• Nihongo no Tane 166: お正月映画 New Years Movies | Japanese Immersion podcast
    Jan 20 2025
    In this episode of Nihongo no Tane, Yumi takes us back to a beloved Japanese custom that is slowly fading: the “New Year Film” tradition. She recalls how families would flock to theaters to watch holiday releases like Otoko wa Tsurai yo, Tsuribaka Nisshi, and even Godzilla. Yumi fondly remembers her father’s love for these films and reflects on how the genre has evolved, with fewer people nowadays making special New Year trips to the cinema. Instead, she points out how streaming services and a changing culture have shifted the way people experience movies. Tune in for an engaging look at the past and present of celebrating the New Year with film in Japan, and hear Yumi’s thoughts on what she and her family chose to watch this year! KEY VOCABULARY: 正月映画(しょうがつえいが) — New Year's movie; films typically released around the New Year's season in Japan. 「正月(しょうがつ)」(New Year) + 「映画(えいが)」(movie).ジャンル — Genre; a category or type, often used to classify movies, books, etc.年末年始(ねんまつねんし) — Year-end and New Year's; the period encompassing the end of December and the beginning of January. 「年末(ねんまつ)」(year-end) + 「年始(ねんし)」(beginning of the year).上映(じょうえい)される 映画(えいが) — Movies being screened; films that are shown or exhibited in theaters. 「上映(じょうえい)」(screening/showing) is combined with 「される」(passive form of する, "to do"), meaning "to be screened."後半(こうはん) — The latter half; the second half of a period, such as a month or year. 「後(こう)」(later/after) + 「半(はん)」(half).封切(ふうき)られる映画(えいが) — Movies being released; films that premiere or are first shown in theaters. 「封切(ふうぎ)る」(to release a movie) in its passive form, 「封切(ふうき)られる」(to be released).初(はつ)もうで — Hatsumōde; the first shrine visit of the New Year, a traditional Japanese custom. 「初(はつ)」(first) + 「もうで」(visit to a shrine or temple).シリーズ — Series; a set of related works, often movies, books, or TV shows, released in succession.監督(かんとく) — Director; the person responsible for overseeing the creation of a movie or other production. 主演(しゅえん) — Leading role; the main actor or actress in a film or production. 「主(しゅ)」(main) + 「演(えん)」(performance).日誌(にっし) — Diary or journal; often used in titles to indicate a record of events, such as Tsuribaka Nisshi (The Diary of a Fishing Fool). 「日(にっ)」(day) + 「誌(し)」(record).公開(こうかい)される — To be released or made public; often refers to movies or works being available to the public. 「公開(こうかい)」(release/opening to the public) is combined with 「される」(passive form of する, "to do"), meaning "to be released."以前(いぜん) — Previously; in the past or before a certain point in time.平社員(ひらしゃいん) — Ordinary employee; a worker without managerial or senior responsibilities. 「平(ひら)」(plain) + 「社員(しゃいん)」(employee).大企業(だいきぎょう) — Large company; a big corporation or enterprise. 「大(だい)」(big) + 「企業(きぎょう)」(enterprise).日本各地(にほんかくち) — Various places in Japan; throughout different regions of the country. 「日本(にほん)」(Japan) + 「各地(かくち)」(various places).実家(じっか) — One's family home; the house where one grew up or their parents' home. 「実(じっ)」(real/true) + 「家(か)」(home/house).役(やく) — Role; a part or character played by an actor in a movie or production.終了(しゅうりょう) — Completion or conclusion; the end of an event, series, or activity. 「終(しゅう)」(end) + 「了(りょう)」(finish).時期(じき) — Period or season; a specific time frame. 「時(じ)」(time) + 「期(き)」(period).過去形(かこけい) — Past tense; a grammatical form indicating actions or states in the past. 「過去(かこ)」(past) + 「形(けい)」(form).定番(ていばん) — Standard or classic; something considered a staple or go-to choice in a particular context. 「定」(fixed) + 「番」(number/order).なくなりつつあります — Is gradually disappearing; indicates something is in the process of vanishing or declining. 「なくなる」(to disappear) in its ます-stem form, 「なくなり」, followed by 「つつある」(indicates an ongoing process).時代(じだい)の流(なが)れ — Flow of the times; changes or trends that come with the passing of time. 「時代(じだい)」(era) + 「の」(possessive marker) + 「流(なが)れ」(flow).ご覧(らん)になりました — (Honorific) Did you watch; a polite way to ask if someone has seen something. 「ご」(honorific prefix) + 「覧(らん)」(look/...
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    5 mins
  • Nihongo no Tane 165: あけましておめでとう Happy New Year | Japanese Immersion podcast
    Jan 7 2025

