• The Power Of Your Intuition
    Feb 23 2022

    I allow my intuition to guide my decisions and it makes all the difference! 

    So what exactly is intuition? It is the ability to know something without analytic reasoning, bridging the gap between the conscious and non-conscious parts of our mind.

    In this episode I cover why its important and how you can use it.  What happened when I haven't followed it and how I now allow it to guide me.

    Let me know you intuitions stories too!

    Do follow us on Twitter & Instagram and let me know what you think! 

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    20 mins
  • How To Stop Over Apologising
    Feb 8 2022

    I have noticed something that lots of women do but especially brown women and it drives me MAD!

    Over-apologizing refers to saying “I’m sorry” when you don’t need to. This could be when you haven’t done anything wrong or you’re taking responsibility for someone else’s mistake or a problem that you didn’t cause or control.

    In this episode I cover why we do it and how to stop!

    Enjoy! Do follow us on Twitter & Instagram and let me know what you think! 

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    14 mins
  • How To Deal With Unsupportive Friends & Family
    Feb 5 2022

    Sometimes your friends and family — the people you want most to be supportive of your life choices — aren’t as enthusiastic as you’d like them to be.

    They don’t understand why you want to do what you want to do: quite your job, start a business, travel the world, get fit, stop driving alcohol etc and might try to talk you out of going.

    That can be deflating. You’re so excited about this next chapter of your life and here they are, raining on your parade.

    In this episode I share why I think they behave this way and how you can deal with it.

    Enjoy! Do follow us on Twitter & Instagram and let me know what you think! 

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    18 mins
  • The Power Of Ancestral Healing
    Nov 7 2021

    The field of intergenerational trauma healing, also called ancestral healing, is both very new and extremely ancient.

     I came across this vital work 4 years ago when a dear friend mentioned perhaps some of my post natal depression was linked to generational trauma. 

    Fascinated I began a journey of discovery and growth in this area which has been incredibley healing and empowering.  

    Ancestral healing is based on the understanding that the past does not simply disappear. The painful histories that our ancestors endured as well as their rich cultural wisdom linger and intertwine within us to create the patterns of who we are and who we are becoming. It applies to all groups and ethnicities who have suffered grave challenges such as war, discrimination, poverty, or displacement.

    The historical patterns of our ancestors as well as their rich cultural wisdom intertwine within us to create the psychological and genetic material of our future. Even when past pain remains unspoken or has long been forgotten, it becomes part of us and our children—a legacy of both strength and wounds that shapes our lives. However, it is in our power to transform our families’ traumas into blessings, and  wounds into wisdom. We can learn to release the patterns and behaviours that have come down to us and strengthen and energise the legacies that are positive and life-giving. Learn how in this episode!

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    23 mins
  • How To Deal With Envy
    Nov 7 2021

    “Envy Can Be Good For You”

    Wait, What?!

    Hear me out, there is a HUGE difference between envy and jealousy. 

    Jealousy is a strong emotion fuelled by fear and loss. When you percieve someone has taken something that you are emotionally attached to or is threatening to do this, you react by feeling hurt and angry.

    Envy on the other hand is about coveting something you don't have. The person you envy has what you aspire to. With this age of social media it has never been easier to feel both these emotions. I am a big believer in observing our emotional triggers and reflecting on what they are telling you.

    You can follow your envy to discover new talents, use it as a motivator to follow your ambitions. It can sometimes shine a spotlight on a blind spot i.e. if you find yourself envying people in a certain profession or industry, or perhaps giving a TED Talk, doing a creative hobby. It’s good to sit with those feelings and reflect on what they are telling you...do you want to be giving talks? Travelling? Doing something more creative?

    In this episode hear how I deal with envy and some suggestions on how you can too!

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    16 mins
  • How To Smash Your Limiting Beliefs
    Jun 29 2021

    Limiting beliefs are the thoughts, opinions that we hold to be the absolute truth. They tend to have a negative impact on our life by stopping us from moving forward and growing on a personal and professional level.

    In this episode I share how to identify them and overcome them! You have got this!

    Enjoy the episode!

    Follow us on Instagram and Twitter !

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    21 mins
  • Not Everyone Will Like You And That's Okay
    May 25 2021

    Not Everyone Will Like You & That’s Okay

    “You can be the ripest, juiciest peach in the world, and there's still going to be somebody who hates peaches.”

    Dita Von Teese

    You may be the kindest, smartest, funniest person with many admirable qualities, which are lost on some people, so that no matter what you do, they’re not a fan. Do you like everyone you meet? No? See it’s normal! 

    Once you make peace with the fact that not everyone is going to like you, you’ll be surprised at how liberating it feels—it’s as if a weight has been lifted! You no longer have to hide your real personality or try to conform to a more acceptable version of yourself to appease them. 

    Focus on liking yourself and give those that do embrace you fully all your energy - life is more joyful.

    Follow us on: Instagram
    On Twitter

    Please do leave a rating and review on Apple it really helps! 

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    9 mins
  • What Is Said In Darkness Will Come To Light
    May 20 2021

     I have debated whether to say something but I have been struggling with something for a while now and I wanted to share in case it's something you are dealing with too. ⁣

    I am finding it hard to be accepting of women and organisations that are publicly declaring they are about supporting other women, the sisterhood and empowering each other but I KNOW they have been underhand, jealous and just not very nice to me, about me and others. I am struggling with the hypocrisy, the truth, the negativity and how to deal with it. ⁣

    I can feel the competitive energy, the envy and resentment and it's been very difficult to know how to handle the facts, the emotions and feelings that have come up as a result, especially when it is from women I genuinely admire and think highly of. ⁣

    There was a point when it made me want to pack it all in. ⁣

    Have you ever had to deal with something like this? ⁣ In this episode I share how I have dealt with this and suggestions to help you if you are going through the same.

    We can connect on IG: https://www.instagram.com/a.w.m.b/

    On our site: https://www.asianwomenmeanbusiness.com

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    18 mins