• Aging as a Queen EP25
    Oct 2 2024

    Have you ever paused to question why so much of society's value is placed on the youthful face of a woman? The makeup and skincare ads alone are enough to confirm this idea. But why do we see age as something to hide rather than embrace?

    In this episode, I’m unraveling the narratives that keep us trapped in fear of aging—an endless pursuit of external beauty that can consume our minds, bodies, and souls.

    This isn’t just about wrinkles or gray hair. It’s about how we, as women, have been conditioned to believe that our worth is determined by how pleasing we are to the world—how ageless, how perfect, how “princess-like” we remain. But what if we challenged that notion? What if we embraced the wisdom and strength that comes with age, stepping into our roles as queens, confident and radiant from the inside out?

    In this episode, I’m talking about:

    • Why the princess fears aging.

    • The pressures of the male gaze.

    • How patriarchal standards influence women to believe that their value lies in their appearance.

    • The dangers of obsessive beauty practices.

    • Breaking the cycle and questioning societal norms.

    If you’re tired of playing by rules that weren’t written for you, and you’re ready to redefine what it means to be a powerful, authentic woman, then I invite you to listen to this episode. Because it’s time to let go of the princess and crown the queen within.

    Register for MAGNETIC: FIRST EVER women-only event in Phoenix, AZ November 2nd and 3rd 2024.

    The Muse Community:

    The Muses. A Safe Sisterhood Where Women Heal Women

    Join Here: https://amandahanson.mykajabi.com/themuses

    Connect with Dr. Amanda Hanson on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/midlife.muse/

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    24 mins
  • Redefining Success and Sisterhood EP24
    Sep 25 2024

    Do you ever find yourself feeling envious of other women’s success or beauty? Do you feel that twinge of jealousy, wondering why their lives seem so perfect while you're left feeling inadequate or insecure? If this sounds familiar, you're not alone. Many of us have been conditioned to view other women as competition rather than allies, often without even realizing it.

    As women, we’ve been taught to believe that our worth is tied to our appearance, that we’re in a race against time, or that we must constantly serve and please others. But if you're tired of these outdated narratives, there’s another way—a way to step into your own power, live authentically, and celebrate the success of other women.

    The world is ruled by envy, competition, and comparison. It’s time to step out of the “princess” mindset and into the “queen” energy that will help you thrive, and transform your feelings into something empowering.

    In this episode, I’m talking about:

    • Feeling like a victim and blaming others for your circumstances.

    • How patriarchal conditioning and early relationships (especially with mothers) create mistrust among women.

    • Emotional blocks in abundance and success.

    • How to shift your energy to attract supportive, high-vibe women and neutralize competition.

    • Learning and understanding your own triggers, and using them to grow.

    • Toxic beauty standards.

    • Celebrating other women’s success.

    We can live with grace, confidence, and an open heart toward the women around us. It’s time to stop competing and start connecting.

    Register for MAGNETIC: FIRST EVER women-only event in Phoenix, AZ November 2nd and 3rd 2024.

    The Muse Community:

    The Muses. A Safe Sisterhood Where Women Heal Women

    Join Here: https://amandahanson.mykajabi.com/themuses

    Connect with Dr. Amanda Hanson on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/midlife.muse/

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    31 mins
  • Communication Style of a Queen EP23
    Sep 18 2024

    As women, we’ve been conditioned to protect, to please, and to mold ourselves to societal expectations, often leaving us feeling unseen, unheard, and unfulfilled in our relationships. But what if I told you that there’s a way to break free from this? A way to communicate where your needs are truly heard, respected, and honored?

    As a woman, one of the most powerful shifts you can make as a woman is to move from a reactionary "princess" communication to the deeply grounded, empowered energy of a "queen."

    We’ve been taught, as women, to communicate from a place of fear and defensiveness. In this episode, I’m going to show you how to transform that into a style of communication that builds trust, connection, and intimacy.

    This method isn’t just for romantic relationships—it’s for every interaction in your life, from your workplace to your friendships, and most importantly, the way you speak to yourself.

    In this episode, I’m talking about:

    • Transitioning from reactive “princess” communication to empowered “queen” communication.

    • How emotional dysregulation blocks meaningful connection.

    • The power of vulnerability, grounded in self-trust and emotional hygiene.

    • The five steps to mastering the queen’s communication.

