The field of intergenerational trauma healing, also called ancestral healing, is both very new and extremely ancient.
I came across this vital work 4 years ago when a dear friend mentioned perhaps some of my post natal depression was linked to generational trauma.
Fascinated I began a journey of discovery and growth in this area which has been incredibley healing and empowering.
Ancestral healing is based on the understanding that the past does not simply disappear. The painful histories that our ancestors endured as well as their rich cultural wisdom linger and intertwine within us to create the patterns of who we are and who we are becoming. It applies to all groups and ethnicities who have suffered grave challenges such as war, discrimination, poverty, or displacement.
The historical patterns of our ancestors as well as their rich cultural wisdom intertwine within us to create the psychological and genetic material of our future. Even when past pain remains unspoken or has long been forgotten, it becomes part of us and our children—a legacy of both strength and wounds that shapes our lives. However, it is in our power to transform our families’ traumas into blessings, and wounds into wisdom. We can learn to release the patterns and behaviours that have come down to us and strengthen and energise the legacies that are positive and life-giving. Learn how in this episode!