In this episode, Tess, Amy and Bo talk about in-person events and why they’re important for relationship building as a smalll business or sole trader.
From attending an event as a punter to organising your own event - we think the informal opportunities for connection are incredible and can help your business in so many ways. People remember unique in person experiences for many years to come.
Tess talks about strategies and ideas for approaching an in person event as an introvert and Bo talks about living regionally and the effort and impact of attending a few selected events in the city every year. We cover the benefits of industry specific events and offer ideas on low effort/high reward events that you can ‘muscle in’ on!
Bo talks about the Pecha Kucha format as a sharpening tool for content and Tess talks about how her book was originally a talk and workshop that evolved into a book over time. Amy and Tess talk about their bug bears at in person events, how to avoid them and ways to make sure everyone feels welcome and has their nerves set at ease.
Melbourne Design Week, event at Coco Flip and Plyroom
Creative Women’s Circle
The Pecha Kucha format for speaking
The Power of The Pause panel discussion
M Pavillion
Living Futures Institute
This podcast is a collaboration between Soul Traders Podcast and Creative Minds.
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Tess’s new book Self-Promotion Without Social Media is available at bookstores and independent retailers around Australia, internationally via Amazon, and at
Thanks to Lucy Peach for our music and Scott from Sound Mind Editing.
This podcast is recorded across the unceded lands of the Wurundjeri and Menang peoples.