    In this episode of "Nihongo no Tane," Yumi reflects on her experience welcoming the New Year amidst a busy holiday season. She shares insights into traditional Japanese New Year customs, from preparing osechi ryori to watching NHK’s Kohaku Uta Gassen and giving otoshidama. Despite these celebrations, Yumi explains why this year felt less "new" to her, revealing how a cluttered home and a packed schedule impacted her perspective. Tune in to explore the contrasts between Japanese and American New Year traditions and discover Yumi’s goals for the year ahead!


    1. ばたばた — Hustling and bustling; being in a hurry or busy state.
    2. 支払(しはら)いを済(す)ませたり — 支払(しはら)い: payment; を: [object marker]; 済(す)ませたり: settling or completing (済(す)ませる in たり-form, "to settle/finish"). Completing payments or taking care of payments.
    3. おせち料理(りょうり) — Traditional Japanese New Year’s cuisine, often served in a multi-tiered box.
    4. 大晦日(おおみそか) — New Year’s Eve (December 31).
    5. 紅白歌合戦(こうはくうたがっせん) — 紅白(こうはく): red and white (symbolic colors of Japan); 歌合戦(うたがっせん): singing contest. "Kōhaku Uta Gassen," a famous Japanese New Year’s Eve singing contest.
    6. ゆったり — Feeling relaxed; leisurely.
    7. 寝正月(ねしょうがつ) — 寝(ね): sleep; 正月(しょうがつ): New Year. Spending the New Year’s holidays lazing around at home, often sleeping.
    8. ゴロゴロ — Lounging around; idling; onomatopoeia for rolling or loafing.
    9. フレッシュ — Fresh (a loanword from English).
    • 心当(こころあ)たりがありました — 心当(こころあ)たり: having an idea or clue about something; が: [subject marker]; ありました: there was; had. "I had a clue/idea about it."
    • とっ散(ち)らかっていた — とっ散(ち)らかる: to be messy; scattered everywhere; いた: past progressive form (was messy). "It was all over the place/messy."
    • 日常(にちじょう) — Everyday life; routine.
    • おうち — Home (casual or polite term for 家(うち), house).
    • 感覚(かんかく) — Sense; sensation; feeling.
    • お雑煮(ぞうに) — Traditional Japanese soup with rice cakes (mochi), eaten during New Year’s celebrations.
    • お屠蘇(とそ) — Spiced sake traditionally drunk during New Year’s for good health.
    • 初詣(はつもうで) — 初(はつ): first; 詣: pilgrimage/visit. First shrine visit of the New Year.
    • 初日(はつひ)の出(で) — 初日(はつひ): first sunrise; の出(で): appearance; rising. The first sunrise of the New Year.
    • お年玉(としだま) — Money given to children as a New Year’s gift.
    • 年賀状(ねんがじょう) — 年賀(ねんが): New Year’s greetings; 状(じょう): letter/card. New Year’s greeting card.
    • 書(か)き初(ぞ)め — 書(か)き: writing (noun form of 書(か)く, to write); 初(はじ)め: first time; beginning. First calligraphy of the year.
    • お習字(しゅうじ) — お: honorific prefix; 習字(しゅうじ): calligraphy. Calligraphy practice.
    • 抱負(ほうふ) — Resolution; aspiration; ambition.
    • 早速(さっそく) — Immediately; at once; without delay.
    • 下(した)っ腹(はら)が出(で)てきました — 下(した)っ腹(ぱら): lower belly; が: [subject marker]; 出(で)てきました: started to stick out. "My lower belly started sticking out."

