• #12 - Dealing with Emotional Baggage – Yours and Hers
    Jan 22 2025
    #12 - Dealing with Emotional Baggage – Yours and Hers
    • Synopsis: Unresolved emotional baggage can wreak havoc on a marriage. This episode will help guide you through recognizing your own emotional baggage and provide tips for helping you deal with your spouse's emotional baggage in a supportive and constructive way.

    Episode Guide:

    • Guide men through identifying their own unresolved emotional issues.

      • Anger

      • Resentment

      • Grief

    • Offer strategies for helping their wives deal with her emotional baggage.

      • Shadow work (therapist)

      • Meditation

      • Breathing exercises

      • Yoga

      • Exercise

      • Sitting in nature

      • Repeating affirmations

      • Sitting in silence

    • Discuss how to support one another in healing and growth.

      • be a mirror, not a healer

      • Watch for trigger loops

      • Separate past shadows from present realities

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    25 mins
  • #11 - The Secret to Communicating with your spouse in a failing marriage.
    Jan 17 2025
    #11 - The Secret to Communicating with your spouse in a failing marriage.

    Super communicator

    There’s a technique for this—looping for understanding. Here’s how it works: Ask questions, to make sure you understand what someone has said. Repeat back, in your own words, what you heard. Ask if you got it right. Continue until everyone agrees we understand.

    I know what you are thinking. I’m already pausing the game or closing the laptop.


    Difficult conversations - suspicion you aren't listening

    We think we prove we are listening while she is speaking.

    Looping for understanding

    1. Deep question

    2. Repeat back in your own words what you heard then say.

    Not mimicking or mirror. This is to match

    3. Ask if you got it right.

    You are asking for permission to acknowledge that you were listening.

    Once she acknowledges you were listening that suspician goes away.

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    17 mins
  • #10 - Breaking the Cycle of Blame in Your Marriage
    Jan 8 2025
    #10 - Breaking the Cycle of Blame in Your Marriage
    • Synopsis: Blame can destroy a marriage. This episode teaches men how to break the cycle of blaming their spouse for all their problems and how to adopt a solutions-focused mindset instead.

    Episode Guide:

    • Explore why blaming your spouse creates distance and resentment.

    Reasons for blame

    • Poor communication

    • Emotional distancing

    • Resentment

    Breaking the cycle of blame begins when you stop blaming her and start taking responsibility for everything.

    Notice I didn’t say you start blaming yourself. No, you take responsibility.

    When you blame yourself you feel useless or worthless

    But….You are needed!

    • Provide steps for taking responsibility without self-criticism.

    Tips for compassionate accountability without beating yourself up.

    1. Get Curious

    1. What do your behaviours mean?

    2. Insight into yourself.

    3. Self-blame, criticism or punishment will not yield insight. Curiosity will.

    1. Talk to yourself like you would someone you loved, like a child.

    1. Shift how you talk to yourself by doing so like you would talk to a child.

    2. What would the younger version of you need to hear?

    1. What does accountability look like after you have established self-compassion?

      1. Maybe it is as simple as reflecting on the experience and integrating lessons learned.

      2. Current compassion plus new lessons learned equals future change.

      3. Accountability may look like making amends or repairing a relationship.

    • Shift the mindset from “who’s at fault” to “how can we fix this?”

    Constant self-blame is exhausting and can erode the very foundation of your self-respect.

    Self-Respect is your way out of self-blame.

    The importance of learning to be self-compassionate is clear.

    Deep compassion doesn't come easy for those stuck in the blame cycle, but practice can help shift this. Practice self-compassion by:

    • honoring your limitations and taking breaks

    • writing down the self-critical voice and responding with kindness

    • visualizing negative thoughts as passing clouds

    • self-compassion meditations or mantras

    Begin working on your low self esteem

    - Stop lying to yourself.

    - Start small with one thing. (For me it was laundry.)

    Text me at 812-648-3380 and tell me your first name and the one small thing you are going to stop lying to yourself about and start doing with consistency and compassion.

