• #7 Liping Mian from Singapore
    Sep 13 2024
    In this episode of "Vienna Calling," I am thrilled to welcome Liping Mian, a dedicated human rights activist with extensive experience in the intersection of business and human rights. Our conversation dives deep into the evolution of corporate responsibility regarding human rights since the UN Human Rights Council endorsed the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights in 2011. Liping reflects on her journey from serving as the youth representative at the International AIDS Conference to studying human rights in Paris, and how her experiences have shaped her understanding of this crucial topic. During our discussion, Liping highlights the progress made in integrating human rights into business practices. She notes that, historically, corporate sustainability teams were small, and dedicated professionals focusing on human rights were rare. However, the landscape has shifted dramatically, with many companies now embedding sustainability into their core strategies. This includes recognizing and addressing human rights matters in their sustainability reporting. The increasing number of professionals focused on these issues demonstrates a growing commitment within the corporate sector to uphold human rights throughout their operations and supply chains. While acknowledging these advancements, we also explore the ongoing challenges that persist in the field. Liping emphasizes that the guiding principles and frameworks surrounding business and human rights are largely voluntary, leading to inconsistent implementation across different jurisdictions. The role of governments is critical in developing and enforcing policies that require businesses to adhere to human rights standards. However, challenges arise when government commitments to human rights are overshadowed by economic priorities, resulting in businesses often deprioritizing human rights issues. We examine the implications of this dynamic, especially in high-risk industries like mining, where neglecting human rights can lead to severe violations impacting vulnerable communities. Our conversation transitions to the European Union's Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), which was implemented to enhance accountability through mandatory sustainability reporting. Liping explains how the CSRD requires companies to report transparently on their sustainability impacts, extending its reach to over 50,000 companies, including those outside the EU. This is a pivotal step toward ensuring that businesses not only acknowledge their human rights responsibilities but also commit to meaningful actions. Nonetheless, Liping cautions that mandatory reporting is just a starting point and must be coupled with robust implementation to effect real change. We further discuss the various stakeholders involved in advancing the agenda of human rights in business. Governments, investors, civil society, and end consumers each play a vital role in holding companies accountable. Governments can create policies that incentivize compliance or penalize violations, while investors can support businesses that prioritize sustainability. Liping emphasizes the importance of civil society and affected communities in advocating for their rights and creating pressure on corporations to act responsibly. Additionally, she highlights the unique power of end consumers in driving demand for ethically produced goods and advocating for corporate accountability. As we wrap up our enlightening conversation, we touch on the newly adopted Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive by the EU and the forthcoming global discussions in Geneva concerning a comprehensive international framework for business and human rights. Both Liping and I express optimism about the potential for these initiatives to truly transform how businesses operate concerning human rights, and we commit to staying engaged in this ongoing dialogue. This episode encapsulates a crucial discourse on the intersection of business, rights, and the continuous efforts needed to ensure that human dignity is respected in every corner of the corporate landscape.

    00:00:10 Introduction to Business and Human Rights
    00:01:09 Business and Human Rights Trends
    00:06:22 The EU's Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive
    00:09:22 The Role of Stakeholders in Accountability
    00:12:30 New Developments in EU Regulations
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    14 mins
  • #6 Petra Pau
    May 22 2024
    Vienna Calling, der Videopodcast von und mit Petra Bayr, widmet sich aktuellen Fragen der Zeit. In der heutigen Episode ist Petra Pau, die Vizepräsidentin des Deutschen Bundestags, zu Gast. Die beiden diskutieren die Entwicklung von Rechtsextremismus und rechtsextremen Parteien in Deutschland und Europa. Petra Pau betont die Zunahme von rechtspopulistischen und rechtsextremen Kräften in der Gesellschaft und erwähnt die Bedrohung durch die AfD als den parlamentarischen Arm der gefährlichen rechtsextremen Rechten. Sie spricht über die zunehmende gruppenbezogene Menschenfeindlichkeit und die Akzeptanz von Gewalt in der Gesellschaft. Die Diskussion dreht sich auch um die Herausforderungen, die die Demokratie durch rechtsextreme Parteien und Gruppierungen erfährt. Petra Pau betont den Einsatz von Bildung und Aufklärung als Schlüssel zur Bekämpfung von Extremismus. Sie beklagt das Fehlen eines Demokratieförderungsgesetzes in Deutschland und die Notwendigkeit, diejenigen zu unterstützen, die sich für die Demokratie engagieren. Die Gesprächsteilnehmer tauschen sich auch über die spezielle Herangehensweise des Bundestags an die AfD aus und betonen die Bedeutung, antidemokratischen Kräften entschieden entgegenzutreten. Petra Pau erwähnt die Verantwortung der staatlichen Institutionen, extremistische Pläne und Gruppierungen zu bekämpfen. Sie spricht über die Reichsbürgerbewegung und betont die Notwendigkeit, die Demokratie vor antidemokratischen Bedrohungen zu schützen. Trotz ihrer Kritik an der AfD plädiert sie nicht für ein Verbot der Partei, sondern setzt auf Überzeugungsarbeit, um Menschenfeindlichkeit in der Gesellschaft entgegenzuwirken. Die Diskussion endet mit dem Wunsch, demokratische Alternativen auf eine Weise zu präsentieren, die informierte Entscheidungen und eine konstruktive Zukunft fördern. Die Episode bietet einen tiefen Einblick in die Diskussion über Extremismus, Demokratie und gesellschaftliche Verantwortung in Deutschland und Europa.
