• 14 | Your Business NEEDS a Facebook Funnel
    Jun 8 2021

    Did you know that Facebook has over 200 million active users in the United States alone? Add in Instagram and WhatsApp (which are both owned by Facebook) and you can basically triple that number.

    There's an old idea in business that says you need to be where the people are, and it's safe to say that the people are on Facebook. So how do you leverage that audience? The answer is a funnel.

    In today's episode of Traffic Makers, Rachel explores the process of creating Facebook funnels and how they can help connect you with your perfect people.

    You'll learn why every business needs to have a Facebook funnel active in order to make the process of selling and serving your customers easier, and how it can help you spend less on ads.

    You'll discover the five steps to creating a Facebook funnel, including creating content that qualifies buyers and crafting your offer.

    You'll learn that social media is far more than simply an "advertising channel," and why interacting with your audience is far more important and effective than simply broadcasting to them.

    You'll also learn why the businesses with the most engaged customers are the most successful, not necessarily the ones with the biggest ad budget.

    Join Rachel as she guides you through the process of creating a Facebook funnel and helps you connect to your audience more effectively.


    What You’ll Learn in this Show:

    • The power of funnels and why every business needs to have one.

    • The five steps to creating a Facebook funnel for your business.

    • The importance of truly interacting with your audience, not just broadcasting to them.

    And so much more...


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    21 mins
  • 13 | Audiences: The Journey From Stranger to Buyer
    Jun 1 2021

    How do you turn a stranger into a customer, and even beyond that, to someone who will attract other people to your business?

    You're a traffic maker. You're the type of person who can identify your perfect person among a sea of strangers, get relevant and content in front of them and inspire them to join you and your mission by delivering results. But how do you do that exactly?

    In today's episode of Traffic Makers, Rachel digs deep into the process of turning strangers into buyers and beyond.

    You'll discover the various kinds of audiences you should be collecting and why each one needs to be handled differently depending on where they are along your funnel.

    You'll learn about concepts such as cold, warm and hot audiences, as well as intentional interaction and look-alike audiences and where they fit in your funnel.

    You'll discover the reasons why becoming a buyer doesn't mark the end of your relationship with a customer - it's just another stage of the journey.

    You'll also learn that, while creating multiple audiences may seem time-consuming and complicated, it is in fact quite easy and only needs to be done once to be effective.

    Join Rachel as she helps you understand the journey your perfect person takes from stranger to customer, and how you can use it to grow your business!


    What You’ll Learn in this Show:

    • The journey your audience takes from strangers to buyers who attract others to follow the same path.
    • The various types of audiences you should be collecting.
    • Concepts such as cold audiences, warm audiences, intentional interaction and look-alike audiences and where they fit in your funnel.
    • Why someone buying from you is not the end of the journey, it's just another step along the way.

    And so much more...


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    20 mins
  • 12 | Why Ads Fail?
    May 25 2021

    So you've created fabulous ads... but they aren't working. What went wrong?

    When ads flop, the typical reaction is to blame the ad, or even the marketing team, but is that the real source of the problem? Maybe, but then again, maybe not.

    In today's episode of Traffic Makers, Rachel shares one of the most common issues entrepreneurs run into on their business journey: failed ads.

    You'll discover why some ads fail and why the reason may not be the marketing team or even the ad itself.

    You'll learn why every business owner needs to understand the basics of marketing in order to hire the right marketing team for their business.

    You'll discover the five pitfalls that can cause even the best ads to fail, such as confusing traffic with sales or failing to use tracking tools effectively.

    You'll learn why measuring the right things and speaking to the right audience isn't just good advice - it will save you time, money and frustration in your marketing efforts.

    You'll also learn the rules you need to follow to ensure that your amazing ads actually translate into sales for your business.

    Join Rachel as she helps you determine the real reason your ads have flopped - and what to do to make things right.


    What You’ll Learn in this Show:

    • Why it's vital for business owners to understand the basics of their marketing.
    • The five pitfalls that can cause your ad to fail, no matter how good it is.
    • The importance of measuring the right things and speaking to the right audience.
    • The rules you need to follow to create and run ads that turn strangers into buyers.

    And so much more...


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    19 mins
  • 11 | How To Fall In Love with Your Business (Again)
    May 21 2021

    Have you fallen out of love with your business?

    Every business has its ups and downs, and there's often a point where you feel like the excitement has faded. You've worked so hard for so long, and burnout starts setting in. Your content doesn't interest you and your customers become annoying. It sounds like a disaster, but it's a perfectly normal part of having a business over the long term.

    In today's episode of Traffic Makers, Rachel explores this common, if not entirely pleasant, part of running a business.

    Through the example of a local donut shop, you'll discover the reasons why business owners occasionally become irritated with their customers, start seeing their content as uninteresting and even forget why they went into business in the first place.

    You'll learn how your feelings of burnout and irritation are felt by your customers, from less-than-ideal service to the sense of being "chased for a transaction," and the effects that can have on your business.

    You'll discover a practical exercise that will help you fall in love with your clients all over again and even find new ways to serve them.

    Join Rachel as she helps you navigate the ebb and flow of your business so you can get back to what you do best.


    What You’ll Learn in this Show:

    • Why it's perfectly normal to feel frustrated and even annoyed with your business from time to time.
    • The reasons why entrepreneurs fall out of love with their business and even their clients.
    • How your irritation and burnout can be felt by the clients you're trying to serve.
    • A real world exercise that will help you fall in love with your clients again and even find new ways to serve them.

    And so much more...


