• Getting life right and making good food with Enarxis Fernandez
    May 11 2024

    The audio files for this had been lost...until NOW. I had a great time with Enarxis about a year and a half ago and I am happy to be able to share that conversation with you! From growing up in a family of Cuban immigrants on the streets of Miami to leaving that way of life behind, we talked about a lot of things going on in the world today.

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    1 hr and 5 mins
  • From Homeless to Helping Change Lives
    Jun 7 2022

    Running a non-profit which assists people on the streets, Lawrence’s own story is enough to shock most people.

    ALERT: Many details are graphic in nature and may not be appropriate for some people, especially children.

    A product of rape, Lawrence experienced life in the worst areas of Detroit, MI. After bouncing around the country, being rejected by his biological father, being married and divorced, Lawrence found himself homeless and on drugs including PCP. After several years addicted and on the streets, he moved to Florida and got to know it’s streets.

    One night, looking to get drunk and then some, he hit a wall: Nothing was open and the one local place he thought would hit the spot wouldn’t serve him for some reason. Driving away from there, he saw a billboard that drew him in…

    Show Links:





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    1 hr and 48 mins
  • Beth Aker--Changing the Community in which you Live
    May 31 2022

    It doesn’t matter what your job is. It doesn’t matter what your training, education, or experience is. YOU can make a difference in your community. Beth Aker is currently the Director of East Pasco Meals on Wheels. But she had a vision to grow this organization to be more than a place that delivers meals to our Seniors.

    They bought a new building, opening a much larger kitchen and food prep area, but also opening the Genesis Center—a true community center. In addition to that, they give away many TONS of food each year to 14+ food pantries around the region.

    Before running the EPMOW, Beth was Postmaster at a very unique Post Office in San Antonio, FL. She also is a huge fan of the Golden Girls and shopping at thrift stores around the country!

    Meals on Wheels—Donate and Volunteer! https://mealsonwheelspasco.org/

    Videos referenced or played:





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    1 hr and 39 mins
  • Seth Campbell: Succeeding in life when the deck isn’t stacked in your favor
    May 12 2022
    I got the opportunity to do something I've done many times before but never with a camera filming it...I had a conversation with Seth Campbell! Seth is a longtime friend of mine who is a father, husband, step-father, middle-management extraordinaire, and a bit of an inspiration to anyone who started life without some of the basic things that people believe you need to be successful in life. -Financially well off? Nope. -College degree? None...GED in fact! -Stable home in one city/town? His family moved around a bit growing up. Not that his life was hopeless or terrible to begin with, but several things weren't in his favor. After working several different jobs and owning a cleaning business simultaneously, Seth realized that he wanted a different career path and then took the steps necessary to make it happen! No one is going to give you your dream job, buy you the perfect house, or become the perfect spouse or child. YOU have the responsibility to chase those dreams, work those relationships, and roll with the changes as they come. If you’d like the full experience, check out the video on my YouTube channel: https://youtube.com/channel/UCug_S43bb-5PkKKWGS_IZJw
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    1 hr and 46 mins
  • Chief Derek Brewer of Zephyrhills FL Police
    May 6 2022

    Chief Brewer is working hard to build and maintain an exceptional local police force in the largest city of Pasco County. Building on the core values of Service, Dignity, and Respect, Brewer and his officers are impacting their community in a positive manner.

    They seek to treat all individuals with honor and respect, regardless of social status or other identifiers. Listen in as we explore what the ZPD does to live out their values on a daily basis.

    Show Links:

    Stories Seldom Told


    Police Links:



    Zephyrhills Promo Video:


    Good to Great:


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    1 hr and 52 mins
  • BJ Shay, pastor and people empowerer
    May 5 2022

    BJ and Nick got the opportunity to sit in studio and talk about life and ministry as Pastors. Both members of the Nazarene Church, we share a lot of common background experiences, yet also have diverging paths.

    As we share a bit about our experiences and as I listened to the places BJ has worked and served, we explore topics such as: suffering for God in Hawaii, kids Sunday School teachers giving a pocket knife out as a prize, and sex workers in Germany participating in a church mission trip.

    Throughout the episode, we discussed what it would take to get the Church at large to move into the future and embrace technology and love others no matter where they are.

    Show Links:




    Nick's Other Podcast:


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    2 hrs and 1 min
  • A little bit of Rosie-ness!
    May 3 2022

    Joined in studio by Rosie Paulsen, we discuss what Rosie is all about. She is an entrepreneur, follower of Jesus, involved in government systems, and serves around her community. The things she does all center around serving others and when you know your purpose and live it our, everything just seems to work out! There is so much that we DIDN'T get to talk about, so we will just have to do this again sometime! (Immigration from Ecuador; Becoming and American Citizen; knowing Santa Claus better than the rest of us; etc) We did discuss things like how leaving a 6-figure income to do what God calls you to do is always the right thing. We talked about the importance of individuals becoming involved in local government (or at higher levels). And at one poignant moment, Rosie shared about how God showed her just how much he loves Rosie. If YOU have ever thought that you were beyond the Love of God, think again! He loves you and will do whatever it takes to be with you! Show Links:

    Rosie's website-- https://rosiepaulsen.com/

    Cafecito with Rosie on TV-- https://youtu.be/QifmMr-Rm-A

    Podcast site for Rosie's show-- https://pod.co/cafecito-with-rosie

    Purchase Neque-- https://rosiepaulsen.com/buy-the-book/

    Podcast site for this show-- https://nickwilltalkaboutanything.pod...

    Empart (Jossy Chacko)-- https://empart.org/us/

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    59 mins
  • It’s Just a little Intro aka Episode 0
    Apr 7 2022

    So, I like talking with people. I like podcasts! Therefore, I decided to host a podcast where I talk with people! The irony of this 5 minute episode is that it's just me--Nick--in the studio. Therefore, I need YOU or someone you could recommend to be a guest on the show. Email me at talkwithnickaboutanything@gmail.com

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    5 mins