• How to Say No to Your Boss Without Burning Bridges: Setting Boundaries with Confidence
    Dec 5 2024

    As a new manager or leader, you may be feeling more self-doubt and stress than you’re used to feeling. New leaders shouldn’t have to struggle alone to become great leaders!

    In today's episode, we're diving into the art of setting boundaries with your boss—starting with how to confidently say no without burning bridges. If you've ever found yourself overwhelmed by unrealistic demands, this is the guide you didn't know you needed.

    In this video, you'll learn:

    1. How to become more comfortable initiating communication even when it feels hard.

    2. The 3 steps you can take today to set boundaries with your boss so you can get better results, feel more confident, and less stressed.

    3. How to use specific language to skillfully set boundaries when your boss piles on without understanding how much you already have on your plate.

    When you set boundaries, you feel less stressed, and more confident. You have more balance in your life and people respect you more.

    Get access to The FREE New Leader Starter Kit:

    The FREE New Leader Starter Kit will help you focus on what's most important so you can reach your 3–6-month goals with ease.

    You'll learn how your dominant behavioral patterns influence your approach to the three most common challenges for new leaders:

    1. Prioritizing & Setting Boundaries

    2. Setting Clear Expectations & Delegating

    3. Holding People Accountable & Achieving Goals

    New managers shouldn't have to struggle alone to become great leaders! Go to www.amalgrammas.com for more resources that will help you become the leader everyone loves!

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    24 mins
  • Mastering the Art of 'No': How New Leaders Can Set Boundaries Without Losing Respect
    Nov 28 2024

    Setting boundaries isn’t about saying no to everything; it’s about saying yes to what’s most important. When you set clear boundaries, you’ll feel less stressed, more confident, and you'll create a more engaged and motivated team environment.

    In this video, you'll learn:

    1. The underlying reasons why you haven't been setting boundaries - whether that's wanting to be liked, discomfort with conflict, or a need to prove yourself.

    2. The benefits of setting clear boundaries and how to gain trust and respect from anyone.

    3. A simple, yet powerful 5-step process my leadership coaching clients use to set boundaries confidently.

    Get access to The FREE New Leader Starter Kit:

    The FREE New Leader Starter Kit will help you focus on what's most important so you can reach your 3–6-month goals with ease.

    You'll learn how your dominant behavioral patterns influence your approach to the three most common challenges for new leaders: 1. Prioritizing & Setting Boundaries, 2. Setting Clear Expectations & Delegating, 3. Holding People Accountable & Achieving Goals

    New managers shouldn't have to struggle alone to become great leaders! Go to www.amalgrammas.com for more resources that will help you become the leader everyone loves!

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    17 mins
  • How to Reach Your Goals Faster and Easier as a New Leader
    Nov 21 2024

    You're always busy, and you feel stressed out and overwhelmed as a new leader. The first step to feeling less stressed and more confident as a new or emerging leader is to prioritize what matters most.

    In this episode, you'll learn:

    1. The underlying reasons why you haven't been prioritizing as much as you should - whether that's people pleasing, perfectionism or confusion.

    2. The benefits of prioritizing.

    3. A simple 3-step process my leadership coaching clients use to focus on the things that get results quickly so you can reach your goals faster and easier in the next 3-6 months.

    Prioritizing isn't about doing less; it's about doing what's most important. When you focus on what matters most, you and your team will reach your 3-month goals with ease.

    Plus, prioritizing will make you feel less stressed, and more confident and it will lead to a more engaged and motivated team.

    Get access to The FREE New Leader Starter Kit:

    The FREE New Leader Starter Kit will help you focus on what's most important so you can reach your 3–6-month goals with ease.

    The FREE New Leader Starter Kit will also aid you in recognizing your work style. Your work style has gotten you where you are today. It has helped you succeed, but it can also limit your growth and inhibit your confidence. You'll learn how your dominant behavioral patterns influence your approach to the three most common challenges for new leaders: 1, Prioritizing & Setting Boundaries, 2. Setting Clear Expectations & Delegating, 3. Holding People Accountable & Achieving Goals

    New managers shouldn't have to struggle alone to become great leaders! Go to www.amalgrammas.com for more resources that will help you become the leader everyone loves!

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    18 mins
  • How to Become a Leader Everyone Loves!
    Nov 14 2024

    You've just been promoted to your first management role. You're super excited and you know you can do well.

    But then, this little voice comes into your head and says, "You don't know what the hell you're doing! You're going to be found out. Your team won't like you; you'll get a bad review and then you'll get demoted."