    For upper beginners to intermediates. Listen to the short podcast and then answer the comprehension questions on the website: https://thejapanesepage.com/nihongonotane-index/

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    5 mins
  • Nihongo no Tane 164: 大物ぽんちゃんPon-chan, the great | Japanese Immersion podcast
    Dec 23 2024
    In this episode of "Nihongo no Tane," Yumi shares delightful stories about Pon-chan, the newest member of her family—a curious and calm kitten! She recounts how Pon-chan has grown from a tiny ball of fluff to a playful companion with a big personality. From quiet visits to the vet to bonding moments with her daughter and dog Maro-chan, Pon-chan’s gentle yet bold nature continues to charm everyone around him. Tune in to hear about his adventures and discover why Yumi believes he’s destined to be a “big deal”! KEY VOCABULARY: 順調(じゅんちょう) — Smooth; favorable; progressing well (a noun or na-adjective describing something that is going as planned or steadily growing).すくすくと — Quickly and healthily; thriving (adverb describing the steady growth of children, animals, or plants).生後(せいご) — Post-birth; the time since birth. Often used to describe the age of babies or young animals, as in "4 months old."手(て)のひら — The palm of one’s hand; the inner part of the hand.両手(りょうて) — Both hands; referring to using or involving both hands.抱(かか)える — To hold in one’s arms; to carry (refers to holding something close, often with both hands or arms).オス — Male (animal); used to specify the gender of animals.大物(おおもの)ぶり — Signs of greatness; showing composure or a dignified presence (ぶり indicates the state or manner of 大物(おおもの), "a big deal" or "important figure").一言(ひとこと) — A single word; one remark or sound.不安(ふあん)がって — Anxiously; showing unease or worry (te-form of 不安(ふあん)がる, meaning "to feel anxious").そわそわ — Restlessly; nervously (onomatopoeic word describing someone who cannot settle down due to anxiety or excitement).様子(ようす) — State; condition; appearance; manner (refers to the way someone or something looks or behaves).態度(たいど) — Attitude; demeanor; behavior (refers to how someone acts or presents themselves).駆(か)け寄(よ)ってみたり — Running up to; approaching quickly (te-form of 駆(か)け寄(よ)る, "to run up," combined with みたり, which lists actions like "trying to do" something).吠(ほ)えたりしていました — Was barking or howling (たり-form of 吠(ほ)える, "to bark," listing actions; していました indicates a past ongoing or repeated action).おやおや — Oh my!; Well, well! (an exclamation used to express mild surprise or curiosity).注射(ちゅうしゃ) — Injection; a shot (medical term for administering medicine via a needle).検査(けんさ) — Examination; inspection; test (medical term referring to tests or checkups).予防注射(よぼうちゅうしゃ) — Vaccination; preventive injection (a medical shot given to prevent diseases).ウンチ — Poop; feces (a casual, childlike term for stool).平気(へいき)な顔(かお) — Calm face; composed expression (describes someone showing no signs of worry or fear).暴(あば)れたりもせず — Without struggling; not acting violently (たり-form of 暴(あば)れる, "to struggle," combined with もせず, meaning "without even doing").大(おお)らかで冷静(れいせい)な — Easygoing and calm; composed (な-adjectives 大(おお)らか, "easygoing," and 冷静(れいせい), "calm/composed," connected with で to describe a relaxed and unshaken personality).親(おや)ばか — Doting parent; overly proud or indulgent parent (describes a parent who boasts about or adores their child excessively).おもらししちゃった — Had an accident; wet oneself (おもらし, "an accident," plus しちゃった, casual form of してしまった, expressing an unintentional or regrettable action.期待(きたい)を込(こ)めて — With high hopes; full of expectations (込(こ)めて, te-form of 込(こ)める, "to put into," showing an action done with emotion or intention). About 大物(おおもの) The term 大物(おおもの) is often used in Japanese to describe someone of significant stature, importance, or influence in a particular field. It's a versatile word that carries a sense of admiration and respect but can also be used humorously or sarcastically depending on the context. Meanings and Usage: A Big Shot or VIP - When used sincerely, 大物(おおもの) refers to someone who is influential or accomplished. - Example: あの人(ひと)は政治(せいじ)の世界(せかい)では大物(おおもの)です。 (That person is a big shot in the world of politics.) A Person with a Big Personality or Presence - It can describe someone with an aura of greatness or a larger-than-life presence. - Example: 彼女(かのじょ)は新人(しんじん)だけど、大物感(おおものかん)があります。 (She...
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    4 mins
  • Nihongo no Tane 163: 子猫 - 我が家の新メンバー ポンちゃん Kitten – Our Newest Family Member, Pon-chan | Japanese Immersion podcast
    Nov 25 2024

