
  • Die Grundsteine des Absoluten Athleten | A+ | Ep.01
    Feb 7 2023

    Hier geht's direkt zu unserem kostenlosen E-Book über FLOW & deiner kostenlosen Mindsetsession mit uns! 


    00:00 Begrüßung 

    01:18 Leons Yogi-Tee: "Glaube an eine nicht sichtbare Welt" 

    04:15 Selbstbewusstsein vs. Selbstvertrauen 

    05:15 Top Tools zum Selbstbewusstseinstärken 

    07:45 Die Kraft der Ruhe 

    08:16 Handy als Tool, nicht als Zerstörer  

    09:25 Die Kraft deines Umfelds 

    11:44 Der Grundstein von Selbstvertrauen 

    12:16 Die Konditionierung unserer Gesellschaft 

    14:40 Leons Spielstory 

    20:55 Lovis Yogi-Tee: "Lass deine Sorgen hinter dir und schaue nach vorne" 

    21:30 Warum es kein Verlieren gibt 

    24:45 Lovis Verletzungsstory 

    27:05 Yogi-Tee Sponsor Inshallah 

    27:30 Warum man Visionen ändern muss 

    28:15 Outro

    Folgt uns gerne für mehr regelmäßigen Content auf Insta: instagram.com/absoluteathlete

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    29 mins
  • Achieve your FULL Potential through these lifechanging mental hacks | TAA | Ep. 05
    Jan 19 2023

    Get our FLOW e-book for FREE now: absoluteathlete.de/e-book 

    For more regular content check us out on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/absoluteathlete  

    Welcome to our fifth podcast episode!  New Year, new podcast set-up... 

    Today we let our Yogi Teas provide us with the inspiration for our topics again, we think it turned out pretty valuable. We talked about the full potential that every athlete has in themselves deep down and the key to unlock and achieve it.  We hope you can gain a lot of value from it, feel free to let us know in the comments. Enjoy!   

    Timestamps: 00:00 Intro 

    01:00 Lovis Yogi Tea: "The world wants to see your inner light" 

    02:05 Why not showing your inner light/full potential is a problem 

    04:35 How to unlock your full potential 

    05:15 Best ways to master your mental game 

    05:35 Achieving your individual optimal FLOW state 

    10:00 The problem with Social Media 

    15:00 How to use Social Media the right way 

    16:15 Why you MUST master your Social Media habits 

    18:25 Leons Yogi Tea: "Kindness is the smell of life" 

    18:45 Why kindness is key 

    20:00 Final words  

    We'd love to hear some feedback and your learnings from this episode - just shoot us a DM!  

    Want to start taking control of your mental game to unlock and achieve your full potential?  Check out our coaching on our website:  absoluteathlete.de  

    About: The Absolute Athlete Podcast combines every aspect of sports to become the best version of himself and achieve his full potential. This means not only the skill, tactical and physical side, but especially the mental side of the game, which is the focus of this podcast. Listen to sports mental coaches Leon's and Lovis' tips, experiences and life stories on how to master the mental game and become an Absolute Athlete in the form of a chill, laid-back chat-style.

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    21 mins
  • 3 simple & easy TOOLS to get into the FLOW STATE
    Nov 22 2022
    Getting into the flow state is one of the most important factors for performing at your fullest potential as an athlete. Today Lovis shares some quick and easy tips about getting into the flow state. Enjoy! We’d love to hear your experiences with these tools, feel free to shoot us a DM on instagram.com/absoluteathlete For more info on us check out absoluteathlete.de
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    9 mins
  • How to STAND OUT the easiest as a highschool or college athlete
    Nov 17 2022
    Welcome to a new episode of the short form podcast! Lovis tells you what the easiest, quickest and most longterm factor is to stand out as an athlete. Do you finally realise where your biggest potential lies and will you take advantage over it? - Enjoy! If you want to send us a message of your experiences our watch more content of us, check out our instagram at: instagram.com/absoluteathlete
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    6 mins
  • How to be less distracted by your phone (Power of Silence)
    Nov 7 2022
    Welcome to a new format, where we talk about topics on the go that come into our mind. This time Lovis talks about a silent retreat he’s done, how that experience was and what he learned from it. Take a listen and find out how silence can benefit you tremendously as an athlete - Enjoy! If you want to send us a message of your experiences our watch more content of us, check out our instagram at: instagram.com/absoluteathlete
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    6 mins
  • Ep 04 - Create, use, share & receive Visions
    Nov 3 2022

    Welcome to our fourth podcast episode!  