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    30 mins
  • #9 - Balancing Roles in Marriage – When to Lead, When to Follow Her
    Jan 2 2025
    • Synopsis: Address the dynamics of leadership and partnership within a marriage. Help men understand when to step up as a leader and when it’s important to follow their wife’s lead for the health of the relationship.

    Episode Guide:

    • Discuss what healthy leadership in a marriage looks like.

    What can you do to strengthen your marriage?

    • Never stop getting to know each other.

    • We cannot love someone we don’t know.

    • The most stable couples have a strong friendship as their foundation.

    • Play together

    • Schedule regular dates.

    • Keep focusing on the good things about your partner.

    You should aim for at least five positive experiences for every negative one (smiling, touching, laughing, complementing).

    • Habitually turn toward each other.

    • Make a regular practice of spending 15-minutes together at the end of your day.

    • Let your partner influence you.

    • Develop a habit and process for addressing conflict.

    • Develop a shared purpose. Agree on the big purposes for life and marriage.

    • Share examples of when it’s important to follow her lead.

    Play to Individual Strengths

    In many relationships, the wife may naturally excel in areas such as organization, decision-making, or long-term planning.

    For example, if your wife is more financially savvy or excels at managing the household, it makes sense for her to lead in those areas.

    • Offer tips for balancing decision-making without power struggles.

    The “two-yes rule.

    1. It Promotes Thoughtful Decision-Making

    2. It Encourages Healthy Communication And Trust

    3. It Supports Individuality Within A Partnership

    Join the conversation at MSYM.cc

    Questions or Comments?

    Message me at 812-648-3380

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    23 mins
  • #8 - Rekindling Romance in Your Marriage – How to Be Her Lover Again
    Dec 22 2024
    #8 - Rekindling Romance in Your Marriage – How to Be Her Lover Again
    • Synopsis: Romance isn’t just for the dating stage. This episode provides practical tips for men to become romantic and loving partners again, despite years of emotional drift. From date ideas, spontaneous gestures, and how to emotionally reconnect, all are discussed in this episode.

    Episode Guide:

    • Practical date ideas and small romantic gestures to reignite love.

    Go to: MSYM.cc and get this free guide to rekindle romance in your marriage today.

    A guide to Rekindle Romance

    • Discuss how to rebuild emotional intimacy before physical intimacy.

    Two words….Unexpected Kindness

    • Explore the impact of daily affection and attention.

    Attention means deep listening, being totally present, having empathy, trying to see from our partner’s perspective.

    It means we’re not in a hurry to give advice and react; not in a hurry to interrupt.

    Our body language actually shows we are deeply listening.

    Appreciating our partner has a direct effect on their health and well-being. Recent interesting data from Gallop shows the following statistics:

    • If a manager criticises his or her subordinates then disengagement grows to 25% and people who work for that manager get sick

    • If the manager ignores them, disengagement grows to 45%

    • But if a manager notices a single strength and appreciates that strength, disengagement falls to less than 1% and people stay healthy.

    (Aside from the disastrous effects on the couple relationship, which is our focus here, economically this is said to cost $280 billion to the U.S. economy.)

    Affection is deep caring and knowing that we are there for the other person.

    In the language of neuroplasticity, we can say this kind of engagement in relationship rewires the brain in a direction where love actually becomes a healing force. It influences hormones, cell repair, homeostasis (biological self-regulation and self-repair).

    Questions or comments?

    Text me at 812.648.3380

    Find me on Twitter at https://x.com/StackingSingles

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    26 mins
  • #7 - The Power of Vulnerability in Saving Your Marriage
    Dec 17 2024
    #7 - The Power of Vulnerability in Saving Your Marriage
    • Synopsis: Many men are taught to hide their emotions, but vulnerability is a strength in relationships. This episode teaches how to open up and why being emotionally available can reignite intimacy and trust.

    The simple truth is that a strong partnership can’t survive without a mutual commitment to being raw and real with emotional truth. And while every relationship is unique, feeling safe and secure enough to embrace uncertainty and talk about it openly is universally important.

    Episode Guide:

    Explain the benefits of emotional vulnerability in relationships.