    In this episode of "Nihongo no Tane," Yumi introduces a new, furry member of her family —a playful and adorable kitten named Pon-chan! She shares the heartwarming story of how this little ball of fluff captured her heart during a church gathering and quickly became part of the family. From its charming "sock-like" paws to its lively antics, Pon-chan has brought new energy and joy to Yumi’s home. Tune in to hear about the kitten’s journey, its growing bond with other pets, and the simple happiness a tiny companion can bring!


    1. 加(くわ)わりました — Joined; was added (past tense of 加(くわ)わる, meaning "to join" or "to be added").
    2. 生後(せいご) — Post-birth; the time since birth. Often used to describe the age of babies or young animals, as in "2 months old."
    3. ふわっふわっ — Soft and fluffy; an onomatopoeic expression describing a light, fluffy texture or feeling.
    4. オス — Male (used for animals).
    5. 全体(ぜんたい) — The whole; entirety. Refers to something as a whole, like the overall appearance.
    6. 足先(あしさき) — Tips of the feet; the ends or extremities of the feet.
    7. ハチワレ — A cat pattern where the fur on the face is divided in the shape of the kanji 八(はち) (hachi, meaning "eight"), creating a "V" shape.
    8. 貫禄(かんろく) — Dignity; presence; an aura of authority or maturity, often associated with animals or people that appear strong or confident.
    9. 柄(がら) — Pattern; design. Refers to markings or patterns, often on animals or fabrics.
    • 経緯(けいい) — Circumstances; details of how something happened. Often used when describing the background or sequence of events.
    • 間中(あいだじゅう) — Throughout; during the entire time. For example, "throughout the meeting."
    • 丸々(まるまる) — Entirely; fully; completely. Also used to describe something plump or round.
    • 今引(いまひ)き取(と)った — Now adopted; recently taken in. A combination of 今 (now) and 引(ひ)き取(と)る (to take in, adopt, or receive).
    • すっかり — Completely; thoroughly. Indicates a full or complete state of something.
    • 居心地(いごこち) — Comfort; the feeling of ease or comfort in a place. Often paired with よい (good) or わるい (bad).
    • もらって頂(ちょう)だい — "Please accept it." A polite way of requesting someone to take or receive something.
    • ポンポン — Plump; round. Often used to describe a rounded belly, like a cat's.
    • スクスク — Growing quickly and healthily; an onomatopoeic expression describing steady growth, often of children or animals.
    • 先住(せんじゅう) — Previous resident; used to describe animals (or sometimes people) that were already living somewhere before others arrived.
    • 仲良(なかよ)くなりつつあります — Are gradually becoming close; used to describe forming good relationships over time. [仲良(なかよ)く getting along well; なりつつあります is becoming; a formal way of describing an ongoing change: Formed by なり (ます-stem of なる, "to become"), つつ ("while" or "in the process of"), and あります ("exists"). It means "is in the process of becoming" or "is gradually changing."]
    • 覗(のぞ)き込(こ)む — To peek in; to look into something closely or intently.
    • 喉(のど)をゴロゴロ鳴(な)らしながら — While purring; literally, "while making a rumbling sound in the throat." Refers to the sound cats make when they are content.
    • 幸福(こうふく) — Happiness; bliss; a state of contentment and joy.

