• Don't drag your sorry self into 2024
    Jan 6 2024

    It's that time of year, you know, that time where if you were fortunate to have a break then you at some point will be returning to work, your job, your business your passion hopefully.

    So how can you return to work without feeling that holiday hangover?

    If you are already back at work and hating it, this message is for you.

    There are some really simple strategies to help you get ready to return to work or your business without feeling dread.

    One of the ways is to be sure you have enough rest, and you can feel like you have recharged. I don’t know about you but I reached the end of the year exhausted, fatigued from stress and really need a break, in fact day one of my 2-week break, I got sick, so sick that I couldn’t do anything, this wasn’t a coincidence I can assure you, I probably knew unconsciously that I was going to crash and burn and if I didn’t I would have kept pushing through.

    2023 was full of amazing opportunities, and great achievements for all and it was also one of the hardest years of my career that I had experienced in some time. You see I had a plan, it was a great plan that would change lives, not only my team's but our client's lives and ensure they can build a better future.  

    By December I knew I needed a break so I could come back to work fresh and achieve all the plans we have made back in 2023 for 2024/2025.

    Those of you that have a job and spend every day at work hating it, get a grip, or should I say a new job, you aren’t stuck so stop spending 40 hours a week doing something you hate. If that’s where you are going to stay, then start getting grateful for what you have and so on a daily basis.

     I am grateful for my job as it …..fill in the blanks

    Thank you for my job while I get my side hustle off the ground.

    Even if you think you hate your job there are always things to be grateful for.

    AFFILIATE DISCLOSURE: My podcast episode notes may contain affiliate links, if you purchase something through these links you won’t pay more, however, I may receive a commission that enables me to earn a living, keep the channel going and at times purchase a nice bottle of prosecco to celebrate your awesomeness, thanks for listening.

    Thank you so much for your support and understanding! I am so very grateful for your support.

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    14 mins
  • A Time to Reflect as we end 2023 and begin 2024
    Dec 16 2023

    Season #6, Episode #4

    A Time to reflect

    As we bring 2023 to an end and we move into 2024, now is a great time to reflect, in this episode I share some tips to use and reflect on the year that has been and what you want for 2024





    For goodness' sake don’t set New Year's resolutions, some last 7 days but rarely do they last till 30th January. Set intentions and plan what you desire, take action!

    Book picks for the month

    ·         Build the life you want – Arthur Brookes and Oprah Winfrey

    ·         Think again – Adam Grant

    ·         Start with Why – Simon Senek

    Follow and subscribe to our podcast;

    Apple - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/training-assessment-professional-development/id1493101646?uo=4

    Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/show/2Zxv2pe5e66gvLdKa9wWg1?si=7EqchpPERIax8uzL92mE3A 

    Follow us on:

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/trainingandassessmentPD

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/t_a_p_d/

    AFFILIATE DISCLOSURE: My podcast episode notes may contain affiliate links, if you purchase something through these links you wont pay more, however I may receive a commission which enables me to earn a living, keep the channel going and at times purchase a nice bottle of prosecco to celebrate you awesome listeners.

    Thank you so much for your support and understanding! I am so very grateful for your support.

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    30 mins
  • Mentoring - Share your knowledge
    Dec 10 2023

    Season #6, Episode #3

    Mentoring - Share your knowledge.

    As Coaches and Mentors, we want our students to get the most from our sessions and when we understand why shared knowledge is important to are more willing to share skills and attributes that we have learned along the way. We can be more conscious about planning our session to include key learnings and more importantly failures and encourage others to share. It doesn't matter whether you are delivering face-to-face or via ZOOM you can ensure there is a high level of interaction and storytelling in your session to engage your mentee.
     In this Podcast, I share why it's important to share the knowledge you learn along the way, Let's build the next generation of lifelong learners and leaders.

    Is it for personal or professional growth
    Career development to apply for a job 

    Book picks for the month

    Build the Life you want -  Arthur C Brooks and Oprah Winfrey

    Co-Active Coaching 3rd Edition – Henry Kimsey-House & Karen Kimsey-House

    Follow and subscribe to our podcast;

    Apple - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/training-assessment-professional-development/id1493101646?uo=4

    Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/show/2Zxv2pe5e66gvLdKa9wWg1?si=7EqchpPERIax8uzL92mE3A 

    Follow us on:

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/trainingandassessmentPD

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/t_a_p_d/

    AFFILIATE DISCLOSURE: My podcast episode notes may contain affiliate links, if you purchase something through these links you wont pay more, however I may receive a commission which enables me to earn a living, keep the channel going and at times purchase a nice bottle of prosecco to celebrate all of you awesome listeners.

