This is the Transgender Pelvic Health Podcast - presented by WHEN.
A podcast discussing pelvic health for transgender and non-binary people - delivered in a real, relatable way by members of the community. In this episode, we’ll meet Alex and Oliver, talking about transgender male pelvic health. Both Alex and Oliver have been working closely with the Medical and Research Team at WHEN.
The information covered is vital to all transgender men and their pelvic health.
For more information including WHEN's binding recommendations visit our website
If this episode has brought up confronting issue for you, you can contact QLife for peer support for the LGBTI+ Communities on 1800 184 527, or Lifeline on 13 11 14.
Resources/Clinics: - - tel:1800184527
People who have worked on the project/Reviewed by:
Dr Rhea Pserackis, Peta Titter, Alex Ennis, Oliver Polzin, Dr Megan Ross, Morgan Kent, Katie Ennis, Dr Anna Bamford, Dr Miranda Hann, Lizzie Hosken, Emma Rayner.
With thanks to:
The WHEN Clinical Governance Committee – Meredith Eberle, Annaliisa Hartfiel, Katie Ennis, Kim Lecuyer, Peta Titter, Dr Rhea Pserackis
and the Tasmanian Government for their support of The Transgender Project.