    For upper beginners to intermediates. Listen to the short podcast and then answer the comprehension questions on the website: https://thejapanesepage.com/nihongonotane-index/

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    4 mins
  • Nihongo no Tane 162: ハリケーンとたくましい南部の人たち Hurricanes and the resilient people of the South | Japanese Immersion podcast
    Nov 4 2024

    In this episode of "Nihongo no Tane," Yumi shares her experience of navigating hurricane season in Florida. From power outages to the community’s resilience, discover how locals handle the intense storms. Yumi reflects on the challenges, unexpected routines, and even a bit of "hurricane weight gain" that come with these events. Tune in for a glimpse into life during storm season and the strength of Floridian spirit!


    1. 通(とお)り過(す)ぎました — passed through; went past (通(とお)り: passage, 過(す)ぎる: to pass, ました: polite past form)
    2. 幸(さいわ)い — fortunately; luckily (used to express relief in a potentially negative situation)
    3. 被害(ひがい) — damage; harm (damage caused by disaster, accident, etc.)
    4. 遭(あ)われた方(かた) — those who were affected (遭(あ)う: to suffer or encounter (in passive form 遭(あ)われた), 方(かた): polite term for person or people)
    5. 停電(ていでん) — power outage; blackout (停(てい): stop, 電(でん): electricity, referring to interruption of power supply)
    6. 発電機(はつでんき) — generator (発電(はつでん): generation of electricity, 機(き): machine, referring to a power generator)
    7. たくましい — resilient; strong-willed (describes someone or something tough and able to withstand difficult situations)
    8. 70代後半(だいこうはん)ぐらい — in their late 70s (70代(だい): in their 70s, 後半(こうはん): second half, indicating the late 70s)
    9. ボキッと — with a snap; crack (onomatopoeia that mimics the sound of something breaking abruptly)
    • 対処(たいしょ)する — to deal with; to handle (used for managing a problem or challenging situation)
    • いざ — when it comes to it; when the moment arrives (used to introduce a real or important situation when one must act)
    • 不自由(ふじゆう)な — inconvenient; restricted (不(ふ): prefix for "not," 自由(じゆう): freedom, describing an uncomfortable or limited situation)
    • 張(は)り切(き)る — to be eager; to be enthusiastic
    • 避難所(ひなんじょ) — evacuation shelter (避難(ひなん): evacuation, 所(しょ): place; referring to shelters designated for emergencies)
    • 駆(か)けつけて — rushing to (someone's aid); hurrying over (駆(か)けつける: to rush to a place, often in response to an emergency)
    • 引(ひ)っ張(ぱ)り出(だ)してきて — to pull out and bring (引(ひ)っ張(ぱ)り出(だ)す: to pull out, and きて: indicating bringing it to the current situation)
    • 大型化(おおがたか) — becoming larger; increasing in size (大型(おおがた): large size, 化(か): -ification, describing a trend of something growing in size)
    • 生(い)き抜(ぬ)いて — to survive through; to make it through (生(い)き抜(ぬ)く: to persevere and survive adverse situations)
    • 生(い)き残(のこ)る — to survive; to remain alive (often in difficult or life-threatening situations)
    • ハリケーン太り — hurricane weight gain (ハリケーン: hurricane, 太(ふと)り: from 太(ふと)る, meaning "to gain weight," referring to weight gained during hurricane season)
    • おやつ — snacks (light snacks or treats between meals)
    • 買(か)い込(こ)む — to stock up on; to buy in bulk (to buy large quantities of something, especially to prepare for a shortage)
    • 体重(たいじゅう) — body weight (体(たい): body, 重(じゅう): weight)

    For upper beginners to intermediates. Listen to the short podcast and then answer the comprehension questions on the website: https://thejapanesepage.com/nihongonotane-index/

    Take a quiz on this episode here:


    If you are a Makoto+ member, you can find the transcript, English translation, key vocabulary, and a downloadable PDF for printing:



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    5 mins
  • Nihongo no Tane 161: ピアノの先生2 The Piano Teacher Part 2 | Japanese Immersion podcast
    Oct 15 2024

    In this episode of “Nihongo no Tane,” join Yumi as she shares her visit to her elegant piano teacher’s home. Discover how her refined lifestyle, surrounded by antiques, reflects her sophistication, from music to furniture. Yumi reflects on the importance of keeping antiques in good condition, contrasting her teacher's approach with other personal experiences. This episode will transport you to a world of elegance and nostalgia!


