• Love Amidst the Stalls: A Market Adventure in Pasar Baru

  • Jul 1 2024
  • Length: 20 mins
  • Podcast

Love Amidst the Stalls: A Market Adventure in Pasar Baru

  • Summary

  • Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: Love Amidst the Stalls: A Market Adventure in Pasar Baru Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/love-amidst-the-stalls-a-market-adventure-in-pasar-baru Story Transcript:Id: Pasar Baru pagi itu ramai sekali.En: Pasar Baru was extremely busy that morning.Id: Matahari sudah tinggi, membuat pasar terasa hangat.En: The sun was already high, making the market feel warm.Id: Rara berjalan cepat di antara deretan kios, mata mencari bahan-bahan untuk kue istimewa.En: Rara walked quickly between rows of stalls, her eyes searching for ingredients for her special cake.Id: Ia ingin mengikuti lomba kue Hari Kemerdekaan.En: She wanted to participate in the Independence Day cake competition.Id: Ingatannya berputar tentang resep yang ia pelajari semalam.En: Her mind was whirling with the recipe she had studied last night.Id: Gula, tepung, telur, mentega, dan buah-buahan segar.En: Sugar, flour, eggs, butter, and fresh fruits.Id: Semua harus sempurna.En: Everything had to be perfect.Id: Kios Lila selalu jadi tujuan utama.En: Lila's stall was always the main destination.Id: Lila dikenal dengan buah-buah eksotisnya.En: Lila was known for her exotic fruits.Id: Buah naga, manggis, dan rambutan tersusun rapi.En: Dragon fruits, mangosteens, and rambutans were neatly arranged.Id: "Rara!En: "Rara!Id: Sudah lama tidak kelihatan," sapa Lila dengan senyum lebar.En: It’s been a while," greeted Lila with a broad smile.Id: Rara membalas dengan senyum sambil memilih buah.En: Rara responded with a smile while picking out fruits.Id: Lila bercerita banyak hal, dari harga buah hingga kejadian lucu di rumah.En: Lila chatted about various things, from fruit prices to funny incidents at home.Id: Selesai belanja, Rara memeriksa tas belanjaannya.En: After shopping, Rara checked her shopping bag.Id: Ternyata bukan miliknya!En: It wasn't hers!Id: Dia melihat ke sekeliling, mencari tanda siapa yang mungkin tertukar dengan tasnya.En: She looked around, trying to spot who might have their bag swapped with hers.Id: "Ah, mungkin Lila tahu," pikirnya.En: "Ah, maybe Lila knows," she thought.Id: Saat dia kembali ke kios Lila, Rara berpapasan dengan Tama.En: As she headed back to Lila's stall, Rara bumped into Tama.Id: Tama tampak sibuk, tapi raut wajahnya berubah ketika melihat Rara.En: Tama looked busy, but his expression changed when he saw Rara.Id: "Rara, ada apa?En: "Rara, what's wrong?Id: Kamu kelihatan bingung," tanya Tama dengan lembut.En: You seem confused," asked Tama gently.Id: Rara menjelaskan situasinya.En: Rara explained her situation.Id: Tama, dengan senyum, menawarkan bantuan.En: Tama, with a smile, offered to help.Id: "Mari kita cari sama-sama," katanya.En: "Let's look for it together," he said.Id: Rara ragu-ragu, tapi akhirnya setuju.En: Rara hesitated but eventually agreed.Id: Mereka berkeliling pasar, bertanya pada pedagang lain jika ada yang melihat tas Lila.En: They roamed around the market, asking other vendors if they had seen Lila’s bag.Id: Ternyata, beberapa buah dari tas Lila sudah dibeli oleh pelanggan lain.En: As it turned out, some of Lila’s fruits had already been bought by other customers.Id: Rara harus menawar dan membujuk untuk mendapatkan kembali semua bahan yang ia butuhkan.En: Rara had to negotiate and persuade to get all the ingredients she needed back.Id: Setiap kali mereka menemukan buah yang hilang, pasti ada saja halangan.En: Every time they found a missing fruit, there was always an obstacle.Id: Sebuah lomba makan kerupuk menarik perhatian.En: A cracker-eating contest caught their attention.Id: Pawai anak-anak dengan seragam berwarna-warni memukau mereka.En: A parade of children in colorful uniforms mesmerized them.Id: Rara terus diingatkan oleh Tama, "Jangan lupa tujuan kita.En: Rara kept being reminded by Tama, "Don’t forget our goal."Id: " Satu per satu, bahan-bahan yang diperlukan Rara kembali.En: One by one, Rara’s needed ingredients were recovered.Id: Kadang dengan imbalan berdansa dengan penjual atau bahkan mendengarkan gosip terbaru.En: Sometimes it required dancing with a vendor or even listening to the latest gossip.Id: Semua ini membuat Rara menyadari betapa penuh warna hidup di Pasar Baru.En: All of this made Rara realize how vibrant life at Pasar Baru was.Id: Saat semua bahan berhasil dikumpulkan, sore mulai datang.En: By the time all the ingredients were gathered, evening had begun to set in.Id: Rara dan Tama duduk sejenak di bawah pohon besar.En: Rara and Tama sat for a moment under a big tree.Id: "Terima kasih, Tama.En: "Thank you, Tama.Id: Tanpa kamu, mungkin aku tidak akan berhasil," ucap Rara tulus.En: Without you, I might not have succeeded," Rara said sincerely.Id: Mereka saling tersenyum, kehangatan yang dulu samar makin terasa.En: They exchanged smiles, a warmth that had previously been faint now more apparent.Id: Hari perlombaan tiba, Rara menaruh kue hasil kerjanya di meja penilaian.En: The day of the ...
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