• Dealing with a girlfriend's family
    Mar 21 2021

    Max called in and had a bit of a debacle with his girlfriend's family, which is something we can all kind of relate to, let's help turn this into something positive.

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    19 mins
  • A new start to the POSITIVICAST
    Feb 23 2021

    A new beginning to the Positivicast.

    Call the podcast at 971-772-0743 and let me know how you are doing!

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    5 mins
  • What's going on with the Positivicast?
    Oct 17 2019

    Just trying to figure out a good schedule.


    Welcome to the Positivicast! I am David Day and this is absolutely, positively, the most positive podcast in the universe! This is a podcast where I try to spread positivity to my listeners 5 minutes at a time. Give it a listen and see what you think. Make sure to talk to me on social media at:

    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/Positivicast/

    Twitter - @positivicast

    Website - www.positivicast.com

    Show More Show Less
    7 mins
  • Change Jars!
    Oct 9 2019

    Don't you love all that sweet, sweet money?!


    Welcome to the Positivicast! I am David Day and this is absolutely, positively, the most positive podcast in the universe! This is a podcast where I try to spread positivity to my listeners 5 minutes at a time. Give it a listen and see what you think. Make sure to talk to me on social media at:

    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/Positivicast/

    Twitter - @positivicast

    Website - www.positivicast.com

    Show More Show Less
    5 mins
  • Personal Printers...
    Oct 8 2019

    Personal printers are...pretty cool I guess.


    Welcome to the Positivicast! I am David Day and this is absolutely, positively, the most positive podcast in the universe! This is a podcast where I try to spread positivity to my listeners 5 minutes at a time. Give it a listen and see what you think. Make sure to talk to me on social media at:

    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/Positivicast/

    Twitter - @positivicast

    Website - www.positivicast.com

    Show More Show Less
    4 mins
  • Pillows!
    Oct 7 2019

    How can you not be amped about pillows?


    Welcome to the Positivicast! I am David Day and this is absolutely, positively, the most positive podcast in the universe! This is a podcast where I try to spread positivity to my listeners 5 minutes at a time. Give it a listen and see what you think. Make sure to talk to me on social media at:

    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/Positivicast/

    Twitter - @positivicast

    Website - www.positivicast.com

    Show More Show Less
    5 mins
  • Doorstops!
    Oct 4 2019

    Watch me tell you how great doorstops are!


    Welcome to the Positivicast! I am David Day and this is absolutely, positively, the most positive podcast in the universe! This is a podcast where I try to spread positivity to my listeners 5 minutes at a time. Give it a listen and see what you think. Make sure to talk to me on social media at:

    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/Positivicast/

    Twitter - @positivicast

    Website - www.positivicast.com

    Show More Show Less
    5 mins
  • Thank you to all my friends
    Oct 3 2019

    Thank you to those who have given me reviews and to those who have decided to share the Positivicast!


    Welcome to the Positivicast! I am David Day and this is absolutely, positively, the most positive podcast in the universe! This is a podcast where I try to spread positivity to my listeners 5 minutes at a time. Give it a listen and see what you think. Make sure to talk to me on social media at:

    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/Positivicast/

    Twitter - @positivicast

    Website - www.positivicast.com

    Show More Show Less
    5 mins