    1. 塊(かたまり) — embodiment; personification (used metaphorically to describe someone who is the "essence" of something)
    2. 弾(ひ)くだけではなくて — not only playing (弾(ひ)く: to play (a string instrument), だけ: only, ではなくて: not only)
    3. 演奏(えんそう)されるそうです — it seems it will be performed (演奏(えんそう): performance, される: passive form (to be performed), そうです: it seems)
    4. 現代(げんだい) — modern times; contemporary
    5. さらさらと — smoothly; fluently
    6. 品々(しなじな) — various items; goods (plural of 品(しな), meaning "item")
    7. もうとうに — long ago; long before (indicating something that happened or was done long ago, often emphasizing it's well in the past)
    8. 張(は)り直(なお)した — re-stretched; re-tightened (張(は)り: to stretch; to tighten, 直(なお)した: fixed; redone)
    9. 色合(いろあ)い — color tone; hue
    • 刺繍(ししゅう)もほどけたところ — parts where the embroidery has unraveled (刺繍(ししゅう): embroidery, も: also, ほどけた: unraveled, ところ: part; place)
    • 品質(ひんしつ) — quality
    • 保(たも)たれている — is maintained; is preserved (保(たも)たれる: to be maintained, ている: ongoing state)
    • イマイチ — not so good; lacking
    • ボロボロで — worn-out; tattered
    • 狂(くる)ってしまってるんです — it has gone out of tune; it’s broken (狂(くる)う: to go crazy or to be out of tune, てしまってる: regrettably; completely)

    (Note: In this context, since we are talking about an instrument, "狂(くる)う" refers to the sound being out of tune or off-pitch.)

    • しかも — moreover; besides
    • 見(み)かけます — to see; to come across (polite form of 見(み)かける)
    • ピカピカ — shiny; sparkling
    • 新品(しんぴん) — brand new
    • 雑(ざつ)に扱(あつか)われてるなっていう雰囲気(ふんいき)の車(くるま) — a car that feels like it's being treated carelessly (雑(ざつ)に: carelessly, 扱(あつか)われてる: being treated, なっていう: like; that feels, 雰囲気(ふんいき): atmosphere, 車(くるま): car)
    • ただただ置(お)きっぱなしにしてある — just left as it is (ただただ: just, 置(お)きっぱなし: left as is, にしてある: to have been left)
    • 保存(ほぞん)する — to preserve; to store (保存(ほぞん): preservation, する: verb marker meaning "to do")

    For upper beginners to intermediates. Listen to the short podcast and then answer the comprehension questions on the website: https://thejapanesepage.com/nihongonotane-index/

    Take a quiz on this episode here:


    If you are a Makoto+ member, you can find the transcript, English translation, key vocabulary, and a downloadable PDF for printing:



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    4 mins
  • Nihongo no Tane 160: ピアノの先生1 The Piano Teacher Part 1 | Japanese Immersion podcast
    Oct 7 2024

    In this episode of "Nihongo no Tane," Yumi shares her delightful encounter with a professional pianist whose lifestyle is a page out of history. Explore a home adorned with Victorian elegance, complete with a century-old telephone still in use! Immerse yourself in this captivating tale of classical music, vintage fashion, and timeless grace.


