• #60 Part 2 Meet Father Bill Quinlivan: Parish Priest Songwriter/ Recording Artist and Author
    Mar 13 2025

    Inside today's episode of The Unplanned Joyful Life Podcast, Cathy Jo Lang continues her interview with Father Bill Quinlivan, a Parish Priest and Pastor from Buffalo, NY. Father Bill continues to share his journey of growing up in a Catholic Irish family, hearing and accepting his call to priesthood and sharing what he wants young mothers to know about the Catholic Church. He will share his songs, books and other projects as well. You can find Father Bills inspirational songs and stories at www.frbillsings.com. or go to the Facebook page, frbillsings and prepare to be entertained!

    If this episode resonated or blessed you in any way, please take 30 seconds and give a 5-star review on apple podcast,

    Contact Cathy Jo for a Healthy Boundaries Coaching Call at cathylang716@gmail.com

    Join my free Facebook group, Practical Support for Younger Christian Moms

    Thank you and God bless!

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    23 mins
  • #59 Part 1- Father Bill Quinlivan's Journey: Parish Priest, Songwriter/Recording Artist and Author.
    Mar 11 2025

    Inside today's episode of The Unplanned Joyful Life Podcast, Cathy Jo Lang interviews Father Bill Quinlivan, a Parish Priest and Pastor from Buffalo, NY. Father Bill shares his journey of growing up in a Catholic Irish family, hearing and accepting his call to priesthood and sharing what he wants young mothers to know about the Catholic Church. He will share his songs, books and other projects as well. You can find Father Bills inspirational songs and stories at www.frbillsings.com. or go to the Facebook page, frbillsings and prepare to be entertained!

    If this episode resonated or blessed you in any way, please take 30 seconds and give a 5-star review on apple podcast,

    Contact Cathy Jo for a Healthy Boundaries Coaching Call at cathylang716@gmail.com

    Join my free Facebook group, Practical Support for Younger Christian Moms

    Thank you and God bless!

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    28 mins
  • #58 In Need of Spiritual Strength? 10 ways to get the most out of this Lenten season
    Mar 6 2025

    Inside today's episode, Cathy Jo Talks about the importance of Lent as a Christian. She shares 10 ways you can implement practices to get the most out of this Lenten season. This will help you grow in faith, strength and grace.

    If this episode resonated or blessed you in any way, please take 30 seconds and give a 5-star review on apple podcast,

    Contact Cathy Jo for a Healthy Boundaries Coaching Call at cathylang716@gmail.com

    Join the free Facebook group, The Unplanned Joyful Life

    Thank you and God bless!

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    19 mins
  • #57 Looking to create habits in order to obtain goals? Atomic Habits by James Clear has some great advice.
    Mar 4 2025

    Inside today's episode of The Unplanned joyful Life, Cathy Jo talks about Atomic Habits by James Clear and 4 Laws explained in his book. She shares her personal thoughts and examples of ways that she has, and you may benefit from reading it. She encourages you to read Atomic Habits and improve habits necessary for success, no matter what your goal. She also refers to Romans 12:2.

    If this episode resonated or blessed you in any way, please take 30 seconds and give a 5-star review on apple podcast,

    Contact Cathy Jo for a Healthy Boundaries Coaching Call at cathylang716@gmail.com

    Join the free Facebook group, The Unplanned Joyful Life

    Thank you and God bless!

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    20 mins
  • #56 Overwhelmed on the hard days, and not sure where to start? 10 ways to get back on track and experience more calm and productivity every day
    Feb 27 2025

    Inside today's episode, Cathy Jo addresses our need for insight and guidance on the difficult days. We all have them. And, here are 10 ways to get back on track, increase calm and feel more productive everyday. Cathy Jo refers to Bible verses: Isaiah 55: 8-9 and 2 Corinthians 12:9. And, she also reads from Jesus Calling by Sarah Ban Breathnache. Enjoy!

    If this episode resonated or blessed you in any way, please take 30 seconds and give a 5-star review on apple podcast,

    Contact Cathy Jo for a Healthy Boundaries Coaching Call at cathylang716@gmail.com

    Join the free Facebook group, The Unplanned Joyful Life

    Thank you and God bless!

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    22 mins
  • #55 Overwhelmed and depleted due to being an empath? 5 things to consider in order to restore you body mind and spirit
    Feb 25 2025

    After reading The Empowered Empath by Susan Reynolds and having spent years learning, creating and implementing self-care practices. Cathy Jo shares insight in order to help you and those you love. You will learn how to limit the negative effects of being an empath, while you increase the empowering impact you have as an empath instead. Cathy Jo shares what it means to be an empath and 5 things you can do if you or someone you love has the characteristics of an empath.

    If this episode resonated or blessed you in any way, please

    Write a 5-star review on apple podcast,

    Contact Cathy Jo for a Healthy Boundaries Coaching Call at cathylang716@gmail.com

    Join the free Facebook group, The Unplanned Joyful Life

    Thank you and God bless!

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    22 mins
  • #54 God-centered home on a budget? 10 ways you and your family might benefit from minimalism
    Feb 20 2025

    Inside today's episode of the Unplanned Joyful Life, Cathy Jo talks about the reality of living on a restricted budget. As parents, we may be concerned or feel guilty that we may not be able to provide a lot of extras for our family, especially for our kids. But as long as your children are getting what they need, limiting the extras may actually benefit them, and you in the long run. Cathy Jo shares 10 ways minimalism may benefit you and your family.

    If this episode resonated or blessed you in any way, please

    Write a 5-star review on apple podcast,

    Join the free Facebook group, The Unplanned Joyful Life

    Contact Cathy Jo for a free coaching session at cathylang716@gmail.com

    Thank you and God bless!

    Show More Show Less
    24 mins
  • #53 Miscarriage or Baby Loss?: Meet Emily Doring Part 2
    Feb 18 2025

    Inside today's episode of the Unplanned Joyful Life, Cathy Jo will continue speaking with Emily Doring. Emily is the Executive Director of the Western New York Perinatal Bereavement Network, Inc. Emily is also a mother of 4, who sadly lost 2 of her babies through miscarriage, Baby D and Selah Grace. She will share her personal experience as well as her journey of using her loss to grieve, heal and help others in their darkest moments. Emily shares contact information for those in need. Please see below for contacts mentioned in interview:

    Website: wnypbn.org

    Facebook: Western New York Perinatal Bereavement Network

    Email: Emily@wnypbn.org

    Phone: 716-626-6363

    Angel Gowns of Western New York: angelgownsofwny.com

    If this episode resonated or blessed you in any way, please

    Write a review on apple podcast,

    Join the free Facebook group, The Unplanned Joyful Life

    Contact Cathy Jo for a free coaching session at cathylang716@gmail.com

    Thank you and God bless!

    Show More Show Less
    31 mins