    • Building a bridge of understanding and compassion in every relationship.

    • How to lead others in communication by changing the way you show up.

    If you're ready to communicate with clarity and emotional depth—and finally feel seen and heard—this episode is for you. Tune in now for these life-changing insights and be sure to listen to the full episode!

    Register for MAGNETIC: FIRST EVER women-only event in Phoenix, AZ November 2nd and 3rd 2024.

    The Muse Community:

    The Muses. A Safe Sisterhood Where Women Heal Women

    Join Here: https://amandahanson.mykajabi.com/themuses

    Connect with Dr. Amanda Hanson on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/midlife.muse/

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    33 mins
  • Self Love Myths EP22
    Sep 11 2024

    Today, I want to take you on a journey into self-love—the kind of love that doesn't come from someone else but from within. A love so profound that it makes you unstoppable.

    I spent most of my life searching for validation from outside sources—waiting for someone else to tell me I was enough. But everything changed for me one day, not through a relationship, but in a single moment, catching my reflection in a car mirror. That was the day I truly saw myself for the first time.

    It wasn’t just a glance; it was an awakening. I finally understood that the love I had been waiting for was the love I needed to give to myself. And once I touched that kind of self-love, everything changed. I realized that real love—true, overflowing love—begins from within. And that’s what I want to share with you.

    In this episode, I’m talking about:

    • The myths surrounding self-love and why loving ourselves is often viewed as "selfish" or "egotistical."

    • How society conditions women to shrink themselves for the sake of others.

    • The difference between giving from an empty cup and giving from a place of true self-love.

    • How self-love can transform relationships.

    Loving yourself isn’t just a nice idea—it’s your birthright, your revolution, and the foundation for everything beautiful in your life.

    Register for MAGNETIC: FIRST EVER women-only event in Phoenix, AZ November 2nd and 3rd 2024.

    The Muse Community:

    The Muses. A Safe Sisterhood Where Women Heal Women

    Join Here: https://amandahanson.mykajabi.com/themuses

    Connect with Dr. Amanda Hanson on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/midlife.muse/

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    15 mins
  • Men Who Love Powerful Women EP21
    Sep 4 2024

    I’ve seen it time and time again, whether through clients, DMs, or just conversations with women around the world – they all have the same questions. How do I attract and maintain a relationship as a successful, powerful woman? Can I have both – love and success? So many of you feel torn, maybe even afraid that stepping fully into your power might cost you the relationship you want or already have.

    Last week, we started a deep dive into women and money, women and success, and women and their power. Today, we're continuing that conversation, but we're diving into an area that I know so many of you have questions about – relationships.

    We're going to talk about men who are attracted to powerful women, men who feel threatened, and how you can call in the kind of relationship that supports the brilliant, successful woman you are or are becoming.

    In this episode, I’m talking about

    • Attracting supportive partners

    • How to build empowering relationships

    • Identifying red flags

    • Balancing success and relationships

    • Shifting your beliefs

    It's time to shatter that myth and step into a space where both your love and success can thrive together.

    Register for MAGNETIC: FIRST EVER women-only event in Phoenix, AZ November 2nd and 3rd 2024. www.AmandaHanson.com/MAGNETIC

    The Muse Community:

    The Muses. A Safe Sisterhood Where Women Heal Women

    Join Here: https://amandahanson.mykajabi.com/themuses

    Connect with Dr. Amanda Hanson on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/midlife.muse/

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    28 mins
  • Women, Success, and Money EP20
    Aug 28 2024

    For so long, women were denied access to financial independence, and though laws have changed, the cultural and emotional barriers remain.

    In this episode, we’re diving deep into a topic that has shaped the lives of so many women—money, and the complex relationship we have with it. This isn’t just about financial literacy or making more money; it’s about unraveling the deep-rooted conditioning that has held women back from fully stepping into their power, both financially and spiritually.

    Today, I’m sharing my personal journey—one filled with hard lessons, breakthroughs, and unwavering belief in the value of women’s work. This conversation is about breaking old patterns and stepping into a new era where women can stand tall in their worth, not just spiritually, but financially. I hope my experiences, and the wisdom I’ve gained along the way, serve as a guiding light for you on your own path toward empowerment.

    In this episode, I'm talking about:

    • Societal conditioning.

    • The history around women and money.

    • Money and happiness.