    Thank you so much for your support and understanding! I am so very grateful for your support.

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    16 mins
  • Adult Learners and Principles that are the key to learning.
    May 20 2023

    Season #6, Episode #2

    Adult Learners and Principles that are the key to learning.

    Learning Face to Face will always be a desire of many adult learners.

    As educators we want our student to get the most from the our sessions and when we understand the Adult Learning Principles we can be more conscious about planning our session to include this and encourage others to share. It doesn't matter whether you are delivering face to face or via ZOOM you can ensure their is a high level of interaction and story telling into your session.
     In this Podcast I give some personal examples and how this has been beneficial and also explain Malcolm Knowles theory on the 6 Principles. See below for his example from the internet.
     Malcolm Knowles defined the term andragogy in the 1970s as ‘the art and science of helping adults learn.’

    Knowles identified the six principles of adult learning:

    1. Adults are internally motivated and self-directed

    Adult learners make choices relevant to their learning objectives. They also direct their learning goals with the guidance of their mentors. Students need to be given the freedom to assume responsibility for their own choices.

    2. Adults bring life experiences and knowledge to learning experiences

    Educators encourage learners to connect past experiences with current knowledge and activities. Educators must know how to relate the sum of the learner’s experience to the current learning experiences.

    3. Adults are goal oriented

    Adult learners aim to acquire relevant and adequate knowledge and for this reason intended learning outcomes should be clearly identified. Once the learning goals have been identified, educators must align the learning activities such that these objectives are fulfilled within a certain period of time.

    4. Adults are relevancy oriented

    Adult learners benefit by relating the assigned tasks to their own learning goals. If it is clear that the activities they are engaged into, directly contribute to achieving their personal learning objectives, then they will be inspired and motivated to engage in projects and successfully complete them.

    5. Adults are practical

    It is very important for educators to identify appropriate ways and convert theoretical learning to practical activities. Work placement is a way for students to apply the theoretical concepts learned inside the classroom into real-life situations. Learning is assisted when appropriate ways of implementing theoretical knowledge in real life situations is made clear.

    6. Adult learners like to be respected

    Adult learners thrive in collaborative relationships with their educators. Learners become more productive when they’re considered by their instructors as colleagues. When their contributions are acknowledged, then they are willing to put out their best work.

    Book picks for the month

    Start with Why – Simon Senek

    An Ordinary Day – Leigh Sales

    Follow and subscribe to our podcast;

    Apple - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/training-assessment-professional-development/id1493101646?uo=4

    Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/show/2Zxv2pe5e66gvLdKa9wWg1?si=7EqchpPERIax8uzL92mE3A 

    Follow us on:

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/trainingandassessmentPD

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/t_a_p_d/

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    26 mins
  • Welcome back it's 2023
    Jan 7 2023

    Season #6, Episode #1

    Welcome to 2023

    Firstly let me say I am so glad you are here again and thank you for joining me again in a new year. I look forward to doing a podcast each month and making this year the best it can possibly be.
    In this podcast i just want to say thank you and share some of the best episode achievements with you.

    I look forward to more so tune in for this short podcast.

    Growth doesn’t happen naturally, it happens intentionally and is accessible to everyone!

    Book picks for the month

    Find your Why -m Simon Senik
    Follow and subscribe to our podcast;

    Apple - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/training-assessment-professional-development/id1493101646?uo=4

    Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/show/2Zxv2pe5e66gvLdKa9wWg1?si=7EqchpPERIax8uzL92mE3A 

    Follow us on:

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/trainingandassessmentPD

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/t_a_p_d/

    Website: https://memberships.mantratraining.com.au/

    AFFILIATE DISCLOSURE: My podcast episode notes may contain affiliate links, if you purchase something through these links you wont pay more, however I may receive a commission which enables me to earn a living, keep the channel going and at times purchase a nice bottle of prosecco to celebrate you awesome listeners.

    Thank you so much for your support and understanding! I am so very grateful for your support.

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    9 mins
  • Are You a Crappy Trainer?
    Jan 11 2022

    Episode Notes

    Season #6, Episode #1

    Are you a crappy trainer

    I recently spoke to a friend about her experience in her recent Training & Assessment course, it made me furious and prompted some questions to you, my listeners.

    Never forget this is your clients learning journey not yours!

    What is your delivery like? 
    Do you know why your learners are there, take the time to get to know their motivation and remember you are there to teach skills and knowledge not talk at people.

