We catchup with Emma and Ant from We Will Roam to chat about all things Australian travel. A UK couple that moved out to Australia and slowly found themselves in love with the great outdoors of Australia. They purchased a Landcruiser Troopy a few years ago and started exploring out of their home base in Melbourne. Now over 400 day on the road full time, they have covered a fair chuck of Australia.
They film and produce some of the most incredibly inspiring and genuine travel films to be released on their Youtube channel We Will Roam. We highly recommend you go check out their latest award-winning short film Little Victories before listening to this conversation. It will give you so much more depth into the conversation.
We chat about their “Original Plan” before Covid, how their travels have since changed, shipping 4wd around the world, the challenges of living in a 4wd permanently, their trip up Cape Yorke, their films and Ants music passion, their plan for the next stage of travel and adventure and a good laugh here and there.
Emma and Ant are the most genuine, honest, deeply inspiring couple we have come across in a long time and we instantly clicked with them and spent many additional hours sitting and chatting about life and adventure over coffee and beers. Thankyou guys!
Little Victories by We Will Roam. Winning short Film of XOverland's Overlander Film Festival
To see some more pics and check out some of our other podcast episodes be sure to follow along on Instagram.
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