• How to Spiritually Recharge: The Secret of Happiness and Power
    Jun 16 2024

    Living takes real energy, and we need a way to recharge at our deepest levels.

    There are many things we can do to recharge and renew minds, but the deepest, most effective thing we can do is to recharge our souls. And when we do this, our souls are strengthened to power our minds to follow the inspiration of the spirit and achieve our greatest noble dreams.

    We often neglect this fundamental, life-giving practice and end up being depressed and completely inactive. We often do less until we reach a point of complete stasis and passivity, vainly hoping for improvement.

    Success and happiness depend on courageous action, and this depends on an energized soul and a sincere and good heart.

    In this 3rd episode of Season 3, I’ll explain the effects of a de-energized soul and how to keep it healthy. This is something only we can do for ourselves; we can’t rely on any other person, group, church, temple, or mosque to build this healthy practice and apply it to live the fullest, most powerful and happy lives possible. This podcast will show you how.

    Please subscribe and follow me on social media and please share this podcast with people who it would inspire: I want to reach and help more people.

    Get access to all of my podcasts and more, at http://FindMyNewLife.com.

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    7 mins
  • Increasing Your Self-Confidence Without Inflating Your Ego
    Jun 8 2024

    Living in the world is challenging. Finding the energy to act is challenging. You need a good level of confidence and self-esteem. But, how do you get there without going to far? How do you keep an open heart and the right attitude to be appreciate the thoughts of others? How do you keep a balanced ego?

    In this 3rd episode of Season 3, I'll help you find a way to get the confidence and power you need . . . without going too far. I’ll help you understand how to cultivate and build a healthy foundation.

    This foundation does not require any human or group. It’s between you and the Creator, as it was meant to be.

    The Creator, your loving Universal Father, gives you life, consciousness, inner power, and the ability to choose. He can provide you the ultimate foundation of self-confidence, power, peace, and security. You have the right to choose what you will experience inside, how you think about it, and how you will live it each day.

    Join me to discover you’re the secrets of the ultimate foundation to be successful and happy, and to do good in the world.

    Open the door to liberation, God, and your destiny.

    Please subscribe and follow me on social media and please share this podcast with people who it would inspire: I want to reach and help more people.

    Get access to all of my podcasts and more, at http://FindMyNewLife.com.

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    21 mins
  • A Spiritual Manifesto: Your Spiritual Rights as a Child of God
    May 26 2024

    Have you ever been frustrated by people who try to interfere with your primal inner experience as a human being? Are you tired of some people trying to be the middleman between you and your interpretation of the inner and outer worlds?

    In this 1st episode of Season 3, I'll help you remember the liberating rights you have as a unique person--a child of God.

    The Creator, your loving Universal Father, gives you life, consciousness, inner power, and the ability to choose. You have the right to choose what you will experience inside, how you think about it, and how you will live it each day.

    Join me to discover your God-given rights and liberate your mind from the shackles of conformity and passive acceptance.

    Open the door to liberation, God, and your destiny.

    Please subscribe and follow me on social media and please share this podcast with people who it would inspire: I want to reach and help more people.

    Get access to all of my podcasts and more, at http://FindMyNewLife.com.

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    14 mins
  • Where Did I Come From? Your divine Birthright
    Mar 26 2023

    We all wonder where we came from. The answer to that question determines a lot of our thinking and many of the decisions we make. You might feel unsure of where you came from in this universe; you might feel detached and disconnected. When we look at the world, many of us feel adrift and shuffled around with no real roots to hold us in place. But, when we really understand where we came from, then we can sustain ourselves and make a life path to where we need to go.

    Understanding your divine birthright is the first step.

    In this 13th episode of Season 2, I’ll explain where you came from and the parts of your self, the limits of your potential, your birthright, and your potential lifespan. These answers will help you begin to unlock the potential of who you are to find peace, assurance, and security, and a way to be completely re-energized and shifted. And as a bonus, I’ve going to share a new source of spiritual truth.

    It is your right to know where you came from. It is your birthright!

    Please subscribe and follow me on social media and please share this podcast with people who it would inspire: I want to reach and help more people.

    Get access to all of my podcasts and more, at http://FindMyNewLife.com.