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    19 mins
  • #5 Lölja Nordic
    May 8 2024
    Lölja Nordic, an activist and artist from St. Petersburg, joins Petra Bayr on the Vienna Calling podcast to discuss her involvement in the feminist anti-war resistance movement. Lölja explains her recent protest against Vladimir Putin's fifth inauguration in front of the Austrian Parliament, emphasizing the importance of amplifying the voices of Russian activists unable to speak out. She delves into the complexities of resistance in Russia, highlighting the collaboration between activists within and outside the country through online channels. The discussion extends to the challenges faced by Russian civil society and the need for international support, particularly from countries like Austria. Lölja urges Austria to address its dependence on Russian fossil fuels and push for greater backing of Russian civil society in the face of growing repression. The conversation touches upon the financial ties between Austria and Russia, emphasizing the need to reduce support for Putin's regime and redirect resources towards promoting democracy and independence. The conversation shifts to the influence of right-wing politics and the Kremlin's interest in backing conservative parties globally. Lölja warns of potential Russian interference in elections through media manipulation and funding of right-wing groups. The discussion underlines the link between supporting right-wing politicians and advancing Putin's agenda, highlighting the need to combat such influences to uphold democratic values. Lölja also addresses the impact of Kremlin funding on anti-gender and anti-choice movements in Europe, emphasizing the need to counter such influences on equal rights. The conversation concludes with a vision for a post-Putin Russia, acknowledging the complexities and challenges that lie ahead in transitioning to a more democratic society. Petra expresses solidarity and support for Lölja's activism, emphasizing the importance of ongoing collaboration in the resistance movement.
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    13 mins
  • #4 with Selin Sayek Böke from Türkiye
    Apr 23 2024
    In a recent episode of Vienna Calling, Petra Bayr speaks with Selim Böke about the recent local elections in Turkey and the significant win of leftist parties. Selim explains that their party, CHP, has now become the first party in Turkey and is set to govern 409 municipalities, reaching two-thirds of the population and three-quarters of economic activity. This victory signifies a shift towards progressive values and a focus on human rights, democracy, and the rule of law, contrasting with the current government's pressures in those areas. Selim attributes their success to a campaign focused on connecting with people's sentiments and needs, especially after a loss of hope following previous elections. The party's response to economic crises, genuine social policies, and a rejection of polarizing politics played crucial roles in their triumph. By emphasizing coalition-building with the people rather than political elites, CHP managed to resonate with voters and convey a message of change and responsibility. Looking ahead, Selim believes that the local election results have broader implications for Turkish democracy, with newfound checks and balances and a shift towards more inclusive and effective social and economic policies. The party's focus is now on translating their success at the local level into national politics, ensuring that representatives uphold the progressive values and commitments that garnered public support. Reflecting on the lessons learned from the elections, Selim emphasizes the importance of unity and solidarity among progressive forces, both within Turkey and across Europe. By standing together and promoting shared values, progressives can counter the rise of authoritarianism and polarization, ultimately working towards a more inclusive and equitable society. The conversation ends on a hopeful note, with a mutual eagerness to continue collaborations and build on the momentum of positive change.
