• Mindful And Intuitive Eating TLDSN
    Feb 1 2020
    With each New Year, we evaluate where we are in our lives and where we want to be. Most of the changes people make are to improve their health. Avoid common pitfalls and mentalities that shorten those resolutions and prevent you from obtaining the health you're looking for. Be sure to listen for instructions on a chance to win a free copy of "The Creation Code". Check me out on YouTube(www.youtube.com/channel/UCvD5I2llxVJgCjnpEiV_V7w) If you're interested in my book "The Creation Code" you can check it out here!(www.amazon.com/Creation-Code-Blu…LZHkOL&ref=plSrch) Be sure to check out my new book “40 Days: A Diet Devotional” available on Amazon! (www.amazon.com/40-Days-Devotiona…ell/dp/1076363024) Follow me on Facebook (www.facebook.com/zachcordellrdn/) or Instagram (www.instagram.com/zachcordellrdn/) Music is from the Seeker and the Servant! Be sure to check them out for more great music. www.seekerandservantmusic.com/ This podcast is not officially connected nor does the host act as a spokesperson for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
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    21 mins
  • 2020 Resolutions - That Time Again
    Jan 1 2020
    With each New Year, we evaluate where we are in our lives and where we want to be. Most of the changes people make are to improve their health. Avoid common pitfalls and mentalities that shorten those resolutions and prevent you from obtaining the health you're looking for. Be sure to listen for instructions on a chance to win a free copy of "The Creation Code". Check me out on YouTube(https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvD5I2llxVJgCjnpEiV_V7w) If you're interested in my book "The Creation Code" you can check it out here!(www.amazon.com/Creation-Code-Blu…LZHkOL&ref=plSrch) Be sure to check out my new book “40 Days: A Diet Devotional” available on Amazon! (www.amazon.com/40-Days-Devotiona…ell/dp/1076363024) Follow me on Facebook (www.facebook.com/zachcordellrdn/) or Instagram (www.instagram.com/zachcordellrdn/) Music is from the Seeker and the Servant! Be sure to check them out for more great music. www.seekerandservantmusic.com/ This podcast is not officially connected nor does the host act as a spokesperson for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
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    15 mins
  • The Importance Of Trying
    Dec 1 2019
    When we take a chance, we learn, we have the opportunity to grow. That is what the gospel teaches us. So let's apply that to our health habits and learn to try. This ain't just for kids, adults often need encouragement to try too. Check me out on YouTube at (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvD5I2llxVJgCjnpEiV_V7w) Be sure to check out my new book “40 Days: A Diet Devotional” available on Amazon! (www.amazon.com/40-Days-Devotiona…ell/dp/1076363024) Follow me on Facebook (www.facebook.com/zachcordellrdn/) or Instagram (www.instagram.com/zachcordellrdn/) Music is from the Seeker and the Servant! Be sure to check them out for more great music. www.seekerandservantmusic.com/ If you're interested in my book "The Creation Code" you can check it out here!(www.amazon.com/Creation-Code-Blu…LZHkOL&ref=plSrch) This podcast is not officially connected nor does the host act as a spokesperson for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
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    18 mins
  • A Dietitians Take on General Conference
    Nov 1 2019
    Did you get a chance to listen to General Conference? This special episode is one reflecting on some of the principles taught and some of the takeaways I had from a health professionals perspective. If you didn't get a chance to listen to conference, or have no idea what I am talking about, here is a link to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints General Conference talks: www.lds.org/general-conference?lang=eng Check me out on YouTube at (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvD5I2llxVJgCjnpEiV_V7w) If you're interested in my book "The Creation Code" you can check it out here!(www.amazon.com/Creation-Code-Blu…LZHkOL&ref=plSrch) Be sure to check out my new book “40 Days: A Diet Devotional” available on Amazon! (www.amazon.com/40-Days-Devotiona…ell/dp/1076363024) Follow me on Facebook (www.facebook.com/zachcordellrdn/) or Instagram (www.instagram.com/zachcordellrdn/) Link to podcast swag! -(www.sunfrog.com/ZCordell/?100415) This podcast is not officially connected nor does the host act as a spokesperson for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
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    26 mins
  • Raising A Healthy Family in a Health Obsessed World
    Oct 1 2019