    #findgod #howtofindgod #findmynewlife #god #jesus #spiritual #spiritualrebirth #joy #happiness #peace #rebirth #forgiveness

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    11 mins
  • How to Find God: The Fair Path to Rebirth
    Mar 19 2023

    If you are looking for God, please know that He has already found you and that there is a clear path to Him. You may have been taught some strange things about the path to God or been frustrated that you are not finding Him. But, there really is a clear, simple and fair path to God. God already lives inside you, so the key is to open the doorway and let the light of truth and love from His spirit reach your soul.

    In this 12th episode of Season 2, I’ll give you a simple, fair way to find God in 4 steps. You will also have a way to verify the truth, a way to find peace, assurance, and security, a way to discover more, and a way to be completely re-energized and shifted. And as a bonus, I’ve going to share with you some astounding quotations from Jesus from a new source of information.

    It is your right to know your Divine Parent. It is your birthright!

    Please subscribe and follow me on social media and please share this podcast with people who it would inspire: I want to reach and help more people.

    Get access to all of my podcasts and more, at FindMyNewLife.com.

    #findgod #howtofindgod #findmynewlife #god #jesus #spiritual #spiritualrebirth #joy #happiness #peace #rebirth #forgiveness

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    24 mins
  • What is the Meaning of Life? Why Am I Here?
    Mar 11 2023

    Everyone has asked the questions: What is it all for? What am I here? What is the purpose of life? The way we answer these questions strongly influences of states of mind, our happiness, and the way we live our lives. The answers determine what we spend our time thinking about and doing. The answers determine how we value ourselves and others. The answers determine our future. When you find the real truth, you’ll be amazed at the positive effect it has on your life and the transformations that will follow.

    In this 10th episode of Season 2, I’ll give you a very satisfying answer to the question on the purpose of life, talk about the joys of living to strive for, and give you a way to verify the truth. These answers will give you hope and the motivation to explore and realize the purpose of your own life. You are child of your loving, Divine Parent who wants you to celebrate the meaning of your life.

    Please subscribe and follow me on social media and please share this podcast with people who it would inspire: I want to reach and help more people. Get access to all of my podcasts and more, at FindMyNewLife.com.

    #themeaningoflife #meaningoflife #purposeoflife #whoami #findmynewlife #lifeafterdeath #death #resurrection #god #jesus #spiritual #spiritualrebirth #joy #happiness #peace

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    17 mins
  • The 5 Steps to Divine Forgiveness: The True Attitude of God
    Mar 4 2023

    Whatever you’ve done, remember that God will forgive you. All of us have done things we’re not proud of or are ashamed of. You might feel this way and separated from God with no way back. And, as the days go by, it can sometimes feel harder and harder to find the way back and to even believe that God would want you back. But we know God is great and that he does love us. How can you find your way back? How can you begin to repair your relationship with God? How will God react to you? What do you need to do?

    In this 10th episode of Season 2, I’ll give you the 5 steps to find divine forgiveness from God. You’ll also get help finding healing, hope and new life, and the guidance and power to change your life. And, as a bonus, I’ll share with you a fascinating new source of information on God and forgiveness.

    Listen today and join me on this journey of hope back to God and a new life.

    Please subscribe and follow me on social media and please share this podcast with people who it would inspire: I want to reach and help more people.

    Get access to all of my podcasts and more on this channel. Also check out my website at http://FindMyNewLife.com for much more.

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    26 mins
  • Life After Death Mysteries Solved: 7 Big Questions
    Feb 25 2023

    Life after death is one of the biggest mysteries of life. We see death all around, and as we get older, we know we’re getting closer. The vast majority of us want to believe it is true. We have a desire to live after we die. But how do we know this and what is it like? And, we have even more questions. If you knew the answers, how would that make you feel? How would it change your life? Imagine it. Feel it. It’s possible to know.

    In this 9th episode of Season 2, I’ll give you answers to the big 7 questions on life after death. And, I’ll give you a way to know if my answers are true. As a bonus at the end of this episode, I’ll give you a fascinating new source of information on life after death. Join me for an amazing and encouraging journey through these most basic questions of life after death.

    It is your right to know the truth!

    Please subscribe and follow me on social media and please share this podcast with people who it would inspire: I want to reach and help more people.

    Get access to all of my podcasts and more, at FindMyNewLife.com.

    #findmynewlife #lifeafterdeath #death #resurrection #god #jesus #spiritual #spiritualrebirth #joy #happiness #peace

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    28 mins