Welcome to season 2! We're joined today Lenora Edwards is a ASHA Board Certified Speech Language Pathologist and Chief Knowledge Officer with Better Speech. Since obtaining her CCC’s in 2010, she has worked with individuals of all ages from little ones who are learning to understand and express themselves to adults who want to improve their speaking skills and become a more fluent and effective communicator. Lenora loves to teach and educate others so if you have questions, please don't hesitate to ask. Better Speech is an online speech therapy company that has been providing professional, affordable and convenient speech therapy services for more than a decade. All the Speech Language Pathologists with Better Speech are Board Certified and State Licensed with more than 10 years experience each which allows them to provide outstanding online speech therapy services nationwide and internationally. At BetterSpeech.com , we are experts at helping people communicate in the most efficient and affordable way possible!
Website: https://www.betterspeech.com/
Start Now: https://www.betterspeech.com/start-now
Better Speech Resources: https://www.betterspeech.com/blog
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/yourbetterspeech/
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@better.speech
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/betterspeech/
Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/company/better-speech/mycompany/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/BetterSpeechVideo
We're so grateful for your continued listening support. Please share with your family, friends, and associates. Welcome to The Autism Advocate Podcast! Where I hope to help you better understand and advocate for your autistic child. Want to submit a question to be answered on our podcast? Email us at TheAutismAdvocatePodcast@gmail.com You can also find this content on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts and all of your other favorite platforms. Shop our Autism Acceptance Books and other Items@ http://alexandthedrummer.square.site TikTok@ https://www.tiktok.com/@laurahales28?... Facebook Group @ tinyurl.com/thedrummerstories Instagram @ www.instagram.com/thedrummerstories I'm a mother of 2 autistic children and questioning my own neurology. I'm a published author of children's illustrated books about my autistic sons that promote stimming and teach all behavior is communication. I specialize in understanding and meeting the needs of your autistic child and helping the school meet their needs as well.