    • Why women often feel apprehensive about charging for their services.

    • How to build a passionate business.

    • Jealousy among women.

    • Supporting other women and celebrating their success.

    Let’s write a new story together—one where we, as women, thrive unapologetically.

    Register for MAGNETIC: FIRST EVER women-only event in Phoenix, AZ November 2nd and 3rd 2024. www.AmandaHanson.com/MAGNETIC

    The Muse Community:

    The Muses. A Safe Sisterhood Where Women Heal Women

    Join Here: https://amandahanson.mykajabi.com/themuses

    Connect with Dr. Amanda Hanson on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/midlife.muse/

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    35 mins
  • Unlock Your Inner Magnetism EP19
    Aug 21 2024

    Register for MAGNETIC: FIRST EVER women-only event in Phoenix, AZ Nov. 2nd and 3rd 2024. www.AmandaHanson.com/MAGNETIC

    Uncover the unexpected reason why women are flocking to an event that's redefining everything about womanhood. This is not just another gathering; it's a transformative experience shaking up the industry. Find out why women worldwide are defying social beliefs handed down from generation to generation, leaping into this Magnetic Movement, and why it's not just about personal growth but about reclaiming desires and stepping into personal power. The surprising truth behind this event will leave you feeling inspired and ready to take action. Want to know why this is more than just an event? Stay tuned to uncover the magnetic pull drawing women from around the globe.

    Do you want to step into your power and reclaim your desires?

    Here’s your solution to reclaim yourself, Queen. Join me as I share the transformative experience waiting for you at Magnetic, a women-only event unlike anything else. Get ready to unlock your inner magnetism and build lifelong friendships while curating the life of your dreams. It's time to take inspired action and redefine what it means to be a woman. Don't miss out on this opportunity to transform your life.

    Does this sound familiar? Have you been told to seek personal growth through generic self-help books and online seminars, only to feel unfulfilled and disconnected? The frustration of being unable to tap into your inner magnetism and reclaim your desires can be overwhelming. Break free from the cycle of unfulfilled promises and step into your power. Let's explore a new approach that will transform your life and connect you with like-minded women in a way you've never experienced before.

    It is time for us to take up space. It is time for us to remove the apology from our voice. It is time for us to get into rooms and start saying, I'm no longer at war with other women. I want to stop competing. I want to start communicating. I want to stop seeking approval and validation and worthiness and love. I want to start being all those things.

    Join us at Magnetic this November.

    The Muse Community: The Muses. A Safe Sisterhood Where Women Heal Women Join Here https://amandahanson.mykajabi.com/themuses

    Connect with Dr. Amanda Hanson on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/midlife.muse/.

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    16 mins
  • Is Your Liberation an Illness? EP18
    Aug 14 2024

    Have you ever been told to be a "good" or "pleasing" woman? Like we are being graded on some sort of scale that tells us that we are “good” or “bad”.

    It’s time to break free from the cages society has placed around us, particularly as women. There are challenges of being viewed as "crazy" or "unhinged" by those still trapped in their cages, but I want you to see this as a reflection of others' fears rather than a judgment of your own worth.

    When we embrace our freedoms, we can soar, despite the fear of rejection, and normalize living authentically and bravely. My message is clear: our freedom is not only for ourselves but also for the world, as it inspires others to break free and live fully expressed lives.

    For those of you feeling isolated or unsure on this path, this episode is for you.

    In a world where staying small feels safer, I want to remind you to take up space and lead lives of courage and authenticity. It’s a heartfelt invitation to step into your power and join a movement of women who are redefining what it means to be truly free.

    In this episode, I'm discussing:

    • The fear others have of a woman’s freedom

    • Normalizing freedom and authenticity

    • The significance of community and support

    • Challenging the status quo

    • True freedom and authenticity

    Let's normalize freedom for women everywhere, and in doing so, create a world where every woman can soar.

    Stay free, stay close, and remember—you were always meant to fly.

    Register for MAGNETIC: FIRST EVER women-only event in Phoenix, AZ November 2nd and 3rd 2024. www.AmandaHanson.com/MAGNETIC

    The Muse Community:

    The Muses. A Safe Sisterhood Where Women Heal Women

    Join Here: https://amandahanson.mykajabi.com/themuses

    Connect with Dr. Amanda Hanson on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/midlife.muse/

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    18 mins