• 34 Making Sex and Relationships Fun with Diana Indries
    May 22 2022

    Even I learned how to do relationships better after this conversation with Diana Indries. In today's episode, Diana and I discuss which important topics couples tend to avoid and how to engage in conversational relationship maintenance over time. We talk about the importance of treating long-term partners with respect during difficult chats and keeping the little promises that we make to ourselves. Diana also shares the process of retraining herself to be kind to herself and opens up about the continual practice it takes to become the person we want to become.

    Diana Indries is a life coach and inventor of the award-winning game Better Topics, a game to help couples experience more love, joy, and connection with each other.

    Listen in to learn how men and women communicate differently, tips for creating new habits in an old relationship, and what to do when your love language doesn't match up with your partner's.

    To continue the conversation on social media join us on Instagram at @gabrielarosa_talksex and TikTok at @gabrielarosa_talksex.

    For more tips on pleasure and sexual satisfaction come visit us at talksexpodcast.com. And if you love the show, please leave us a rating and review on iTunes/Apple Podcasts. Thank you!

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    1 hr and 11 mins
  • 33 Releasing Shame, Reclaiming Pleasure, and Loving Yourself Whole with Eve Milford
    May 16 2022

    I didn't understand the impact that shame could have on one's life until this episode. Today's guest Eve Milford knows all too well about the tendency of women to push people away when they experience shame. As both a certified Intimacy, Love, and Relationship Therapist and Women’s Pelvic Health Specialist, Eve preaches the importance of going into your body instead of outside your body. In this episode, she and I talk about the importance of awareness versus overcoming shame and we discuss the intersection of shame and pleasure.

    Eve Milford works with a host of intimacy, pleasure, pain, and blockage issues women face and uses an integrated approach that transforms trauma, wounding, and feelings of numbness into reconnecting more positively with the mind, body, spirit, and soul.

    Listen in as we discuss all the ways that shame impacts relationships, why feeling shame is okay, and how to build healthy habits even when you don't want to.

    To continue the conversation on social media join us on Instagram at @gabrielarosa_talksex and TikTok at @gabrielarosa_talksex.

    For more tips on pleasure and sexual satisfaction come visit us at talksexpodcast.com. And if you love the show, please leave us a rating and review on iTunes/Apple Podcasts. Thank you!

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    1 hr and 8 mins
  • 32 Penis Mastery: The Ultimate Guide to Longer Lasting Pleasure with Erik Everhard
    May 8 2022

    We didn't get to cover premature ejaculation or erectile dysfunction the last time he came on the show, so today, porn star, author, and coach Erik Everhard is back to talk about all the assumptions men make when they can't rise to the occasion.

    In this episode, Erik and I talk about his methods for helping men deal with performance anxiety. Erik also shares tips for how to build what he calls "irrational self-belief in your penis" along with some helpful things he learned in his career, like biohacks for a longer erection. He also explains which two things you should be focusing on during sex and why you need to practice sex just like you would with any other skill.

    Erik Everhard is an author, men's coach, and a top professional porn star with over two decades of experience in the adult entertainment industry. He teaches high achievers elite-level sexual skills so that they can master the bedroom like they dominate the boardroom. 

    Listen in to learn solutions for a lost erection, conscious masturbation practices for men, and how to meditate for sex.

    To continue the conversation on social media join us on Instagram at @gabrielarosa_talksex and TikTok at @gabrielarosa_talksex.

    For more tips on pleasure and sexual satisfaction come visit us at talksexpodcast.com. And if you love the show, please leave us a rating and review on iTunes/Apple Podcasts. Thank you!

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    1 hr and 21 mins
  • 31 69 Erotic Ways to Make Him Squirm with Pleasure with Lee Jagger
    May 1 2022

    Today I am talking with Lee Jagger about how her personal sex life changed after six years as an erotic masseuse. Having worked with over 2000 clients over the course of her career, Lee is the perfect person to speak with about different ways to express intimacy and new ways to be intimate.

    Lee first got involved with her work purely because the money sounded good. What she didn't expect was the personal awakening she experienced at home as a result of her work. In this episode, she explains her Seven Minutes in Heaven morning routine and tells me why she doesn't like the word 'foreplay'. We also discuss the top five things that women get wrong about the penis and how the law of reciprocation ends up benefitting you. 

    Lee Jagger is a sexpert and founder of RockTheBedroom.com where she has helped thousands of women claim their confidence and creativity in the bedroom using her signature erotic massage techniques. Her “hands-on” experience with over 2,000 male clients has helped her to understand what actually drives men wild is not what most women think.

    Listen in to this episode to learn what one thing all men wish women would do and why you can't serve your man spaghetti every day.

    To continue the conversation on social media join us on Instagram at @gabrielarosa_talksex and TikTok at @gabrielarosa_talksex.

    For more tips on pleasure and sexual satisfaction come visit us at talksexpodcast.com. And if you love the show, please leave us a rating and review on iTunes/Apple Podcasts. Thank you!

