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SPOTLIGHTED BOOK : Images of Organization by Gareth Morgan
GUEST READER : Vincent Musolino
- We talk of organizations as metaphors
- We speak in metaphors and stories
- Some metaphors are older than time
- Analysis of what we do, drawn from metaphors
- The 8 Metaphors - Orgs and Machines, Organisms Brains, Cultures, Political Systems, Psychic Prisons, Flux and Transformation, Instruments of Domination
- Metaphors drive our images and our language, and thus our structures and processes
- Humans driven from the outside (social) more than the inside (psychology)
- "Culture eats strategy for breakfast" ~Peter Drucker
- Recognize the dynamic nature of organizations - we are more than our org chart
- Could be a book that you don't have to read from start to finish
- Listen for the words/phrases that your clients or colleagues use and match it to the corresponding metaphor - read that part
- Good for better understanding your organization - better book for outside vendors
- What does understanding the metaphor change?
- Understanding the metaphors allows you to predict upcoming challenges
- Using one metaphor is dangerous - it's too reductive
- Multiple metaphors can shift perspectives and allow you to see new ways of working
- Play around with metaphors within meetings - create debate
- Not book circle specific
- Peter Drucker
- Edward de Bono - Thinking Hats
- Clean Language - David Grove
- Book: Own Your Armor - Michelle Brody
Vincent Musolino is the founder of COAPTA, where he works as a leadership coach and trainer. He works in both French and English.
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