    Becoming complacent with our delivery as we know the content so well that we forget that the student doesn’t know what they don’t know, and we can rush over content. Having someone sit in on a session with their student hat on so we can receive constructive feedback about our delivery, content, timing and if we are hitting the mark. The feedback loop is always beneficial.

    And more so tune in for this short podcast.

    Growth doesn’t happen naturally, it happens intentionally and is accessible to everyone!

    Book picks for the month

    Traction – Gino Wickman 

    Livewired – David Eagleman

    Co-Active Coaching 3rd Edition – Henry Kimsey-House & Karen Kimsey-House

    Follow and subscribe to our podcast;

    Apple - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/training-assessment-professional-development/id1493101646?uo=4

    Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/show/2Zxv2pe5e66gvLdKa9wWg1?si=7EqchpPERIax8uzL92mE3A 

    Follow us on:

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/trainingandassessmentPD

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/t_a_p_d/

    Website: https://memberships.mantratraining.com.au/

    AFFILIATE DISCLOSURE: My podcast episode notes may contain affiliate links, if you purchase something through these links you wont pay more, however I may receive a commission which enables me to earn a living, keep the channel going and at times purchase a nice bottle of prosecco to celebrate you awesome listeners.

    Thank you so much for your support and understanding! I am so very grateful for your support.

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    11 mins
  • Trainer and Assessor Currency
    Dec 12 2021

    Trainer and Assessor Currency

    In this podcast we talk about why currency is important in your career, what does currency look like, how to stay current, and what are the pitfalls if you don’t stay current, this can effect your financially and professional.

    Make a plan for 2022 so you can stay current without it becoming a burden.

    And more so tune in for this short podcast.

    Growth doesn’t happen naturally, it happens intentionally and is accessible to everyone!

    Book picks for the month

    Traction – Gino Wickman 

    Livewired – David Eagleman

    Co-Active Coaching 3rd Edition – Henry Kimsey-House & Karen Kimsey-House

    Follow and subscribe to our podcast;

    Apple - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/training-assessment-professional-development/id1493101646?uo=4

    Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/show/2Zxv2pe5e66gvLdKa9wWg1?si=7EqchpPERIax8uzL92mE3A 

    Follow us on:

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/trainingandassessmentPD

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/t_a_p_d/

    Website: https://memberships.mantratraining.com.au/

    AFFILIATE DISCLOSURE: My podcast episode notes may contain affiliate links, if you purchase something through these links you won’t pay more, however I may receive a commission which enables me to earn a living, keep the channel going and at times purchase a nice bottle of prosecco to celebrate you awesome listeners.

    Thank you so much for your support and understanding! I am so very grateful for your support.

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    12 mins
  • Traps Trainers Fall Into
    Feb 27 2021

    Episode Notes

    Season #5, Episode #2

    Traps Trainers Fall Into

    As trainers we can fall into several traps, have you?

    Trap #1

    Wanting to deliver a program and spending weeks developing without going to the market and seeing the need. We can have many great programs that clients don’t want to buy, or students don’t want to attend. Knowing your target audience makes it easy to go to market and get some feedback on the need so you can develop what is needed and contextualise for greater impact.

    Trap #2

    Becoming complacent with our delivery as we know the content so well that we forget that the student doesn’t know what they don’t know, and we can rush over content. Having someone sit in on a session with their student hat on so we can receive constructive feedback about our delivery, content, timing and if we are hitting the mark. The feedback loop is always beneficial.

    And more so tune in for this short podcast.

    Growth doesn’t happen naturally, it happens intentionally and is accessible to everyone!

    Book picks for the month

    Traction – Gino Wickman 

    Livewired – David Eagleman

    Co-Active Coaching 3rd Edition – Henry Kimsey-House & Karen Kimsey-House

    Follow and subscribe to our podcast;

    Apple - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/training-assessment-professional-development/id1493101646?uo=4

    Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/show/2Zxv2pe5e66gvLdKa9wWg1?si=7EqchpPERIax8uzL92mE3A 

    Follow us on:

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/trainingandassessmentPD

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/t_a_p_d/

    Website: https://memberships.mantratraining.com.au/

    AFFILIATE DISCLOSURE: My podcast episode notes may contain affiliate links, if you purchase something through these links you wont pay more, however I may receive a commission which enables me to earn a living, keep the channel going and at times purchase a nice bottle of prosecco to celebrate you awesome listeners.

    Thank you so much for your support and understanding! I am so very grateful for your support.

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    10 mins