Joined in studio by Rosie Paulsen, we discuss what Rosie is all about. She is an entrepreneur, follower of Jesus, involved in government systems, and serves around her community. The things she does all center around serving others and when you know your purpose and live it our, everything just seems to work out! There is so much that we DIDN'T get to talk about, so we will just have to do this again sometime! (Immigration from Ecuador; Becoming and American Citizen; knowing Santa Claus better than the rest of us; etc) We did discuss things like how leaving a 6-figure income to do what God calls you to do is always the right thing. We talked about the importance of individuals becoming involved in local government (or at higher levels). And at one poignant moment, Rosie shared about how God showed her just how much he loves Rosie. If YOU have ever thought that you were beyond the Love of God, think again! He loves you and will do whatever it takes to be with you! Show Links:
Rosie's website--
Cafecito with Rosie on TV--
Podcast site for Rosie's show--
Purchase Neque--
Podcast site for this show-- https://nickwilltalkaboutanything.pod...
Empart (Jossy Chacko)--