• Love by the Waterfall: A Tale of Nature and New Beginnings

  • Jul 3 2024
  • Length: 17 mins
  • Podcast

Love by the Waterfall: A Tale of Nature and New Beginnings

  • Summary

  • Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Love by the Waterfall: A Tale of Nature and New Beginnings Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/love-by-the-waterfall-a-tale-of-nature-and-new-beginnings Story Transcript:Hr: Marko je hodao stazama Nacionalnog parka Plitvička jezera.En: Marko was walking along the trails of Plitvička Jezera National Park.Hr: Bio je ljetni dan, sunce je sjajilo, a zrak je bio svjež.En: It was a summer day, the sun was shining, and the air was fresh.Hr: Marko je bio fotograf, tražio je savršenu fotografiju.En: Marko was a photographer, seeking the perfect shot.Hr: Gužva turista ometala ga je, pa se odlučio udaljiti od glavne staze.En: The crowd of tourists was distracting him, so he decided to move away from the main trail.Hr: Petra je bila znanstvenica, istraživala je ekosustav parka za svoju doktorsku disertaciju.En: Petra was a scientist researching the park's ecosystem for her doctoral dissertation.Hr: Nosila je laboratorijski kaput i veliko računalo.En: She was wearing a lab coat and carrying a large computer.Hr: Odjednom, njena oprema se pokvarila.En: Suddenly, her equipment malfunctioned.Hr: Pokušala je to popraviti sama, ali nije uspjela.En: She tried to fix it herself but did not succeed.Hr: Marko je hodao šumom i došao do malog, skrivenog vodopada.En: Marko wandered through the forest and came upon a small, hidden waterfall.Hr: Tamo je vidio Petru kako pokušava popraviti svoju opremu.En: There he saw Petra trying to repair her equipment.Hr: Prišao joj je.En: He approached her.Hr: "Mogu li pomoći?" upitao je Marko.En: "Can I help?" Marko asked.Hr: Petra ga je pogledala s osmijehom, ali i sa zabrinutošću.En: Petra looked at him with a smile but also with concern.Hr: "Da, molim te. Ova oprema mi je važna za istraživanje, ali sada ne radi."En: "Yes, please. This equipment is crucial for my research, but now it’s not working."Hr: Marko je kleknuo pored nje i zajedno su počeli gledati što nije u redu.En: Marko knelt beside her, and together they began to figure out what was wrong.Hr: Nakon nekog vremena shvatili su problem i uspjeli popraviti opremu.En: After some time, they identified the problem and managed to fix the equipment.Hr: Petra je bila sretna.En: Petra was happy.Hr: "Hvala ti puno! Ti si mi spasio dan."En: "Thank you so much! You saved my day."Hr: Marko je nasmiješio.En: Marko smiled.Hr: "Drago mi je što sam mogao pomoći. Ovaj vodopad je tako lijep, hoćeš li biti na mojoj fotografiji? To bi bilo savršeno za moj projekt."En: "I’m glad I could help. This waterfall is so beautiful; would you mind being in my photograph? It would be perfect for my project."Hr: Petra je pristala.En: Petra agreed.Hr: Stala je pored vodopada, a Marko je uzeo nekoliko fotografija.En: She stood next to the waterfall, and Marko took several pictures.Hr: Svaka fotografija bila je savršena.En: Each one was perfect.Hr: Nakon toga, sjeli su na kamen i razgovarali.En: After that, they sat on a rock and talked.Hr: Marko je pričao o svojoj strasti za fotografijama.En: Marko spoke about his passion for photography.Hr: Petra je pričala o svojoj ljubavi prema prirodi.En: Petra spoke about her love for nature.Hr: Imali su mnogo zajedničkih tema.En: They had many common interests.Hr: "Hoćemo li se opet vidjeti?" pitao je Marko.En: "Shall we meet again?" asked Marko.Hr: "Naravno," rekla je Petra s osmijehom.En: "Of course," Petra said with a smile.Hr: Izmijenili su brojeve telefona i obećali da će se uskoro opet vidjeti.En: They exchanged phone numbers and promised to see each other soon.Hr: Marko je shvatio da ljepota prirode nije samo u izgledu, već i u znanosti i istraživanju.En: Marko realized that the beauty of nature is not just in its appearance but also in science and research.Hr: Petra je shvatila da je važno dijeliti svoje strasti i istraživanja s drugima.En: Petra understood that it’s important to share one’s passions and discoveries with others.Hr: Kako su sunčeve zrake polako nestajale, Marko je gledao svoj aparat.En: As the sun’s rays slowly faded, Marko looked at his camera.Hr: Fotografija je bila savršena; Petra je stajala ispred vodopada, simbol zajedništva prirode i znanosti.En: The photograph was perfect; Petra stood in front of the waterfall, a symbol of the unity of nature and science.Hr: Bio je to početak njihovog novog prijateljstva, možda i nečeg više.En: It was the beginning of their new friendship, perhaps something more.Hr: Marko i Petra su se oprostili, ali su znali da će se ubrzo vidjeti.En: Marko and Petra said goodbye but knew they would see each other soon.Hr: Plitvička jezera su postala mjesto gdje su otkrili više od prirodne ljepote.En: Plitvička Jezera had become a place where they discovered more than natural beauty.Hr: Otkrili su prijateljstvo i zajedničke ciljeve.En: They discovered friendship and shared goals.Hr: I tako su hodali u različitim smjerovima, ali s istom misijom u ...
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