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    1 hr and 18 mins
  • 30 Creating Meaningful RelationSHIFTS Through Love Letters with Kristine Grant
    Apr 24 2022

    How can writing a love letter improve your sex life? Today's guest, Kristine Grant, has all the answers. This conversation is unique because the technique she uses likely isn't super obvious to you and her areas of expertise are so diverse.

    Kristine is a relationship coach and author who specializes in crafting personalized love letters for clients. Her letters help people express themselves and their fears. And one thing is clear: we all share the fear of not being loved and the fear of not being good enough. These fears color every aspect of our lives -- including the relationships that we have. In this episode, Kristine talks about the importance of ensuring your values are aligned in a relationship and how we evolve through our relationships.

    Kristine Grant, besides being a relationship coach, is also a key speaker, author, and singer/songwriter. She is passionate about helping others to empower their communication for resolving conflicts by creating more love and intimacy in their relationships.

    Listen in as Kristine talks about her six months at psychic school, shares her top tips for writing a love letter, and explains how relationships are like a pregnancy.

    To continue the conversation on social media join us on Instagram at @gabrielarosa_talksex and TikTok at @gabrielarosa_talksex.

    For more tips on pleasure and sexual satisfaction come visit us at talksexpodcast.com. And if you love the show, please leave us a rating and review on iTunes/Apple Podcasts. Thank you!

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    1 hr and 8 mins
  • 29 Flirting 101: The Best Tips From an Experienced Flirt with Evelyn Lundstrom
    Apr 17 2022

    Women could always be better at flirting. And, let's face it, most of us could be better at recognizing a potential flirt. The conversation with my guest this week, Evelyn Lundstrom, reads like a course on Fabulous Flirting 101. We talk about tips for demonstrating desire and balancing flirting with the chase. We also talk about differences in flirting between men and women and the importance of getting back into your body and out of your head to enjoy the moment and enjoy the process.

    Evelyn Lundstrom works as an executive presence and personal brand strategist, image coach, and corporate trainer. In her business, she helps in training those who wish to enter the personal brand image industry.

    Listen in to this episode to find out what Google knows about flirting and which pick-up line guys go for every time Evelyn uses it.

    To continue the conversation on social media join us on Instagram at @gabrielarosa_talksex and TikTok at @gabrielarosa_talksex.

    For more tips on pleasure and sexual satisfaction come visit us at talksexpodcast.com. And if you love the show, please leave us a rating and review on iTunes/Apple Podcasts. Thank you!

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    1 hr and 9 mins
  • 28 Winning Arguments Together: I Win, You Win, We Win with Dr. Jackie Black
    Apr 10 2022

    It is a privilege to speak with someone who has such a grasp on how to help couples through problems in their relationships and today's guest, Dr. Jackie Black, is just that: a relationship expert, marriage educator, and board-certified coach to couples. She teaches learnable skills to people wanting to be more productive in their relationships.

    In this episode, Dr. Black and I talk about the concept of feeding versus starving a relationship and ways to strive for both mutuality and reciprocity with a partner. We also talk about the importance of striving for self-knowledge and partner knowledge and how to implement her "win-win-win principle." 

    Dr. Jackie Black is a relationship expert, marriage educator, and board-certified coach to couples. Her mission is to empower every couple in the world to deepen their unique connection and celebrate feeling loved, valued, and cherished by each other every day.

    Listen in to learn why couples should stop saying thank you to each other and have their serious chats in candlelit rooms.

    To continue the conversation on social media join us on Instagram at @gabrielarosa_talksex and TikTok at @gabrielarosa_talksex.

    For more tips on pleasure and sexual satisfaction come visit us at talksexpodcast.com. And if you love the show, please leave us a rating and review on iTunes/Apple Podcasts. Thank you!

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    1 hr and 3 mins
  • 27 Love, Sex, and Processing Grief with Emily Thiroux Threatt
    Apr 3 2022

    Grief is a challenging emotion and an even more challenging topic to discuss. Today's guest Emily Thiroux Threatt has grappled with grief after the loss of not one, but two husbands who both died of congestive heart failure. After facing her grief head-on, Emily managed to come out on the other side happier than she has ever been. She even wrote a book on her experiences to help others overcome the challenges of grieving the loss of a loved one.

    In this episode, Emily and I talk about the intrinsic value in getting curious about challenges we face. We also talk about her addiction to writing down things she is grateful for and why she is so insistent that we should be open to invitations.

    Emily Thiroux Threatt is an author, founder, and CEO of the Grief and Happiness Alliance where she helps people navigate through grief by practicing Happiness Techniques.

    Listen in to learn about the many forms of grief, how to comfort a loved one who is grieving, and how life changes after the death of a spouse.

    To continue the conversation on social media join us on Instagram at @gabrielarosa_talksex and TikTok at @gabrielarosa_talksex.

    For more tips on pleasure and sexual satisfaction come visit us at talksexpodcast.com. And if you love the show, please leave us a rating and review on iTunes/Apple Podcasts. Thank you!

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    1 hr and 14 mins