Reggie James - Greetings in 2025
Good morning, everybody. It is Reggie here. A very happy new year.
The first episode of Perspectives of 2025 is Tuesday, the 7th of January. And this is a very quick update to let you know about what's lying ahead. So and also maybe spend a bit of time in reflection. It's a very cold and frosty morning here in the wilds of Surrey.
Here is the transcript below.
Let's get straight into it. 2024. Wow, what a year. I'm just gonna keep this brief, because it's better to look forward than look back. But it was quite an impactful year. And I think the one word if I was to sum it up would be change. Change in so many different ways. Change in like in the summer, we had a new government in the UK over here. And again,
doesn't take a genius to work out that we had a new government in the US, which is going to be interesting as we move into this new year. And, you know, it's been a bit of a bun fight ever since, but also change in terms of business. AI came in, started eating everyone's lunch in many ways, but more importantly, created massive opportunities and certainly for digital clarity.
And we've been really working hard on defining our core offering and reaching out to customers. And, you know, it's been quite an interesting experience. And there's some really, really exciting stuff ahead.. Because if you're a new listener, I just want to say thanks, because the kind of numbers are in in terms of
what they call the rap. If you're on Spotify, you'll see that they wrap up your top tunes of the year and various other things. And if you are a podcaster on Spotify, they will give you numbers in terms of listeners, followers and everything else like that. So for me, I gain, my followers are up to 10%. So thank you if you're new and thank you if you're an existing follower. My streams were up by just under 500.
100%. So that's a ramp up. listener wise, up 66%. So a lot of those people who are lurking, but don't actually subscribe, thank you again, because 66 % in anyone's language is pretty good going. looking for bigger and better things in 2025. And part of the reason for that
I would say that uplift was some of the conversations that I had, some of the areas that we touched on. And they were very, very exciting. And the emails that I've got from that and the WhatsApp messages I've got from that have been very encouraging and people just saying, love your work, love what you're talking about. You're really hitting the nail on the head. We're talking about some of the challenges that we're facing, but also you're coming up with solutions to help people. And that's what what Perspectives is all about.
And as we sit here on the seventh, I actually completed my first podcast of the year as a guest. So I've been a guest on quite a number of different podcasts, as you may know, and also launch perspective. So 2025 as well is going to be about me bringing on some new guests who are going to be guests of my show. I'm going to sort of not control the agenda, but really get these exciting guests to talk about all manner of different things.
yesterday's podcast was in the wee hours, I would say it was like 11 o'clock at night here, just before midnight, with the wonderful Vince Warnock, who is a very well known he's based out in New Zealand.
We're going to be talking a lot more about that, a lot more about resilience, lot more about techniques, lot more about heartfelt approaches to things. yeah, so that was the first podcast done. I've got so many more as a guest along the way. So keep posted on that. I will post those podcasts as well on both on YouTube and on Spotify and Apple podcasts.
So yeah, so that's it. It's just a very quick thing to say hello and welcome to 2025. And there's some exciting, really exciting things lying ahead that I'm going to be touching on in more detail. So stay tuned, sign up, subscribe, and I'll see you again soon. Thanks for listening. Ciao.