    It's normal for new managers and leaders to feel unsure of themselves, but I'm here to tell you that you have what it takes to become a leader everyone loves!

    In this video, you'll learn about how your biggest strength can become your biggest weakness, and how to expand on that strength and build your confidence by understanding your workstyle.

    Get access to The FREE New Leader Self-Assessment in the FREE New Leader Starter Kit:

    The FREE New Leader Starter Kit will aid you in recognizing your work style. Your work style has gotten you where you are today. It has helped you succeed, but it can also limit your growth and inhibit your confidence. You'll learn how your dominant behavioral patterns influence your approach to the three most common challenges for new leaders: 1, Prioritizing & Setting Boundaries, 2. Setting Clear Expectations & Delegating, 3. Holding People Accountable & Achieving Goals

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    26 mins
  • Welcome to The Happy Leader Podcast - A Blueprint for New Leaders!
    Nov 7 2024

    Hello! I'm Amal Grammas. Welcome to The Happy Leader Podcast - A Blueprint for New Leaders!

    You're in the right place if:

    - You're an emerging leader, manager or director.
    - You've been managing people for 5 years or less.
    - You want to improve your leadership skills.
    - You feel more self-doubt, stressed and frustrated than you're used to feeling.

    New managers shouldn't have to struggle alone to become great leaders!

    In this podcast, I'm going to share the tools and techniques I've used for the past 8 years as a leadership coach to help you TRANSFORM from a person who feels like a stressed-out imposter that's achieving average results, to a confident, energized leader with a happy, engaged team.

    Your transformation will put you in the position to continually advance in your career, make more money, and to become the leader everyone loves to work with!

    Subscribe for actionable tools and methods to help you feel less stressed, more confident, and to become the leader everyone loves!

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    3 mins
  • The Sweet Spot of Purpose
    Dec 5 2023

    In this episode of The Happy Leader Podcast, Amal speaks with Jason Lavender, Co-Founder & CEO of Electives, and MIT grad about the "Sweet Spot of Purpose" - Feeling good inside yourself while making others feel good.

    In this episode you'll learn:

    • The lessons Jason learned in how to create a high level of delight with your customers no matter what you do for a living.
    • The secret to living an inspired life.
    • How the culture of excellence is tied to a strong purpose.
    • How to go after a goal and persevere through the tough times when people say no over and over again.
    • How improv classes could change your life.

    To read Jason's article, Sushi on an Airplane, an Italian Beltmaker, and The Perfect Sandwich go to https://www.linkedin.com/posts/jasontlavender_every-customer-is-your-most-important-customer-activity-7117486081846992896-QaN6?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop.

    To learn more about how Amal helps leaders, please go to: Unlock Your True Potential (amalgrammas.com)

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    35 mins
  • The Five Laws of Stratospheric Success with New York Times Best Selling Author, Bob Burg
    Oct 3 2023

    In today's podcast episode, Amal interviews one of her hero's and mentors, New York Times Best Selling author, Bob Burg.

    Bob is the co-author of The Go-Giver with John David Mann. The Go-Giver has sold more than one million copies and has been translated into 30 languages. It was rated #10 on Inc. Magazine’s list of The Most Motivational Books Ever Written and was on HubSpot’s 20 Most Highly Rated Sales Books of All Time.

    In this episode you will learn:

    • The Five Laws of Stratospheric Success.
    • How to liberate yourself from the desperate energy that often accompanies sales and business development.
    • The secret to influencing people at the highest level.
    • How to shift your mindset to feel happier and more at peace.
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    37 mins
  • Working Through My Addiction to Achieving
    Apr 10 2023

    In this episode, Amal receives guidance from her self-love coach, Lisa Desberg.

    Lisa helps Amal get vulnerable and honest about her need to set boundaries with herself and to give herself grace.

    Amal talks openly about her addiction to achieving and how it can still make her feel overwhelmed, even after 10 years of personal growth work.

    With the release of her debut book, client work, book signings and time spent on creating her new digital course, Amal decides that pressing pause on her podcast is a must. However, she struggles with not doing everything, so talking it through with Lisa offers her the clarity she needs to feel okay about that decision.

    This episode is a reminder of how sitting with our emotions is important, but then we must unpack those emotions and ask ourselves:

    Why am I feeling this way?
    Have I felt this way before?
    Where is this coming from?

    Thinking about those questions and answers with curiosity and not judgement will allow us to operate from a place of love and respect for ourselves.

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    18 mins