• Endings & Beginning, A Personal Love Story
    Jan 12 2023

    *In this first episode of 2023 I share a personal story that has layers of happiness, sadness, learning and expansion.
    *It is a story of the love between myself and my dog Flicker. How our relationship started, developed, expanded and ended. There is so much richness and layers to this relationship as well as aha moments for me. How relationships between two different beings or even species,  can bring so much growth and expansion for both parties if you just open enough to see it.
    *I wanted to share it on this public platform so that you might find something in my story that will help you or someone you love or care about.
    *I also can't leave a podcast without a little astrology to give you a brief look into where we have been and where we are going.

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    1 hr and 27 mins
  • Duality and Reflection
    Dec 8 2022

    In this podcast, my guest Clarice Scheck, and I discuss the Full moon in Gemini conjunct Mars in retrograde. How this energy of Mars in Retrograde is effecting the planet and us personally.

    We tie it all together going in depth on duality, the reflection we see in the mirror,  how to support better personal internal dialog, self love, relationships and so so so much more. 
    I hope you enjoy our candid, insightful and deep conversation.

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    1 hr and 28 mins
  • Spiritual Spin Conversation with Clarice Scheck
    Dec 1 2022

    In this, candid and diverse conversation, Clarice and I have some fun sharing personal stories about what we have been experiencing during these intense energetic changes happening all around us in the past few weeks. We also share how we have been navigating it all using the tools we have learned through our inner work and connection to our spiritual guidance. 

    Some topics that drove our conversation are; its not why's is something happening to you but what is it showing you, faith and fear ask the same thing off you; too trust what is not seen, the importance of a routine that is in alignment with the energy around you, Inspiration, releasing energy through crying to open up your blockages and awareness, just to name a few.

    Link to a list pf physical issues and their emotional causes.

    Ayurvedic Clock Information websites

    Disciple. Devotion. The 30 Day Challenge.

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    1 hr and 45 mins
  • Energy Clearing, Forgiveness and The Mirror Effect
    Nov 21 2022

    Ra states in the book The Law of One- forgiveness stops the wheel of karma.

    For-the meaning to obtain, gain or acquire

    For-give= meaning to obtain, gain or acquire by giving

    For get= meaning to obtain, gain or acquire by getting 

    Its not about forgetting what someone has done to or for you, because that would mean that you are cancelling out the experience and the knowledge gained from it. 

    All things are an opportunity for learning, gaining and expanding-whether you  mentally deem them good or bad.                     

    All energy, (additional add ons-including thought forms, emotions, low vibration entities, etc…), I have received from others that do not belong to me, I forgive (purpose of giving through absolving/setting free) and send it back to those I have received it from blessed and transformed. 

    The mirror is a representation of what you have held within your own energy field and is reflected in another. 

    When this is a triggered situation it is an opportunity for you to move through some old trauma or drama that you are ready to face, acknowledge and heal.

    Your imagination is your greatest gift and most powerful ally in your healing and expansion.

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    1 hr and 6 mins
  • What It Means To Be On The Human (Masculine/Feminine) Spectrum
    Nov 15 2022

    In this episode I explore what it means to be a human being. I give a spiritual spin perspective on this struggle we find our selves in as a human collective.

    The souls part in the masculine and feminine aspects of our body, mind and the conscious connection to the human collective.

    The labeling of who and what we want others to see us as and how that is serving us and also keeping us stuck. 

    How we can see each other with more compassion and acceptance without conflict. 

    The astrology that supports the trials and changes we are confronted with and why it's important to be in the mess for the change that is needed but to also see what's happen from a higher perspective. 

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    1 hr and 19 mins
  • Energy Update November 2022
    Nov 2 2022

    Themes for this month are :Letting go, full one lunar eclipse in Taurus square Pluto on US Election Day, embracing new patterns and beginnings from a place of old experiences.

    * correction- I said Mars was squared Pluto but it’s actually a quincunx  which energetically is similar to a square since there is a sense of incompatibility and friction but it is not as intense. Possible less intense and more confusing but could also be both for the one feeling it. Anyway I just wanted to clear that up for those who caught that. 

    Message from the Rays of Love and Light

    Humanity is at a time of great transition. You could say transformation and yes that is correct in some circumstances but we would like to focus on the world transition. 

    Transition is a much more appropriate word for what is happening. Transition means moving from one state of being to another. This is what is actually happening.

    You are in a state of transition from one way of understanding your world and your very existence to another that is far less familiar and yet you resonate with it on a level that your conscious mind cannot yet understand. 

    What this means is that you are in a period of transition of your reality, your belief systems and how you move through the very world you have created. 

    You are actually creating a new world as we communicate this message. A world that is not so different from the one you know and yet it is. 

    Many of you are experiences the shift into this 4th and 5th density experience within a 3rd dimension matrix.

    This can be difficult because it requires more transition from one state of being to another and yes transformation is occurring as you are shedding the layers of the 3rd density experience. 

    It is just a perspective that has changed. One from self service to service of others. 

    Because you realize that you are all one.

    Serving others you are serving you and Serving you, you are serving others.

    The most important thing to remember in this time of transition, is to remember that as you embrace the concept that we are all connected

    And so do your inner healing and awareness work through love and light and as you transition from one density to another, you serve the collective consciousness to do so as well. 

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    44 mins
  • Letting Go, Mars in Gemini and Heart Centering
    Oct 12 2022

    *In this episode I share a personal story that freed me from self imposed frustration I have been dealign with for the last 10 years. 

    *Some seriously challenging astrology energy we are living through and how to use this energy to support your life.

    *How spirit shows up when we let go of our expectations and how dropping into your heart will support your connection to spirit and why.

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    54 mins
  • Lions Gate Portal and Practical Mystic Challenges
    Aug 1 2022

    This episode, with Marijah Hollingshed, is a candid conversation on what is going on in our lives and how the Lions Gate Portal that started July 26 and ends August 8th is effecting everyone and how to move through and use the energy to its fullest.

    I hope you enjoy this episode and if you have any question or would like contact me to speak on a particular subject please email me at dana@danamclena.life or reach me at www.danamclean.life.

    if you would like to reach Marijah you can do that through Facebook @esotericessentialhealingcenter or marijahhollingshed03@gmail.com.

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    1 hr and 1 min