    1. 教会(きょうかい) — church
    2. 個人(こじん) — individual; personal
    3. 音楽(おんがく)を専攻(せんこう)されて — to specialize in music (音楽(おんがく): music, を: object marker, 専攻(せんこう)されて: to specialize in - honorific passive form of 専攻(せんこう)する)
    4. 憧(あこが)れているところがあって — there is something that I admire (憧(あこが)れている: admiring; longing for, ところ: place; aspect, が: subject marker, あって: there is; existing)
    5. なんか — somehow; kind of (informal)
    6. お誘(さそ)い — invitation (honorific form of 誘(さそ)い)
    7. 19世紀(せいき) — nineteenth century (19: nineteenth, 世紀(せいき): century)
    8. 服装(ふくそう) — clothing; attire
    9. 非常(ひじょう) — extremely; very
    • 膨(ふく)らんだパフスリーブのブラウス — puffy puff-sleeve blouse (膨(ふく)らんだ: puffy, パフスリーブ: puff sleeve, の: possessive marker, ブラウス: blouse)
    • 長(なが)い裾(すそ)の広(ひろ)がったスカート — long, flared skirt (長(なが)い: long, 裾(すそ): hem; skirt edge, の: possessive marker, 広(ひろ)がった: spread out; flared, スカート: skirt)
    • 和風(わふう) — Japanese style
    • 日本風(にほんふう) — Japanese style (synonym of 和風(わふう))
    • 受話器(じゅわき) — telephone receiver
    • 40歳代(さいだい)ぐらい — about in one’s forties (40歳代(さいだい): in one’s forties, ぐらい: approximately)
    • 連発(れんぱつ)する — to repeat continuously; to fire in succession
    • そっくり — exactly like; spitting image
    • 口癖(くちぐせ) — habitual phrase; pet saying
    • 私(わたし)にとっては — for me (私(わたし): I, にとって: for (someone); from the point of view of, は: topic marker)
    • 出会(であ)えて — to be able to meet (出会(であ)う: to meet, in its て-form)

    For upper beginners to intermediates. Listen to the short podcast and then answer the comprehension questions on the website: https://thejapanesepage.com/nihongonotane-index/

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    If you are a Makoto+ member, you can find the transcript, English translation, key vocabulary, and a downloadable PDF for printing:



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    5 mins
  • Nihongo no Tane 159 人魚姫その2 The Little Mermaid Part 2 | Japanese Immersion podcast
    Aug 5 2024

    Dive into the original, bittersweet tale of "The Little Mermaid" with this episode of "Nihongo no Tane." Explore the deeper, more poignant version of the story as Yumi contrasts it with the popular Disney adaptation. Join us for a captivating and educational discussion!


    1. 人魚姫(にんぎょひめ) The Little Mermaid [人魚(にんぎょ) mermaid + 姫(ひめ) princess]
    2. 寝室(しんしつ) bedroom [寝(ね) sleep + 室(しつ) room]
    3. 前回(ぜんかい) last time; previous time [前(ぜん) previous + 回(かい) time; instance]
    4. 夜明(よあ)けとともに at dawn; along with the dawn [夜明(よあ)け dawn + と and; with + ともに together with]
    5. 悲惨(ひさん)な tragic; miserable [悲 sad + 惨 miserable; tragic + な (adjective suffix -na)]
    6. 魂(たましい) soul; spirit
    7. 風(かぜ)の精(せい) wind spirit [風(かぜ) wind + の (possessive particle) + 精(せい) spirit]
    8. 涙(なみだ)が流(なが)れる tears flow; to cry [涙(なみだ) tears + が (subject marker) + 流(なが)れる flow]
    9. 呟(つぶや)く to murmur; to mutter
    • 減(へ)ります to decrease [減(へ)る decrease + ます (polite form suffix)]
    • 逆(ぎゃく)に conversely; on the contrary [逆(ぎゃく) opposite; reverse + に (adverbial particle)]
    • 罰(ばつ)ゲーム penalty game [罰(ばつ) punishment + ゲーム game]
    • 説教(せっきょう)っぽい preachy; sermonic [説教(せっきょう) sermon + っぽい (suffix indicating resemblance)]
    • 一層(いっそう) much more; even more
    • 文学的(ぶんがくてき) literary [文学(ぶんがく) literature + 的(てき) (suffix indicating characteristic)]
    • 気兼(きが)ね reservation; constraint
    • 増(ふ)える to increase

    For upper beginners to intermediates. Listen to the short podcast and then answer the comprehension questions on the website: https://thejapanesepage.com/nihongonotane-index/

    Take a quiz on this episode here:


    If you are a Makoto+ member, you can find the transcript, English translation, key vocabulary, and a downloadable PDF for printing:



    Become a Makoto+ member and get show notes with a complete transcript, translation, key vocabulary, and a downloadable PDF.


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    4 mins