• Setting Boundaries
    Sep 24 2024

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    Setting boundaries is meant to protect your peace. It builds expectations for others and yourself, on how you will show up and what you will or won't tolerate. For example, maybe you don't like crowded places so you choose not to involve yourself in activities that include those types of environments. The people in your life learn to expect that if a place is crowded, that's not your scene - that is a boundary. Now say you don't like crowded places, but you keep showing up to these types of events, because you don't want to disappoint someone - this is people pleasing. You and others are unintentionally pushing you out of your comfort zone. You will notice that the longer you spend outside of your comfort zone, the more drained you ultimately feel. We shouldn't be riding through life feeling overwhelmed and uncomfortable, because we keep overextending ourselves. We can't help every uncomfortable situation in life of course, but for what we can control, we should communicate and set healthy and unapologetic boundaries to protect our peace. Boundaries can be set with ourselves, with family, and with friends. No one is an exception to setting healthy limits.

    Be sure to follow us on Instagram and check out The SMM & Wellness Blog linked in the Bio!


    Hosted by Chelsey & Maria

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    44 mins
  • Consistency & Grace
    Jun 10 2024

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    In this episode, we get into the wonderful benefits of staying consistent with those things that bring you closer to your goals and make you feel fulfilled or accomplished! We also talk about the challenges and barriers that make being consistent difficult and how this can make us feel, including dragging us down and feeding negativity. We want you to know that consistency with new habits isn't ever easy. Sometimes it feels like a breeze, and other times you just don't know what is going on, and why you can't stay on track. Life gets in the way that's why, let it! It's okay to get knocked off course, don't let that stop you from hacking through the weeds to get back on the right path for you! Perseverance and keeping that positive inner voice/cheerleader are the two key pieces in keeping that consistency train moving. Give yourself grace during the times you feel unmotivated or uncontrollable life situations come up. Trust the process, trust yourself, and never give up!

    Be sure to follow us on Instagram and check out The SMM & Wellness Blog linked in the Bio!


    Hosted by Chelsey & Maria

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    38 mins
  • Overwhelm Continued
    May 27 2024

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    In this episode of So Much More, we continue to discuss overwhelm and how that sometimes shows up in our lives. We discuss some personal experiences and how we have both navigated the signs of our overwhelm and burnout. The ways that we recognize overwhelm in ourselves and how we manage that stressor are as different and unique to us, as they will also be to you. When it comes to noticing signs of stress, overwhelm, and burnout, as well as how we handle that stress and overwhelm is not a one size fits all. The first step for anyone, however, is becoming aware and then finding ways that work for us to avoid burnout effectively. Whether that's talking it out (communication), organizing daily/weekly tasks, exercise/movement, meditation, eating healthier, etc. - it can be a combination of any of these things. It's important to recognize the source and adjust your lifestyle to reduce your stress levels as much as you possibly can, you deserve peace. Life is too short to be in survival mode all day every day!

    Be sure to follow us on Instagram and check out The SMM & Wellness Blog linked in the Bio!


    Hosted by Chelsey & Maria

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    36 mins
  • Overwhelm & Burnout
    Apr 12 2024

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    Today's episode is a long one because we are talking about overwhelm and burnout, which seems to be something that is affecting so many of us in the world right now. The feeling of overwhelm comes from our desire to do it all, complete all the tasks, and look good doing it! These expectations are often unrealistic for what we can truly divide ourselves into doing, during the day. We only have so much energy and time to allocate to each task, that is where prioritizing is essential. A lot of the time these tasks are sitting in our heads; it is chaotic and disorganized. When we are thinking about what we want to achieve in a day, week, or month, it is usually a long list of so many things, from completing work tasks to meal prepping, spending more time with family, budgeting our money, etc. When we don't organize these thoughts and we allow ourselves to believe that we have to have everything completed on that day or that week, to feel accomplished, we become overwhelmed. When we push ourselves to to do everything at once to feel accomplished, while also getting pulled by everyday life situations we can't control, we get burned out! That is what we talk about today. We also talk about ways to cope and get through the overwhelm without becoming burned-out.

    Be sure to follow us on Instagram and check out The SMM & Wellness Blog linked in the Bio!


    Hosted by Chelsey & Maria

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    43 mins
  • Getting to Know Us
    Mar 19 2024

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    Be sure to follow us on Instagram and check out The SMM & Wellness Blog linked in the Bio!


    Hosted by Chelsey & Maria

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    9 mins
  • Vulnerability
    Mar 10 2024

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    On today's episode of the So Much More Podcast, we discuss all about vulnerability and asking for help. Vulnerability literally means putting ourselves in a position to be attacked or judged. This creates a lot of fear, and for us human beings, we are programmed to protect ourselves. It's why we keep so much of our rawest, truest selves enclosed. Playing it safe through life, and not always communicating our emotions and personal experience. Even if we may actually benefit from putting ourselves out there without fear of judgment. Being vulnerable although intimidating, can help improve our relationship with ourselves and other people, as well as bring on opportunities for growth in other facets of our lives. Being vulnerable is essentially allowing ourselves to admit we don't have all the answers; that sometimes we do need to talk about deeper feelings going on inside of us; and acknowledge when we need help.

    Be sure to follow us on Instagram and check out The SMM & Wellness Blog linked in the Bio!


    Hosted by Chelsey & Maria

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    28 mins
  • Inner Voice
    Feb 18 2024

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    Hello, today on So Much More, we discuss Inner voice:

    How we speak to ourselves makes a major difference in how we feel throughout each day. Because of that fact it is so important to keep our inner voice positive and be kind to ourselves. Think about it this way if stress and negative self-talk can cause real harm to the body by manifesting into disease, both mentally and physically, then isn’t it possible for positive self-talk to do just the opposite? That is the conversation we get into on today’s So Much More Podcast.

    Be sure to follow us on Instagram and check out The SMM & Wellness Blog linked in the Bio!


    Hosted by Chelsey & Maria

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    32 mins