• Ep- 15 artist, and a tranformative coach with D.Lisa West
    Jun 7 2022

    podcast notes unavailable

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    25 mins
  • Personal Transformation With Hedi Schaefer
    May 31 2022

    Personal Transformation With Hedi Schaefer

    Personal transformation is a journey, not something you do overnight. It involves changing your habits and behaviors over time, so they align with your true self. This process can take months or years, or even decades! For some people, it's an ongoing process, while others experience significant shifts in their lives that change them forever. But if you're ready to start down this path of self-discovery, there are tips for making your life better.

    In this episode, Hendi Schaefer joins us to share her personal transformation journey and how you can start yours. She is a leadership coach for the new era, an innovative trainer, and an inspirational speaker. Her mission is to help people awaken their potential and purpose, transform into the powerful beings they are meant to be, and create a life they want to live.

    Hedi shares some insights on her transformational journey, where it all started, the limiting beliefs people have to overcome to transform for the better, the inside-out principle, and the powerful tips with the quickest results in personal transformation. She also talks about the transformation code that consists of three features, willingness, clarity, and energy. Tune in to learn more on this and other exciting topics!

    Highlights From The Episode

    [01:35] Hedi Schaefer's background information

    [02:28] Hedi’s transformational journey

    [08:40] The inside out principle

    [09:19] Powerful tips with quick results in personal transformation

    [18:28] The transformation code

    [19:34] 1# Willingness

    [24:30] 2# Clarity

    [29:42] 3# Energy

    [39:19] The transformation coaching programs


    Connect with Hedi Schaefer:




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    42 mins
  • Ep13 - Money Coach with Max Phelps
    May 24 2022

    Money Coach With Max Phelps

    Money coaching has become a popular way to help people get out of debt, save more and become financially stable. Money coaching focuses on helping you identify your goals and create strategies for reaching them. The coach's goal is to help you achieve financial independence by guiding you through a process that will lead to positive changes in your financial life.

    In this episode, Max Phelps joins us to share the importance of planning for your finances. He is a professional property investor with 16 tenants, ten years of experience in finance, and qualifications in mortgage broking and financial planning.  These days, he spends his time coaching 25- to 35-year-olds how to get their money $hit together to become financially secure in order to make choices about their future happiness and retirement plans. He wants them to learn from the mistakes he made.

    Max shares some insights on how he got into coaching, the biggest mistakes people make when opening their first bank account, the difference between saving to spend and saving for your future, and how to know your spending personality. He also talks about his experience that led to writing. Tune in to learn more on this and other exciting topics!

    Highlights From The Episode

    [01:04] Max Phelps background information

    [07:20] How Max got into writing

    [07:20] The biggest mistake that people make when opening a bank account

    [10:12] Separating the bills account from the everyday account

    [10:16] Saving to spend and saving for the future

    [14:26] The biggest flaws that people do with their money

    [16:26] Financial advice for couples

    [24:58] Knowing your spending personality

    [28:27] 20 years and 30 years mortgage loans

    [34:24] How Max got into writing

    [38:57] The type of clients Max works with


    Mentioned books:

    Getting Your Money Shit Together

    The Barefoot Investor

    Connect with Max Phelps:



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    44 mins
  • Ep12 - Positive Mindset With Jevon Wooden.
    May 16 2022
    Positive Mindset With Jevon Wooden.

    It feels good to be in a positive mindset. It's great to not think about what could go wrong with your day, but instead embrace the possibilities that day has to offer. At the end of the day, we all want to feel like we've accomplished something. So why not start by leaving a positive vibe throughout your entire day?  

    In this episode, Jevon Wooden joins us to share why it's important to get professional help when you are experiencing issues mentally, emotionally, or with depression. Jevon is a positive mindset and a business coach, author of various books, and the owner of Live Not Loathe.

    Jevon also shares about his journey from growing up through hardship of poverty, involving himself with robbery, and ending up in jail. He also takes us through his personal development and how the military changed his life into being a professional positive mindset and business coach to starting his own site to inspire people and help them get out of various life situations.

    Highlights From The Episode

    [00:20] About Jevon Wooden.

    [02:08] Jevon Wooden's life journey.

    [03:26] Robbery involvement and being arrested.

    [04:54]  How Jevon joined the military.

    [05:51]  Military deployment, experience, and how he acquired the Bronze Star.

    [07:18] Jevon’s personal and career development.

