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- What actor or actress would play you in the movie version of your life?
Episode 1:
- Power is for everyone
- Power is an expression of our relationships within groups
- Power over and power to are different
- How different types of power unconsciously drive us
Episode 2:
- Unleashing is allowing
- Who is doing the unleashing?
- Purpose is in relationship to others
- Purpose is temporary
- People can do the same job but find different meaning
- Purpose vs meaning
Episode 3:
- Belief that everyone is doing the best that they can - Is that true and does that set us up for failure
- Generous intent
- We can't fully understand people, and they may not even understand themselves
- Understanding as an illusion
Episode 4:
- The treadmill idea - what happens to people that they get matrixed into a corporate job?
- Multiple causes for treadmill - fulfilling expectations (society, family, etc.)
- HR looking for second generation immigrants due to high motivation
- When people tell you no, it can push you even more
Episode 5:
- Vulnerability as a strength even in
- Coming into leadership in a protective state versus an open state
- Power dynamics shift how vulnerable we can be
Episode 6:
- Being autonomous and interdependent
- Rugged individualism can hold us back when we don't ask for help
Episode 7:
- Gratitude coming from within
- Recognition coming from outside of us
Episode 8:
- Some people who don't want a voice
- When people aren't ready to be empowered?
- Stepping back and looking at the bigger picture and where an employee fits in
Episode 9:
- Is salary enough for engagement?
- Salary is not a driver for everyone
- Disparity between what society says we need and what we actually need
- Generational differences
Episode 10:
- "You don't have to ask, but you have to listen."
- Many of us know what listening is, but we don't know how to do it
- Poor listening as a way to sit with discomfort
- Asking questions not to know more, but to understand
Episode 11:
Episode 12:
- Empowering people to grow - what if they don't want to grow?
- Rock starts versus Super stars - it's important to honor people where they are
Episode 13:
- The importance of stories
- If we don't hear other people's stories, we make up stories
- Brains liking closed loops
- If we have a shared sense of who we are below our roles
- Show don't tell
Episode 14:
- Is awareness enough to change behavior?
- Nothing new is created from self-awareness - self-awareness just the start
- Taking responsibility for your behavior
Episode 15:
- Being too passive in your relationship to your manager
- Imposter Syndrome gets in the way of asking manager for more
Episode 16:
- Do we have to let go of "When I was your age?"
- Not about what you said, but how you said it
- Creating connection through stories of our generation, not from a sense of our way was better
- Sharing perspective goes both ways across generations
Episode 17:
- Free added value - when corporations exploit employee generosity
- ERG - Employee Resources Groups - when organizations ask employees to volunteer their time to push DEI initiatives
Episode 18:
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