• We Will Roam | Emma & Ant - Ep10
    Feb 3 2021

    We catchup with Emma and Ant from We Will Roam to chat about all things Australian travel. A UK couple that moved out to Australia and slowly found themselves in love with the great outdoors of Australia. They purchased a Landcruiser Troopy a few years ago and started exploring out of their home base in Melbourne. Now over 400 day on the road full time, they have covered a fair chuck of Australia.

    They film and produce some of the most incredibly inspiring and genuine travel films to be released on their Youtube channel We Will Roam. We highly recommend you go check out their latest award-winning short film Little Victories before listening to this conversation. It will give you so much more depth into the conversation.


    We chat about their “Original Plan” before Covid, how their travels have since changed, shipping 4wd around the world, the challenges of living in a 4wd permanently, their trip up Cape Yorke, their films and Ants music passion, their plan for the next stage of travel and adventure and a good laugh here and there.


    Emma and Ant are the most genuine, honest, deeply inspiring couple we have come across in a long time and we instantly clicked with them and spent many additional hours sitting and chatting about life and adventure over coffee and beers. Thankyou guys!








    Little Victories by We Will Roam. Winning short Film of XOverland's Overlander Film Festival




    To see some more pics and check out some of our other podcast episodes be sure to follow along on Instagram.





    Please consider Subscribing or Following the podcast on your favourite streaming platform so you never miss a yarn!

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    1 hr and 24 mins
  • Rachel Yaseen Cycling Around the World - Ep9
    Jan 18 2021

    Rachel Yaseen is a full time traveller and adventurer currently exploring the world by bicycle. After a number of successful careers and businesses in America, she up and left searching for a more adventurous and nomadic lifestyle.
     Her cycling adventure began in Bangkok, late 2018 when she set off around the world. I caught up with her during her time in South Australia in late 2020.
     We discuss:
     - How she came to riding around the world
     - Adventures in Australia so far
     - Her high speed crash in Litchfield NP
     - How Covid has changed her experiences in Aus
     - The mindset of a solo female traveller
     - Worldly adventures with her young son
     - The online relationship she has with her son in the U.S
     + heaps more little side yarns!
     I highly recommend you go listen to a podcast she did with The Tough Girl Podcast, which fills in a lot more of Rachel's background and previous adventures including the walking the Camino de Santiago, riding a tandem bike all over Europe and many more adventures with her son all over the world.
    Rachel Yaseen - 49 year old mother and full time adventurer, cycling the world and living a nomadic

    Visit Rachel's Website to keep up to date with her travels and to learn more about her posture clinics, adventure coaching, public speaking and her funny little videos from her travels!

    Rachel's Youtube Channel
    Rachel's Instagram @RachelYaseen
    Rachel's Patreon

    Be sure to follow along for all the new and exciting podcast stories coming this year!
    Please like, follow and share this podcast around if you think others would like it too!
    Much-ious Gratious!

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    1 hr and 17 mins
  • West is Best! Pt2 of Living in Our 4WD - Ep8
    Dec 15 2020

    Pt 2 of our own story traveling around Western Australia in our 4WD for 7 months.
    We catchup again with our mate Jack in the park and tell him all about our travels through:

    • The Kimberleys
    • The Gibb River Road
    • Broome and the Dampier Peninsular 
    • The Pilbara Region
    • Ningaloo Reef, Exmouth, Coral Bay, 
    • Carnarvon, Shark Bay, Monkey Mia, Steep Point
    • Kalbari, Geralton and into Perth!

    Make sure you go back and check out Part 1 of the story in Ep 3 for the start of our trip up through SA, and into NT.

    Checkout some of our pics of these amazing places we chat about on our socials on Facebook and Instagram





    Please consider Subscribing or Following the podcast on your favourite streaming platform so you never miss a yarn!

    Please leaving a like, comment or a rating as really helps us out and is greatly appreciated!

    Got a cool outdoor lifestye? Love crazy adventures and exploring? Hit us up with a message and we can have a yarn!

    We don't have any affiliation with Karst Stone Paper books however we really do love them! Support local Aussie business and go check the out! @karst.stonepaper

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    1 hr and 21 mins
  • Solo Jet Sking Around Australia - Ep7
    Nov 10 2020

    Lindsay Warner invited us to share a bottle of his home-grown Shiraz and have a chat about his latest endeavour to ride his jet ski around Australia to break a Guinness World Record. After riding his motorbike all over the country including a solo trip up to Cape Yorke, he began exploring further on his jet ski completing a circumnavigation of Kangaroo Island in SA in 2017 and then Tasmania in 2018. The next logical step was to complete the full lap of Aus! 


