We all wonder where we came from. The answer to that question determines a lot of our thinking and many of the decisions we make. You might feel unsure of where you came from in this universe; you might feel detached and disconnected. When we look at the world, many of us feel adrift and shuffled around with no real roots to hold us in place. But, when we really understand where we came from, then we can sustain ourselves and make a life path to where we need to go.
Understanding your divine birthright is the first step.
In this 13th episode of Season 2, I’ll explain where you came from and the parts of your self, the limits of your potential, your birthright, and your potential lifespan. These answers will help you begin to unlock the potential of who you are to find peace, assurance, and security, and a way to be completely re-energized and shifted. And as a bonus, I’ve going to share a new source of spiritual truth.
It is your right to know where you came from. It is your birthright!
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