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    15 mins
  • 10 | Apple's New Ad Policy: Now What?
    May 18 2021

    By now you're aware of Apple's revolutionary app-tracking transparency policy, but what does it mean for your business?

    Prior to Apple's new policy, ad tracking was done by default on devices such as the iPhone and a user had to opt out of tracking. Now on the iPhone, users have to opt IN to tracking - it doesn't happen automatically. For businesses that rely on ad tracking and retargeting, this is a seismic shift, and, some would say, a disaster.

    However, there is a silver lining.

    In today's episode of Traffic Makers, Rachel explores Apple's new policy and the effect it will have on businesses.

    You'll learn how app tracking currently works in the online world and how it can be both a positive user experience... and a not so positive one, all at the same time.

    You'll discover what's involved in Apple's new policy, as well as the real world effect it's having on businesses and advertising.

    You'll learn why "every change has a silver lining" and how you can leverage these new changes to not only "survive" but thrive.

    You'll also learn why Apple's policy could actually create new opportunities for businesses to connect with their customers in more meaningful ways.

    Join Rachel as she helps you understand how the world of online advertising is changing and how you can use it to grow your audience and business.


    What You’ll Learn in this Show:

    • How Apple's new ad tracking transparency policy has revolutionized online advertising.
    • The "silver lining" behind this seemingly epic change to the ad system.
    • How you can leverage these changes to build your audience and thrive.
    • How Apple’s new policy could create new opportunities for connecting with audiences.

    And so much more...


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    16 mins
  • 9 | Niche Down Tactics That Help You Reach Your Perfect People
    May 14 2021

    It's a question that faces many entrepreneurs: Should you niche down, or should you focus on a broad audience?

    You feel - you KNOW - that your product or service has the ability to change the world, and so you want to reach as many people as possible. On the other hand, you've heard that "niching down" is the key to success. Which is the right path for your business?

    In today's episode, Rachel shares a question she received from an entrepreneur named Helen who sells activity packs for kids.

    You'll learn why every entrepreneur, at some point in their business journey, faces the choice of niching down versus targeting a broader audience with their products and services.

    You'll discover Rachel's three rules for determining if you have an audience you can love and serve - an audience who are ready and willing to buy from you.

    You'll learn the reasons why, as you adjust your messaging, you'll likely turn away some audiences while attracting others.

    You'll also learn why the audiences you target need to be made up of your ideal clients - people who you can relate to and serve with your products and services.

    Join Rachel as helps you navigate the niche vs. broad audience dilemma for your business!


    What You’ll Learn in this Show:

    • Why nearly every entrepreneur has to face the choice of niching down versus targeting a broad audience.

    • Three rules for determining whether or not to niche down your business offerings.

    • Why your messaging will likely turn away some audiences while attracting others.

    • The importance of ensuring that your audience is made up of your ideal clients.

    • And so much more...


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    12 mins
  • 8 | Hacks For Facebook Groups
    May 11 2021

    Do you use Facebook groups for your business?

    Facebook groups are powerful tools for building awareness and excitement among your audience, as well as converting people into buyers. However, running a group properly takes time and energy, and when it's done badly, the result is an unengaged audience, or worse, an audience that ends up buying from your competitors.

    In today's episode, Rachel reveals hacks, tips and strategies that will help you get the most out of your Facebook groups. You'll learn why groups are such powerful conversion tools, as well as the importance of engagement stacking.

    You'll discover why it's essential to provide the right signals to your audience and the Facebook algorithm to ensure that your content is appearing in their feed.

    You'll gain tips on the right way to behave in groups, such as asking more questions and cheerleading others in a meaningful way that will send all the right signals to your audience and to Facebook's algorithm.

    You'll also learn how you can use groups other than your own to generate awareness of you and your brand in a way that won't get you banned.

    Join Rachel as she provides everything you need to make your Facebook group the powerful engagement and conversion tool you want it to be!


    What You’ll Learn in this Show:

    • Why Facebook groups are powerful conversion tools... when used properly.
    • Tips and tricks to help you use Facebook groups to encourage audiences to consume your content and eventually, purchase from you.
    • Why you should always "elevate the group and not yourself" in groups other than your own.
    • How you can use those other groups to build awareness of you, your business and your brand (without getting banned!)
    • And so much more...


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    15 mins
  • 7 | Rachel Miller | Staying Out of Social Media "Jail"
    May 7 2021

    Have you or someone you know ever ended up in "Facebook Jail?"

    When you run afoul of the rules and guidelines put in place by social media platforms, the result can be detrimental to your business.

    In today's episode of The Traffic Makers, Rachel shares the stories of two clients - both of whom found themselves in trouble with Facebook, for alleged breaches of the platform's terms of service.

    You'll learn how, in some cases, you can do all the right things and still be penalized by the platform's algorithm. Using the example of "house rules" in her own home, Rachel will help you understand the types tactics and behaviors that can get you into trouble, such as impersonating an account, link redirecting and mass-tagging on posts.

    You'll also discover the various lengths of time you may have to wait before you can access your profile again, as well as guiding you through the process of regaining access should the worst occur.

    Landing in Facebook jail can feel like a terrible blow to your business, but it's important to remember that it's not the end of the world!

    Join Rachel as she helps you understand the behaviors that can get you into trouble, and how you can actively avoid them - reducing the likelihood that you'll inadvertently break the rules.


    What You’ll Learn in this Show:

    • Why incurring the wrath of a social media platform's rules can be catastrophic for your business.
    • Tactics and behaviors to avoid when growing your audience.
    • The various ways your account can be locked down, and how long those lockdowns can last.
    • What you can do to get out of "jail" should the worst happen.
    • And so much more...


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    20 mins