• Triumph at Plitvice Lakes: A Young Athlete's Determination

  • Jul 5 2024
  • Length: 16 mins
  • Podcast

Triumph at Plitvice Lakes: A Young Athlete's Determination

  • Summary

  • Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Triumph at Plitvice Lakes: A Young Athlete's Determination Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/triumph-at-plitvice-lakes-a-young-athletes-determination Story Transcript:Hr: Ivo je stajao na početku staze, okružen prekrasnom prirodom Plitvičkih jezera.En: Ivo stood at the beginning of the path, surrounded by the beautiful nature of Plitvice Lakes.Hr: Ljeto je bilo u punom jeku, zrak je bio topao, ali ugodan.En: Summer was in full swing, the air was warm but pleasant.Hr: Plitvička jezera su bila prekrasna, s bujnim zelenilom i čistim vodopadima.En: The Plitvice Lakes were magnificent, with lush greenery and clear waterfalls.Hr: Savršeno mjesto za trening kamp.En: A perfect place for a training camp.Hr: Ivo je bio mlad, ali odlučan atletičar.En: Ivo was young but determined athlete.Hr: Njegov cilj bio je osvojiti ovo natjecanje i osigurati mjesto u nacionalnom timu.En: His goal was to win this competition and secure a place on the national team.Hr: Želio je dokazati ocu da može uspjeti u sportu, unatoč očevim željama da se bavi akademikom.En: He wanted to prove to his father that he could succeed in sports, despite his father's wishes for him to pursue academia.Hr: Kako je startni pištolj pucao, Ivo je zapeo punom snagom.En: As the starting gun fired, Ivo took off with full strength.Hr: Njegov glavni protivnik bio je stariji i iskusniji atletičar, Marko.En: His main opponent was an older and more experienced athlete, Marko.Hr: Marko je bio brz, ali Ivo je bio fokusiran.En: Marko was fast, but Ivo was focused.Hr: Ivo je osjećao adrenalin kako struji kroz njegovo tijelo.En: Ivo could feel the adrenaline coursing through his body.Hr: No, na pola puta kroz šumu, Ivo osjeti oštar bol u nozi.En: However, halfway through the forest, Ivo felt a sharp pain in his leg.Hr: Pao je na koljeno, a bol je bila jaka.En: He fell to his knee, and the pain was intense.Hr: Pogledao je put kojim su trčali, znajući da mu je ovo možda jedina prilika.En: He looked at the path they were running, knowing that this might be his only chance.Hr: Srce mu je lupalo.En: His heart was pounding.Hr: Trebao je odlučiti: nastaviti s bolom ili stati.En: He needed to decide: continue with the pain or stop.Hr: Bolje je stati, mislio je, ali srce mu je govorilo drugačije.En: It was better to stop, he thought, but his heart told him otherwise.Hr: Uspravio se, uzimajući kratki dah, i krenuo dalje.En: He stood up, taking a short breath, and pushed on.Hr: Svaki korak bio je borba.En: Every step was a struggle.Hr: Marko mu se približavao, no Ivo je koristio svu snagu koju je imao.En: Marko was closing in, but Ivo used every ounce of strength he had.Hr: Vidio je cilj ispred sebe.En: He saw the finish line ahead.Hr: Publika je uzvikivala njegovo ime.En: The crowd was shouting his name.Hr: U trenutku kada je dotaknuo crtu, bol je postala neizdrživa, ali pobijedio je.En: At the moment he touched the line, the pain became unbearable, but he had won.Hr: Srušio se na tlo, iscrpljen i u boli.En: He collapsed to the ground, exhausted and in pain.Hr: Liječnici su odmah dotrčali.En: Medics immediately rushed to him.Hr: Dok su ga nosili na nosilima, čuo je glas trenera: "Ivo, uspio si!En: As they carried him on a stretcher, he heard the coach's voice: "Ivo, you did it!Hr: Osvojio si mjesto u timu!En: You've secured a spot on the team!"Hr: "Ivo nije mogao vjerovati.En: Ivo couldn't believe it.Hr: Bol je bila nesnosna, ali sreća u srcu neprocjenjiva.En: The pain was excruciating, but the joy in his heart was priceless.Hr: Nakon nekoliko dana u bolnici, otac ga je posjetio.En: After a few days in the hospital, his father visited him.Hr: "Ivo, ponosan sam na tebe," rekao je otac, promatrajući sina s poštovanjem.En: "Ivo, I'm proud of you," his father said, watching his son with respect.Hr: "Vidim da sport nije samo tvoja strast, nego i tvoja snaga.En: "I see that sports are not just your passion, but also your strength."Hr: "Ivo je shvatio nešto važno.En: Ivo realized something important.Hr: Njegovo tijelo imalo je granice, ali njegov duh bio je nepokolebljiv.En: His body had limits, but his spirit was indomitable.Hr: Znao je da će se oporaviti i ponovo trčati.En: He knew he would recover and run again.Hr: I ovoga puta, s podrškom svoje obitelji.En: And this time, with his family's support.Hr: Kraj obale jezera, Ivo je sjedio, gledajući u daljinu.En: By the lake's shore, Ivo sat, looking into the distance.Hr: Osjetio je mir.En: He felt peace.Hr: Priroda Plitvičkih jezera podsjećala ga je na ljepotu borbe i pobjede.En: The nature of Plitvice Lakes reminded him of the beauty of struggle and victory.Hr: Napravio je prvi korak prema svom snu, a to je bilo tek početak.En: He had taken the first step towards his dream, and this was just the beginning. Vocabulary Words:path: stazasurrounded: okruženlush: bujnidetermined: odlučancompetition: natjecanjepursue: ...
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