    • Emotional intimacy in marriage refers to the deep connection and vulnerability shared between couples, where they feel safe to express their authentic selves, share their innermost thoughts and feelings, and develop a sense of trust, empathy, and understanding.

    • And according to the data, emotional intimacy is the single most important factor for a fulfilling marriage. More than shared interests, more than good communication, and more than sex.

    • Because here’s the thing, as social beings, we’re wired for connection. And when we prioritize that connection in our intimate relationship, it has a range of positive effects:

    Encourage men to open up about their fears and feelings.

    • Emotional intimacy is hard because it requires vulnerability and personal disclosure. You have to let down your guard and trust someone with your true self. Which can be difficult if you’ve been hurt in the past or struggle with self-esteem issues.

    • She is the one you want to be with

    • She is your wife

    • It is worth the risk to save your marriage

    • This is the one thing that can take your marriage to a new, deeper level

    Provide tips for building emotional intimacy with their spouse.

    • Be fully present. No - texting, scrolling through Instagram, or watching TV out of the corner of your eye when you’re engaging with her.

    • Splitting your attention between your partner and a million other distractions will communicate that you’re not fully invested.

    • Make it a rule that the two of you put away the tech and give each other full attention when it's needed.

    • Let her speak uninterrupted. It’s a normal urge to want to chime in while she is speaking — especially if you disagree with or are hurt by what they’re saying.

    • Cutting her off mid-sentence will only hinder the trust and mutual respect you are trying to build.

    • Ask the right questions. For trust and vulnerability to grow, it’s essential to make your partner feel heard, seen, and supported. “How can I change that for you?”

    • You won’t always have all the answers, and you may not be able to fix the issue, but letting them know that you’re willing to try is crucial.

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    22 mins
  • #6 - Understanding Your Wife’s Needs in Marriage
    Dec 16 2024
    #6 - Understanding Your Wife’s Needs in Marriage

    • Synopsis: This episode focuses on understanding the emotional and psychological needs of your wife. From feeling valued to being listened to, dive deep into what your wife really wants (and what she may not be saying directly).

    Episode Guide:

    Uncover what women need emotionally in a relationship.

    • Security

    • Safety

    • Affection

    • Acceptance

    • Trust

    • Connection

    My List!

    1. Love is in the small acts
    2. Learn to communicate
    3. Tune into her emotions and her words
    4. Fight, but fight in a healthy way
    5. Never let her feel invisible
    6. Even effortlessness takes work
    7. Renew yourself
    8. To not always be a rescuer
    9. To speak the truth
    10. Respect her
    11. Make her feel protected

    Offer tips for active listening and responding to her unspoken needs.

    • Episode #4

    Discuss how to make her feel valued and understood.

    • A wife who does not feel heard will never feel loved.
    Every Conversation is an Opportunity to Make Her Feel Heard

    Enter every conversation with your wife with the goal of hearing and understanding what she wants.

    • Assume That What She’s Telling You MATTERS To Her
    • Be Willing to Admit She’s Right & You’re Wrong
    • Let Your Wife Have the Last Word (sometimes)
    • Maintain an Open Mind & Give Her the Benefit of the Doubt
    • Just because you know what is right does not mean you have to make sure your wife knows she is wrong.
    • Develop Your Listening Skills

    • Reassure Her That You’re Willing to Make Sacrifices

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    22 mins
  • #5 - Rebuilding Trust in Your Marriage – Why It’s Essential and How to Start
    Dec 10 2024
    Episode 5: Rebuilding Trust in Your Marriage – Why It’s Essential and How to Start
    • Synopsis: Without trust, there’s no foundation for a lasting marriage. Discuss how to begin rebuilding trust after it's been broken, whether due to infidelity, lies, or other issues. Offer actionable steps for both earning back and giving trust.

    Episode Guide:

    • Identify the key factors that lead to broken trust in a marriage.

    • Share actionable steps to begin rebuilding trust.

    • Discuss how long it takes and why consistency is key.

    Text or message me at 812.648.3380

    Show More Show Less
    18 mins