    To follow along with Lindsay’s adventure, head over to his Facebook page Jetski Australia 


    We hear all about the massive amount of prep work, training, logistics and the development of the ski and support gear over the years leading up to the big wet lap. We discuss the challenges he faces with weather, logistics, communication, equipment failures and the unpredictable nature of open ocean travel on a small watercraft.

    Lindsay sees his adventures as a way to start important conversations regarding Men’s Health and is raising money for the cause via his Go Fund Me page. 

    From the 1st April 2021 you can track his progress via his SpotX GPS by downloading "The SPOT App" and then enter the following name: AUS2020 Password: LWAus2020, and you can follow along with a dot appearing on your screen every 10 minutes.


    First KI circumnavigation video


    V8 Super Car Driver Todd Kelly’s previous adventures on Lindsay’s Ski





    To see some more pics and check out some of our other podcast episodes be sure to follow along on Instagram.





    Please consider Subscribing or Following the podcast on your favourite streaming platform so you never miss a yarn!

    Please leaving a like, comment or a rating as really helps us out and is greatly appreciated!

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    1 hr and 22 mins
  • Race To The Rock - Endurance Bike Packing - Ep6
    Oct 21 2020

    This week I join Simon, April and Steve who recently competed in the 2020 Race to the Rock ultra-long-distance bike packing event. This year the race ran from Normanville on the Fleurieu Peninsula of SA, traversing the Mount Lofty Ranges, North through the Flinders Rangers, outback SA and NT, all the way to Uluru 2483km away. An absolute epic off-road cycling endurance event.

    We discuss the route, the gear, the bikes, food and water, the desert, the outback hospitality, and the raw adventure of riding for 10-12 days straight totally unsupported as fast as possible. 


    To see more pics and all the updates, stats and to connect with the riders and organisers, check out the Facebook page @RaceToTheRock  and @RaceToTheRock (DOT Watchers)

    Do you have a mate that needs to ride their bike more? Share it round and get stoked to ride!


    Join the conversation on Instagram 




    @SimonEglinton has a great insta story RTTR 2020

    @Stephen Leske

    For all the bike packing info, community, and support, check out





    Don’t forget to tell them I sent you!


    Kindly Like, Subscribe, Follow, Share and leave a rating for new stories every second Wednesday!

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    1 hr and 9 mins
  • Gap Year Lap of Aus, Tayla & Hayden
    Oct 6 2020

    Tayla and Hayden are a young couple from Brissy we met in the Kimberley region of WA. They were fresh out of high school on a gap year lap of Australia in Hayden’s old Hilux with a swag and a bunch of camping gear. 

    We chat over how the trip came about, their adventures up “the cape”, meeting us in the NW, adopting a lamb in SA and the car troubles along the way. From cardboard and tape on the rear window, zip ties holding the steering together and rope holding the suspension, they acquired some quality bush mechanic skills by the end but they really do prove that anyone on a budget can get out and have a hella good time around Aus!

    To see more pics of their trip, follow along on Instagram


    Feel free to shoot us a message if you have questions or would like to share you story here too! I'd love to catchup and hear all about it.

    Please follow, leave a rating and share this podcast if you feel inclined to do so!

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    1 hr and 5 mins
  • What the Finke, Dad!? Ep4
    Sep 22 2020

    When your Dad asks you to race the Tatts Finke Desert Race on Father's Day, you can hardly say no!
    The notorious outback race runs from Alice Springs to the small township of Finke 230km away. After an 8km prologue to sort out starting positions, racers take on the desert all the way to Finke before turning around and racing back again on day two. Brutal!
     Demi had moved to Adelaide for uni but her old man went out and bought a race quad, entered her into the race and flew her up. No training, no practice, no worries mate!
     Check out our instagram's for more pics.


     Please like, share and follow the podcast if you feel so inclined!

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    1 hr and 3 mins
  • Living In Our 4WD For 7 Months - Ep3 Pt1
    Sep 9 2020

    This week we sit down with my good mate Jack who has just returned from living in Canada for 2.5yrs, so we thought what better time share some of the stories from our 7 month road trip around SA, NT and WA.

    We discuss how the trip came about and my crazy tight timeline of about 5 weeks before I wanted to leave. What we packed and modified on the car as well as a few tips we picked up on packing for an extended road trip. We discuss the route we took up through SA and NT and some of the amazing places we saw and people we met.

    To keep up with Caitlyn and I and too see some more pics from our trip, follow @caitlyn.francis and @ben_cruisin on Instagram.
    To see some of Jacks stunning shots of Nelson BC check out @jackbradleyy

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    1 hr and 23 mins