    [10:49]  Importance of speaking up and getting help.

    [15:19]  Setting Boundaries.

    [20:02] Importance of setting Boundaries.

    [22:28]  Things that hold back from moving forward in a positive mindset.

    [22:36]  Moving forward with a positive mindset.

    [23:49]  Getting out of the past.

    [25:30]  How to end negative mindset.

    [26:15]  Learning from your lessons.

    [27:44]  How focus can change situations through a positive mindset.

    [28:58]  Taking Action

    [32:32]  About Jevon Wooden's book, Own Your Kingdom.

    [34:07] About All Gas, No Brake book.

    [37:16]  To connect with Jevon Wooden.


    Mentioned Books

    Own Your Kingdom 

    All Gas, No Brakes.

    To connect with Jevon Wooden

    Website: https://livenotloathe.com/

    All Social Media at:https://www.google.com/search?q=Live+Not+Loathe&oq=Live+Not+Loathe&aqs=chrome..69i57j69i60l2.1059j0j9&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

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    39 mins
  • Ep 11 - Cognitive Behavior Therapy with Bianca Thomas
    May 10 2022

    Cognitive Behavior Therapy with Bianca Thomas

    Cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) changes how you think about an underlying issue causing concern. When your level of anxiety, worthlessness, or feeling unloved interfere with your daily life, it becomes extremely distressing. How can you break that triangle and understand your thoughts and beliefs controlling your life that aren’t helpful?

    In this episode, Bianca Thomas joins us to explore why you need cognitive behavior therapy. She is a cognitive-behavioral therapist and success coach, co-founder of Evolve ventures technologies, and co-host of Evolve ventures podcast.

    In this episode, Bianca shares her journey from her feelings of worthlessness, feeling unloved, getting into different misaligned relationships in pursuit of love, her journey in personal development, and making a major shift in her life. Besides, she dives deep into cognitive restructuring, breaking down negative beliefs and how your surroundings impact your thoughts. Tune in to this episode for more tips on CBT!

    Highlights From The Episode

    [00:24] About Bianca Thomas

    [02:03] Bianca’s journey into behavior therapy

    [06:25] Getting introduced to personal development

    [08:27] Meeting her business partner and podcast co-host Emilia

    [11:42]Getting into a misaligned relationship that left her life crumbling down

    [15:09] Deciding enough was enough and making a shift in her life

    [17:28] How to target and break down negative beliefs

    [23:00] Cognitive restructuring

    [26:19] How your environment affects your beliefs and thoughts

    [31:54] How to act on your unconscious patterns and have a thought record

    [36:03] About Bianca’s podcast

    [39:51] To connect with Bianca


    Mentioned Podcast


    To connect with Bianca

    Website: https://www.evolveventurestech.com/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/evolvewithbianca/

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    42 mins
  • Ep 10 - Proving Them All Wrong with Jen du Plessis **MAY CAUSE TRIGGERS**
    May 3 2022

    In today’s episode, we have Jen du Plessis, a 9x #1 Best-Selling Author, podcast host for two shows, and a mortgage lending expert for over 40 years. Jen is also the CEO of Kinetic Spark Consulting where she is a coach, helping countless clients achieve their goals. Her passion is to help as many mortgage loan officers, realtors, and entrepreneurs grow their businesses while maintaining the lifestyle they’ve always dreamed of. 

    Jen joins us to share her journey, from a childhood life where no one believed in her, to find the drive to become successful and prove them all wrong. She also her career journey that started just at 19, as well as some useful tips for entrepreneurs to keep focus and achieve their goals even when facing self doubt and challenges.

    Key Highlights

    [00:20] About Jen du Plessis

    [01:26] Jen’s background story

    [03:47] Growing up 

    [06:58] Getting into the mortgage industry at 19

    [09:23] Settling in the mortgage industry

    [12:00] Becoming a coach for mortgage loan officers and entrepreneurs

    [13:32] Focussing on personal life

    [14:24] Cracking the success code for entrepreneurs

    [16:30] Tips to change your mindset

    [21:29] Getting the drive to succeed in life

    [24:36] How Jen started writing books

    [28:37] Advice to those struggling with imposter syndrome

    [33:04] When is Jen’s TV show reveal?


