• Day 224 - why wait to the new year to quit weed
    Dec 23 2022

    Day 224 - why wait to the new year to quit weed. try starting now to get a head start

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    5 mins
  • Day 216 - feeling great
    Dec 15 2022

    I’m feeling great and happy that I’m doing my 2nd pod this week. I was on hiatus, some unplanned (I got the flu) and some of it planned (vacation), and then I got a little lazy when I was back from vacation. But now I’m back to doing regular podcast episodes.

    So it got me thinking that if you are around others who smoke and you can’t avoid them. Then let them know that you are quitting weed. They may surprise you and support you. And won’t offer any weed to you or maybe just smoke less or not around you.

    And who knows, you might inspire them to quit weed. And if you do, then, believe me, you will feel good, and it helps you stay off of weed. There is something about helping others. When you do, you feel great.

    That is why I feel great right now. I’m clean from weed, and I’ve been inspiring others to quit weed too.

    If you have questions or comments or want to say hi - email me at quittingweed@protonmail.com or send me a message on Twitter @quittingweedpod.

    I also started a service I will offer to people who want an accountability partner. Someone to talk to too about quitting weed.


    With this service, you’ll get the following:

    A 40 min zoom call with me where you can talk with me about all things quitting weed

    • Free 40-page Quitting Weed eBook (PDF)
    • You can have me as your accountability partner
    • You can share your progress on quitting weed
    • You can tell me your struggles with quitting weed
    • I will listen to you
    • I will provide you with support
    • I will give specific tips for quitting weed
    • I will do my best to answer any questions you have
    • The zoom call will have my camera off so I can remain anonymous
    • If you are unsatisfied with the service within 30 days, I will refund your money. No questions asked

    And I have five discount codes available where you can get this service (one 40 min zoom call) for free (regular price $97). I only have five discount codes available. The code is QWFREE. Again the code is QWFREE. I also have the code in the show notes and the link to view and purchase this service.

    And if that is too much to pay for, just remember that this pod will always be free.

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    3 mins
  • Day 212 - I’m back after a hiatus
    Dec 11 2022

    I’m back after a month-long hiatus. I’m still clean from weed. I haven’t smoked weed while I was gone. I was tempted a couple of times, but held firm and kept thinking about why I wanted to quit weed and what weed does to me if I do smoke which helped me stay off of weed. Which works for me.

    I feel this pod keeps me accountable, so if I do this pod regularly, I will likely think about smoking weed less. So I’m hoping that I will have another episode in a couple of days.

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    5 mins
  • Day 186 - Don’t be too hard on yourself
    Nov 14 2022

    - It took me years and many failures (maybe 1000 of them for me) before I quit weed. Being hard on yourself won’t help you quit weed. It will probably make it worse
    - Life is tough as it is without you making it tougher on you. Quitting weed is not going to be perfect. I wasn’t able to quit the first time, either. Or the second time or the 900th time. I failed a lot
    - Take failure as part of the journey. If you relapse with weed, just clear your mind and move on with the day. There is no reason to torment yourself on how you weren’t able to quit weed
    - Just don’t be hard on yourself. It is not good for your health. You have to treat yourself well. I know this sounds corny, but you have to love yourself

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    2 mins
  • Day 183 - I almost gave in and how I stayed clean
    Nov 11 2022

    - I was very close to smoking weed yesterday. I had a tough day at work and home. And my first thought was that I needed some weed. It will help me take my mind off of all the crap that is going on in my head
    - But then I paused. Put the phone down and took a deep breath through my nose and out my nose. I did this about five times
    - Then I remember reading online about addiction, and when you are about to go back to the thing that you quit, in this case, it was weed for me, think about why you quit. Think about the bad things that weed does to you. Think about the things when you did relapse. How did you feel?
    - And because of that, I was able to put off smoking weed. I didn’t want to get high. Not sure if this advice would work for everyone, but it worked for me last night

    I also started a service I will offer to people who want an accountability partner. Someone to talk to too about quitting weed.


    With this service, you’ll get the following:

    A 40 min zoom call with me where you can talk with me about all things quitting weed

    • Free 40-page Quitting Weed eBook (PDF)
    • You can have me as your accountability partner
    • You can share your progress on quitting weed
    • You can tell me your struggles with quitting weed
    • I will listen to you
    • I will provide you with support
    • I will give specific tips for quitting weed
    • I will do my best to answer any questions you have
    • The zoom call will have my camera off so I can remain anonymous
    • If you are unsatisfied with the service within 30 days, I will refund your money. No questions asked

    And I have five discount codes available where you can get this service (one 45 min zoom call) for free (regular price $97). I only have five discount codes available. The code is QWFREE.


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    7 mins
  • Day 180 - reflections on quitting weed for 6 months
    Nov 9 2022

    - benefits on quitting weed for 6 months
    - no weed hangover
    - more time to do stuff
    - saving money
    - eating better
    - more social

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    11 mins
  • Day 173 - Try a short break of quitting weed
    Nov 2 2022
    • Instead of trying to quit weed for the rest of your life
    • Or for 1 year
    • Or for 6 months
    • Try quitting weed for 2 weeks
    • Or even 1 week if 2 weeks seems like too much
    • Sometimes setting a small goal is better than a big goal
    • Big goals are tough
    • In the IT world, there has been a push to plan things 2 weeks at a time. Sometimes even 1 week at a time
    • Planning something for the next 6 months is tough
    • Quitting weed for 6 months is tough
    • Instead set a goal of quitting weed for 1 to 2 weeks
    • That might make goal more achievable and less likely to fail, even though failure is a part of quitting

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    4 mins
  • Day 169 - Do I still think about Smoking Weed? Sometimes
    Oct 28 2022

    - Do I still think about Smoking Weed? Sometimes I do
    - I am still clean since I quit 169 days ago, but there are times that I want to smoke some weed
    - They don't happen very often; maybe once every 6 weeks
    - They tend to happen when I have a free night with no wife or daughter around
    - I want to enjoy and in the past, I would enjoy my time with weed
    - But I know if I give into the weed, then I would be back smoking it on a regular basis
    - It's okay to think about weed. And when I do, I just take some deep breaths and tell myself that I don't need it
    - It's worked so far

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    3 mins