    There are a lot of things you are supposed to do to be healthy. But what does the gospel teach us, and how can we help our testimony to help our family develop better health? Check me out on YouTube at (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvD5I2llxVJgCjnpEiV_V7w) If you're interested in my book "The Creation Code" you can check it out here!(www.amazon.com/Creation-Code-Blu…LZHkOL&ref=plSrch) Be sure to check out my new book “40 Days: A Diet Devotional” available on Amazon! (www.amazon.com/40-Days-Devotiona…ell/dp/1076363024) Follow me on Facebook (www.facebook.com/zachcordellrdn/) or Instagram (www.instagram.com/zachcordellrdn/) Music is from the Seeker and the Servant! Be sure to check them out for more great music. www.seekerandservantmusic.com/ Research on Mothers and Child Health - Silvia Scaglioni, Chiara Arrizza, Fiammetta Vecchi, Sabrina Tedeschi; Determinants of children’s eating behavior, The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Volume 94, Issue suppl_6, 1 December 2011, Pages 2006S–2011S, https://doi.org/10.3945/ajcn.110.001685) Research on Fathers as Dietary Gatekeepers - Investigating relationships between paternal perception of the role of the father and paternal feeding practices. J Child Fam Stud December 2015, Volume 24, Issue 12, pp 3734-3741. Research on Fathers and Physical Activity - Coakley, Jay. “The Good Father: Parental Expectations and Youth Sports.” Taylor & Francis, 22 Aug. 2006, www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/02614360500467735. The Body is a Gift - Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, sel. Joseph Fielding Smith (1976), 181. This podcast is not officially connected nor does the host act as a spokesperson for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
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    25 mins
  • The Sweet Finale - Type 2 Diabetes Chat With Alyssa And Alli
    Sep 1 2019
    What is type 2 diabetes? Why does it happen? How do you prevent it? How can you better manage it? Check out my final diabetes chat about type 2! I still have my wife, Alyssa, and a family friend Allie on to talk about diabetes and how it's different than type 1 but it still sucks. Check me out on YouTube at (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvD5I2llxVJgCjnpEiV_V7w) Be sure to check out my new book “40 Days: A Diet Devotional” available on Amazon! (www.amazon.com/40-Days-Devotiona…ell/dp/1076363024) Follow me on Facebook (www.facebook.com/zachcordellrdn/) or Instagram (www.instagram.com/zachcordellrdn/) Music is from the Seeker and the Servant! Be sure to check them out for more great music. www.seekerandservantmusic.com/ If you're interested in my book "The Creation Code" you can check it out here!(www.amazon.com/Creation-Code-Blu…LZHkOL&ref=plSrch) This podcast is not officially connected nor does the host act as a spokesperson for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
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    25 mins
  • The Sweet Urine (Diabetes Chat Continued)
    Aug 13 2019
    Let’s continuing talking diabetes! I still have my wife, Alyssa, and a family friend Allie on to talk about diabetes and how it’s managed. Tune in to hear Alyssa talk about living with type 1. I know I cut off Allie in our last podcast trying to keep it short, but this one is just long, sorry not sorry. I never said I was perfect. Be sure to check out my new book “40 Days: A Diet Devotional” available on Amazon! (https://www.amazon.com/40-Days-Devotional-Zach-Cordell/dp/1076363024) Follow me on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/zachcordellrdn/) or Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/zachcordellrdn/) Education Week for BYU (https://educationweek.byu.edu/) Music is from the Seeker and the Servant! Be sure to check them out for more great music. www.seekerandservantmusic.com/ If you're interested in my book "The Creation Code" you can check it out here!(www.amazon.com/Creation-Code-Blu…LZHkOL&ref=plSrch) This podcast is not officially connected nor does the host act as a spokesperson for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. https://archive.is/20110817203948/http://www.rcpe.ac.uk/library/exhibitions/diabetes/ - “Sweet urine” commentary
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    48 mins
  • The Sweet Blood
    Jul 18 2019
    Let’s talk diabetes! I have my wife, Alyssa, and a family friend Allie on to talk about diabetes and how it’s managed. Tune in for some education on gestational diabetes and type 1 diabetes. Alyssa will talk more about living with type 1 in the next episode! Check me out on YouTube at (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvD5I2llxVJgCjnpEiV_V7w) Be sure to check out my new book “40 Days: A Diet Devotional” available on Amazon! (https://www.amazon.com/40-Days-Devotional-Zach-Cordell/dp/1076363024) Follow me on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/zachcordellrdn/) or Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/zachcordellrdn/) Education Week for BYU-Idaho (http://www.byui.edu/education-week) Education Week for BYU (https://educationweek.byu.edu/) Sunstone Conference (https://www.sunstonemagazine.com/2019-salt-lake-summer-symposium/) Music is from the Seeker and the Servant! Be sure to check them out for more great music. www.seekerandservantmusic.com/ If you're interested in my book "The Creation Code" you can check it out here!(www.amazon.com/Creation-Code-Blu…LZHkOL&ref=plSrch) This podcast is not officially connected nor does the host act as a spokesperson for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
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    25 mins