In a world full of selfishness, blaming and scapegoating, I aim to inspire inner work with deep topics and insights on emotion regulation, personal development, psychology (DBT), philosophy and the trauma growth/healing process.
I aim to share my own perspective, which I think is valuable because I have personally benefited from a podcast giving me the exact right message I needed at the time. I remember how influential that was, what an enormous growth that unlocked. I hope to be this for someone.
After all, sometimes you don't need the wise guru's perspective, they are too advanced and not relatable, or not in a practical sense. You don't need your friend's perspective, she is not advanced enough, too relatable. Or these people may not have the specific trauma wound you have, such as family death early in life or childhood neglect, which are wounds for me.
For some of you, my perspective and teaching is exactly what you need. Listening to my content is only step one, it's up to you to explore and embody some of the theory I talk about. All I can do is open you up and interest you.
Although I've spent hundreds and thousands of hours reading self-help books, going therapy (group and individual), listening to seminars, going to retreats, contemplating on my own, meditating, doing yoga, working out, improving myself, journaling, failing over and over again, my journey is far from over, and I'm a practitioner, not a seasoned master.
The title you ask? It's a pun. Life is meaningful, but is hard and has ups and downs and it's messy. One could say.. it's a shit show. But it's... THE meaningful shit show, the only we get to star in. So yeah, the show title refers to life. It's also a show about meaningful shit. I thought it was clever..
So if you are excited to learn about some of these topics, from the perspective of me, Vincent, a European living in the United States, walking him own path and burning through his own karma? I invite you to dive in!