    Connect with Jen

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jenniferduplessis/ 

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/JenDuPlessis?s=20&t=AqgucNGHhdfnNPVn9rmGmw 

    Website: https://www.jenduplessis.com/ 

    Success To Significance Podcast: https://www.jenduplessis.com/podcast/ 

    Jen’s Books

    Tell Me I Can’t https://www.amazon.com/Tell-Me-Cant-Jen-Plessis/dp/1637922159 

    LAUNCH: How To Take Your Business To New Heights: https://www.amazon.com/LAUNCH-Take-Your-Business-Heights/dp/194987351X 

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    40 mins
  • Ep 9 -From Stage IV Liver Cancer & Drug Addiction to Full Recovery With Author Steve Patterson **MAY CAUSE TRIGGERS**
    Apr 25 2022

    From Stage IV Liver Cancer & Drug Addiction to Full Recovery With Steve Patterson

    A cancer diagnosis affects your mental and physical health. How do you embrace positivity and turn things around when you’ve been termed a physical death with only six months to 3 years to live?

    In this episode, Steve Patterson joins us to explore his healing journey after a stage four liver cancer diagnosis and drug addiction. Steve is a former counselor in addiction and life transformation,  a certified coach, and an author.

    In this session, Patterson shares his journey from his diagnosis of liver failure in 2011, being termed with physical death with only six months to 3 years to live, a liver cancer diagnosis in 2017, to getting a liver transplant in 2019.  Besides, he shares the impact of the shamanic practice on his healing journey, the inspiration behind his book, acknowledging you’re not always right, and forms of harm reduction when you’re stuck in drug addiction.

    Highlights From The Episode

    [01:06] About Steve Patterson

    [02:57] Steve’s diagnosis with liver failure

    [06:43] Going through a liver transplant after diagnosis with liver cancer

    [09:00]  Patterson’s healing journey and shamanic practice

    [14:48] Steve’s book “This is how it feels to heal.”

    [15:52] Transitioning  your mindset from always being right to openness

    [18:15] The process of quitting an addiction

    [20:45] Forms of harm reduction while in addiction

    [26:57] Patterson’s inspiration  behind releasing the book

    [29:18] Effects of covid on his business and going back to blogging

    [33:00] Steve’s traveling journey in several states and the beauty of Colombia

    [37:30]  His next destination for the next 30 days

    [39:00] To connect with Steve


    Mentioned Book

    This Is How It Feels To Heal by Steve Patterson

    To connect with Steve Patterson


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    40 mins
  • Ep 8 - From Corporate, Battling Drug Addiction to Career changer & Entrepreneurs coach With Tim Hayes **MAY CAUSE TRIGGERS!!**
    Apr 19 2022

    From Corporate, Battling Drug Addiction to Entrepreneurship With Tim Hayes

    A lot of people are leaving the corporate world to start their own businesses. This is inspired by the economic outlook where everyone desires multiple income streams, professional independence, and achieving the freedom code also a  career changer & entrepreneurs coach. 

    In our episode, Tim Hayes joins us to explore his journey from corporate, battling an addiction to being a successful business owner. He is a career coach, business coach, and the Founder of Timhayes.coach. Hayes helps professionals transition from corporate to building their own purposeful and fulfilling businesses.

    In this session, Tim Hayes shares his journey from pursuing a career he wasn’t passionate about, joining the corporate, battling drug addiction, and finding his passion in the fitness industry. Hayes also shares achieving a freedom code and service to others as his main drivers of entrepreneurship. With helping people career change & entrepreneurs coach. 

    Tune to learn more on transitioning from corporate to entrepreneurship, self-development, and success strategies in business.

    Highlights From The Episode

    • [01:32] Tim Hayes's story of growing up
    • [06:55] Playing rugby as a sport
    • [08:12] Tim’s inspiration for fitness coaching
    • [13:50] Setting up his business in London
    • [16:27] Hayes’ story of getting into the press and attracting high profile clients
    • [20:45] Advice to anyone with all the success in business but is not internally fulfilled
    • [25:02] Combination of Hayes’ three relapses and experience in rehab
    • [28:20] Rehabilitation facilities in Capetown
    • [31:30] Working on self-development and inner peace 
    • [38:52] Should people resign and put their gloves up?
    • [45:57] Success strategies for Haye’s coaching business
    • [50:05] Hayes’ ideal clientele
    • [54:56] Overcoming his shame in the past and moving forward
    • [57:55] To connect with Tim Hayes


    To connect with Tim Hayes

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/timhayes.coach/

    Website: https://www.timhayes.coach/

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    1 hr