From Corporate, Battling Drug Addiction to Entrepreneurship With Tim Hayes
A lot of people are leaving the corporate world to start their own businesses. This is inspired by the economic outlook where everyone desires multiple income streams, professional independence, and achieving the freedom code also a career changer & entrepreneurs coach.
In our episode, Tim Hayes joins us to explore his journey from corporate, battling an addiction to being a successful business owner. He is a career coach, business coach, and the Founder of Timhayes.coach. Hayes helps professionals transition from corporate to building their own purposeful and fulfilling businesses.
In this session, Tim Hayes shares his journey from pursuing a career he wasn’t passionate about, joining the corporate, battling drug addiction, and finding his passion in the fitness industry. Hayes also shares achieving a freedom code and service to others as his main drivers of entrepreneurship. With helping people career change & entrepreneurs coach.
Tune to learn more on transitioning from corporate to entrepreneurship, self-development, and success strategies in business.
Highlights From The Episode
- [01:32] Tim Hayes's story of growing up
- [06:55] Playing rugby as a sport
- [08:12] Tim’s inspiration for fitness coaching
- [13:50] Setting up his business in London
- [16:27] Hayes’ story of getting into the press and attracting high profile clients
- [20:45] Advice to anyone with all the success in business but is not internally fulfilled
- [25:02] Combination of Hayes’ three relapses and experience in rehab
- [28:20] Rehabilitation facilities in Capetown
- [31:30] Working on self-development and inner peace
- [38:52] Should people resign and put their gloves up?
- [45:57] Success strategies for Haye’s coaching business
- [50:05] Hayes’ ideal clientele
- [54:56] Overcoming his shame in the past and moving forward
- [57:55] To connect with Tim Hayes
To connect with Tim Hayes
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/timhayes.coach/
Website: https://www.timhayes.coach/
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