    We are back after a little pause, a lot was going on, we have been working on a lot of stuff, so stay tuned for what is to follow!  This time we talk about VisionsXAthletes. Topics are the importance, creation, usage, sharing and receiving of visions as an athlete. We point out some very interesting things we've learned regarding these topics and give you some actionable steps to work on this field yourself. 



    00:00 Intro

    01:00 Leons Yogi Tea: Leave nothing but love

    05:40 Lovis Yogi Tea Quote: Be Yourself

    06:45 The problem with not sharing your Vision

    11:00 Don’t share everything

    18:30 Receiving visions from others

    23:00 Project Iceman Experience

    24:45 Take Action to silence doubters

    26:45 how to attract luck into your life

    27:40 whom to listen to

    30:00 How to create your vision

    39:00 The power of having your vision

    41:15 how to implement visions in daily life

    49:30 action step

    For more regular content check us out on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/absoluteathlete  

    We'd love to hear some feedback and your learnings from this episode - just shoot us a DM! 

    Want to start taking control of your mental game to unlock and achieve your full potential?  

    Check out our coaching on our website:

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    50 mins
  • Ep 03 - How to control & use your environment to accelerate success
    Sep 14 2022

    Welcome to our third podcast episode!  

    Join us again for a chill talk on various aspects of an athlete's mental game. We go into detail about how to accelerate your success by taking control of your environment. We've divided this topic into the three categories digital, physical and social environment. We provide you with some good concrete action steps, listen to the end where we summarize them all for you!  

    Timestamps: 00:00 - Introduction & Yogi-Tea 

    01:00 - The power & freedom of rainy weather 

    05:35 - How to get the best out of taking risks 

    10:30 - Leon's Yogi-Tea Quote: The interplay between body & mind 

    13:00 - Lovis' Yogi-Tea Quote: The interplay between heart & brain 

    15:15 - Why should you take care of your environment? 

    17:40 - The 3 key areas of your environment 

    18:40 - Key area 1: Social environment 

    22:18 - Immediate improvement steps  

    27:45 - Key area 2: Physical environment 

    30:05 - Key area 3: Digital environment 

    35:15 - The influence of your environment on your performance 

    37:00 - Summary of key areas and action steps   


    For more regular content check us out on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/absoluteathlete  

    We'd love to hear some feedback about and your learnings from this episode - just shoot us a DM!   

    About: The Absolute Athlete combines every aspect of sports to become the best version of himself and achieve his full potential. This means not only the skill, tactical and physical side, but especially the mental side of the game, which is the focus of this podcast. Listen to sports mental coaches Leon's and Lovis' tips, experiences and life stories on how to master the mental game and become an Absolute Athlete in the form of a chill, laid-back chat-style.

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    40 mins
  • Ep 02 - The keys to optimizing your mental game
    Sep 8 2022

    Welcome to our second podcast episode!  Join us again for a chill talk on various aspects of an athlete's mental game. We go into detail about how to accelerate your mental growth through actively seeking discomfort, becoming a master at presence, as well as using gratitude and books for your benefit. All that will be accompanied through our own experiences and stories.  Enjoy!   

    For more regular content check us out on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/absoluteath... 

    We'd love to hear some feedback about and your learnings from this episode - just shoot us a DM!  

    About: The Absolute Athlete combines every aspect of sports to become the best version of himself and achieve his full potential. This means not only the skill, tactical and physical side, but especially the mental side of the game, which is the focus of this podcast. Listen to sports mental coaches Leon's and Lovis' tips, experiences and life stories on how to master the mental game and become an Absolute Athlete in the form of a chill, laid-back chat-style.

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    45 mins