed in our body. Teeth have the ability to tell us things about ourselves, codes that are transmitted from generation to generation in the form of disease and suffering.
Everything that is hidden, that which is not spoken, ends up manifesting itself in the body. The same is true of teeth.
The health of the human being depends on the balance between the inside and the outside. Our bodily manifestations, that is, biological ones, are the last resort for human beings to solve a relational conflict. And in the same way that we inherit a gene that codes for organic pathology, we are carriers of behavioural memories or human relational pathologies.
We are passionate about empowering you to take control of your health and well-being. We strive to expand awareness and knowledge by providing a simple approach combining the latest breakthroughs of modern science, technology with ancient wisdom. Our knowledgeable experts might help you get some answers to express the best version of yourself.
We want to welcome you to this journey where we expand awareness to achieve well-being.
isamizu - helping you expand your awareness through the integration of ancient wisdom and modern science with knowledgeable experts to balance mind, body, and spirit.
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