
  • #35 Breaking Barriers: Strategies for Building Meaningful Mentorship Relationships
    Apr 24 2023

    00:00 Introduction
    00:54 Why You Need a Mentor
    01:44 Network With People in the Tech Industry
    02:44 Ask for Help
    03:36 Analyze Your Company
    04:30 Conclusion

    A couple of years ago, while I was living in Denver, I wanted to buy a house. And so I started job hunting at some point, NASDAQ headhunted me, and my friend Will loaned me a suit for the initial interview. I got hired by NASDAQ, but after a few months, I was utterly stressed out. I hated the job. I couldn't get anything done. I didn't get the results I wanted. I just wasn't happy. 

    Another friend of mine at the time, Justin, was a remote software developer and showed me what it was like to work remotely, so that's something that I really aspired to. Because of all these struggles and because he saw how hard I worked, my friend will, who was obviously also my mentor, set me up with his company, where I was able to work remotely. And this made all the difference in the world. I'm still with this company today. I love my team. I love the product we're working on, and just that one key relationship has helped me so much.

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    6 mins
  • #34 How can I establish boundaries with colleagues or clients who constantly demand my time?
    Apr 17 2023

    As a young professional tech, the skill to set boundaries at work is essential to maintaining a healthy work-life balance. Here's how to say no to colleagues and managers without compromising the work you get done or how you're perceived. First off, look at everything that is expected of you and how they impact the product and yourself, and the team. Prioritize according to which ones are most important. Then whenever your manager asks you to do something, you'll be able to tell them, "I would really like to get this done, but I have other things that require my attention and with a much greater impact." "Can we talk about what I should deprioritize in order to get what you're asking me to get done?" More often than not, you'll find them willing to drop the issue.
    00:00 Introduction

    00:10 Learn to Say No
    00:54 Use Routines
    01:56 Time-Block Your Schedule
    02:51 Unplug to Recharge
    03:47 Look for Win-Win
    04:34 Conclusion

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    6 mins
  • #33 Why I Love Meditation And The Science Behind It
    Apr 3 2023

    Meditation is a practice that involves training the mind to focus and relax in order to achieve a heightened state of awareness, inducing mental and emotional calm. It's a technique to improve mental clarity, increase self-awareness, and reduce stress and anxiety.

    Someone who is mediating might not seem to be doing much other than breathing or repeating a mantra over and over again. Inside their brain, however, a lot is happening. Modern diagnostic and imaging techniques, such as electroencephalography (EEG) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), show that meditation can have a wide variety of positive impacts on the brain and mental health.

    00:00 Meditation
    01:14 The Science Behind Meditation
    03:49 Getting Started with Meditation

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    6 mins
  • #32 Create Space In Your Head By Journaling
    Mar 27 2023

    Journaling is the habit of keeping a record of your thoughts, feelings, insights, and struggles and wins in your life. Whether you decide to write by hand on paper, type on the computer or use an app on your phone, journaling is a fantastic and low-cost option to maintain and improve your mental health. 

    The idea of starting a journal and thereby setting the expectation of having to write may seem overwhelming at first. But the idea isn't to write an entire chapter every day. It doesn't have to be a beautiful story, and it doesn't have to be polished. The idea is simply to do a "brain dump" and transfer whatever is taking up space in your head to paper in order to create more room in your head. Some days that may be a few paragraphs, and other days you may only write one sentence.

    00:00 What Journaling Is and Isn't
    01:09 The Benefits and Purpose of Journaling
    03:08 How to Get Started With Journaling

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    5 mins
  • #31 Impostor Syndrome is Just Another Variation of Shame
    Mar 20 2023

    Impostor syndrome is the belief many of us hold that we aren't actually as capable or smart as others think we are, no matter how much evidence there is that we're successfully navigating our professional and personal lives.

    Impostor syndrome isn’t a diagnosis or a medical problem but a pattern of thinking that can lead to self-doubt, negative self-talk, and missed opportunities. According to the Journal of General Internal Medicine, more than eight out of every ten people experience impostor syndrome.

    00:00 What Impostor Syndrome Looks Like
    01:19 Impostor Syndrome is Just Another Variation of Shame
    03:01 The Solution to Impostor Syndrome Is Exposing It

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    5 mins
  • #30 Understanding Burnout - How Neuroscience Can Help You Develop a Stronger Default Response
    Mar 13 2023

    In today's fast-paced and high-stress world, burnout has become a common problem that affects many of us. It can leave you feeling exhausted, overwhelmed, and detached from your work or personal life. Today, we'll explore the science behind burnout and how you can use neuroscience to prevent it.

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    5 mins
  • #29 The Dangers Of Loneliness
    Mar 6 2023

    Statistics show more than half of young Americans don't feel close to anyone, and that number has doubled since the 1980s. Part of being human is that we all feel lonely at times. Even the most extroverted people have likely felt the urge to connect and experienced sadness from being unable to interact with someone.

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    4 mins
  • #28 Multitasking Is A Lie
    Feb 27 2023

    In today's fast-paced world, the pressure to do more in less time has led to the widespread belief that multitasking is the key to achieving success. However, research has shown that multitasking is nothing more than a myth. Today, we will explore why multitasking is ineffective and discuss the switching cost and its demands on cognition.

    00:00 Multitasking has become mainstream
    01:30 The switch cost
    02:33 Not everything is equally important

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    4 mins