• What If?
    Apr 14 2024
    What if it doesn’t work out? What if it does! We live in a world where too many people live from “What If”. What if I don’t get the job. What if you do? What if my team loses? What if they win? Why are we so dependent on the “what if’s”? What if is…More
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    11 mins
  • Keep on Knocking
    Feb 13 2024
    Ask, Seek, Knock, then Trust Him We are told “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you,” but what happens when he run into closed doors? When an opportunity is blocked, God has a reason. Do you try to take the reigns…More
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    11 mins
  • Happy New Year
    Jan 1 2024
    Stop waiting and start doing! Happy New Year! Are you living in faith or fear? Are you ready to plant your tiny mustard seed and watch it grow into the life you are meant to live? Join me to see how faith helps with goal setting and new starts. Please visit my website at openpagespublishing.comMore
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    12 mins
  • Setting Intentions
    Dec 26 2023
    What will your 2024 look like? Are we clear about our intentions? Our decisions? Our commitments? I hear people say all the time, “I’ll try to make it to your meeting.” If you really wanted to attend, you would make time in your schedule and attend. The same goes for New Year’s resolutions. The “I’m…More
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    13 mins
  • Are You Running From or Running to?
    Dec 8 2023
    It’s never too late to return to God! It’s a busy time of year. We are rushing and running to get the best gifts, the best deals, and trying to make a wonderful Holiday season for everyone around us. Many of us have some not-so-good memories around Christmas time and it is hard to be…More
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    11 mins
  • Let’s Talk About Health
    Oct 30 2023
    What is a micronutrient? What is a macronutrient? What is a micronutrient? I don’t know about you, but I want to know what is good for me and what I’m putting in my body. The Lord only gives us one body, shouldn’t we respect it and treat it like the temple that it is? Join…More
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    12 mins
  • Feelings of Fight or Flight?
    Oct 25 2023
    What is your reaction? From the moment you get a call that throws you into a tail spin – what is your first reaction? Do you all apart or do you start praying? Have we required proof that the Lord will do as we ask, and in the meantime try and do it ourselves? We…More
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    12 mins
  • Stop the Shoulds!
    Oct 2 2023
    Are you living with should have, could have and would haves? Are you living your life thinking you “should” be doing things? Are you listening to others tell you what you should be doing? Stop the should, the could, and the would thinking in your life! Join me to find out how. Please visit my…More
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    11 mins