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    15 mins
  • #3: Melissa Verpile aus Haiti
    Mar 22 2024
    In the latest episode of Vienna Calling, host Petra Bayr discusses the dire situation in Haiti with guest Melissa Verpile, a lawyer and international law expert at the NGO Parliamentarians for Global Action. Melissa provides a comprehensive overview of Haiti's tumultuous history, highlighting factors such as political instability, natural disasters, corruption, and a lack of leadership that have contributed to the current crisis. She explains how historical events like the forced payment to France for independence and the brutal dictatorship of the Duvalier regime have left lasting scars on the country. Melissa delves into the recent events leading to the current situation in Haiti, including the assassination of former President Jovenel Moïse and the rise of gangs controlling significant parts of the capital, Port-au-Prince. She describes the rampant violence, kidnappings, and sexual assaults perpetrated by these gangs, causing immense fear and suffering among the population. The lack of functioning institutions and widespread impunity further exacerbate the humanitarian crisis in Haiti. The conversation shifts to international efforts to mediate the crisis, with organizations like CARICOM and the United States leading mediation efforts. Melissa discusses the challenges and uncertainties surrounding the formation of a transitional government and the potential for future elections in Haiti. Despite external interventions, Melissa emphasizes the importance of Haitians taking the lead in finding a sustainable solution to restore democracy and governance in the country. As the episode wraps up, Petra and Melissa express solidarity with the people of Haiti and underscore the urgent need to support efforts to bring stability and justice to the nation. The conversation serves as a poignant reminder of the hardships faced by the Haitian population and the collective responsibility to advocate for their rights and well-being.
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    15 mins
  • #2: Alice Ackermann
    Mar 21 2024
    Alice Ackermann, former board member of Le Planning Familial, is interviewed by Petra Bayr on the podcast Vienna Calling. They discuss the recent decision by the French parliament to enshrine the right to abortion in the French constitution. Alice explains the importance of this move in protecting women's rights, especially in the face of potential attacks by far-right extremists. She outlines the advocacy campaign led by feminist organizations to raise awareness and garner support for this constitutional change.

    Alice details the obstacles faced in convincing politicians and society of the necessity of enshrining abortion rights in the constitution. The campaign involved showcasing the increase in attacks on abortion rights in France and highlighting the support of the majority of the French population for this change. Collaboration among stakeholders, including politicians and feminist organizations, was key to the success of the campaign.

    The podcast delves into the strategies employed, such as sharing personal stories of abortion, engaging politicians and celebrities, and conducting a widespread digital campaign. Alice emphasizes the importance of building strong partnerships and developing a compelling argumentative framework to advocate for similar changes in other countries. She shares a touching moment where female politicians from opposing parties united to support the cause, showcasing the power of collaboration in advancing women's rights.

    Alice shares a humorous anecdote about how elderly male senators were swayed by pressure from their young female relatives to support the bill. This underscores the influence of women in shaping political decisions. Petra congratulates Alice on the success of the campaign in France and expresses hope that other countries will follow suit in safeguarding women's right to abortion. The interview ends with mutual appreciation and well wishes, highlighting the importance of sharing experiences and knowledge to effect positive change.
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    12 mins
  • #1: Dr. Ralf Melzer aus Tel Aviv
    Feb 26 2024
    In der ersten Folge von "Vienna Calling" entführt uns Petra Bayr nach Ramat Gan, einem Vorort von Tel Aviv, wo die Friedrich Ebert Stiftung ihren Standort in Israel hat. Als Leiter des Regionalbüros empfängt Dr. Ralf Melzer die Zuschauer und teilt seine Einsichten zu den aktuellen Entwicklungen in Israel, Gaza und der umliegenden Region. Durch seine langjährige Erfahrung und sein tiefes Verständnis für die politischen und gesellschaftlichen Dynamiken bietet Dr. Melzer einen faszinierenden Einblick in die komplexe Realität vor Ort. Von den Herausforderungen des Nahost-Konflikts bis hin zu den Hoffnungen auf Frieden und Versöhnung diskutiert er Themen von großer globaler Bedeutung und lässt die Zuschauer an seinen Erkenntnissen teilhaben. Diese fesselnde Episode eröffnet einen Blick hinter die Schlagzeilen und ermöglicht es, die Region aus einer differenzierteren Perspektive zu betrachten.
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    13 mins