• Founders? Formulate Foundations First with Nadav Kaidar
    Feb 7 2022

    What’s important for growing your tech startup to its first million and beyond? You’ll want to be sure to lay the foundations correctly, says Nadav Kaidar, startup entrepreneur and tech advisor, who has founded businesses and helped investors invest in others. As director of the Founder’s Institute Israel branch and CMO of the Million Business Club, Nadav has acquired significant international commercial expertise, having built firms from the bottom up, from concept to market, sales and beyond.

    What Nadav sees time and time again is the importance of clarity as the end result of your process, crucial both for building your start up and for marketingit. Once you’ve clearly defined and built your brand, content, infrastructure and system – then you can build a strong marketing campaign upon that solid foundation.

    Join us for episode 26 of Let’s Clarify It, in which Nadav shares:

    What he finds motivational speaker Eric Thomas and entrepreneur Gary V. have in common, despite their distinct styles?

    In what way does the FDA practically encourage analogies as shortcuts?

    And what are the implications for tech entrepreneurs, as people largely only skim headlines anymore?

    Curious? Let’s Clarify It!

    Nadav Kaidar




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    24 mins
  • Pinch the Ostrich with Karl Raats
    Jan 11 2022

    “Can you help make our employees more creative please? We’d like them to take ownership and become more motivated!” These are the types of calls Karl Raats receives from companies trying sincerely to get from point A to point B in terms of their creativity. Karl, whose daughter, back when she was little, defined that “daddy teaches grown-ups how to have nice ideas”, helps these companies understand first and foremost that they need clarity on what getting to B even looks like and how they’ll know they’ve gotten there before they can develop strategies and act on them. And with his vast experience as a corporate creative thinking coach, moderator and workshop facilitator, he knows it’s often the managers and not just their employees who desperately need the training…

    Creative isn’t something you are, it’s something you do, shares Karl, so you’re looking to develop this ability in people, rather than identifying those who are “the most creative ones”. And in terms of the environment, you’ll know you’ve created a space where people feel safe to try things – and make mistakes – if they can recall someone who’s made a mistake and ascertain where that person is now, whether they’re happy and whether they’ve since turned into a cautionary tale…

    Join us for episode 25 of Let’s Clarify It, in which Karl shares:

    What can civil engineers and vascular surgeons learn from one another and how can we all go from abstract to “bringing it into the room”?

    What happened when Karl set out to become a living experiment in creativity?

    And why we should all be asking ourselves: what is the horse’s ass in our organization, if we want to be innovating?

    Curious? Let’s Clarify It!

    Karl Raats

    I was destined to become a rhinoceros. A secret I entrusted my brother with when I was five after our dad had slapped me on the wrist for playing in the dirt, again. A little later I redirected my efforts towards becoming a goalkeeper. Down in the dirt again, even more laundry but slightly more socially acceptable.
    Eventually I become a journalist. And after that a business developer. And then a marketing director. And a teacher after that. Or, as a client of mine once reframed it, ‘Karl, you have the most astounding portfolio CV.’

    And all of a sudden, there she was, the professional love of my life: creative thinking. Ever since that day I’ve been wallowing in corporate creativity’s horn of plenty, shamelessly, like a five-year-old that knows becoming a rhinoceros is the greatest possible good. Hands just as dirty, less laundry this time around.


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    45 mins
  • The Math of the Science of Better with Prof. Nicole Adler
    Dec 9 2021

    Have you ever heard of Operations Research? Neither had I, until meeting the wonderful Professor, Nicole Adler, dean of Hebrew University Business School here in Jerusalem. Operations Research and optimization are at the heart of diverse innovation, from medical instrumentation to navigation technologies. As Nicole beautifully clarified it herself: it’s the math of the science of better. And throughout her exciting career, she researches, teaches and applies it especially in the global transportation industry.

    In our conversation, which made me want to become one of Nicole’s students (despite being the very poster girl for “finished school terrified of math” as Nicole points out is the unnecessary but all too common case for so many), Nicole demonstrates how Operations Research can help individual businesses, the market at large, the private and public sectors benefit society, companies, employees and consumers.  From optimizing the price of externalities in aviation to consulting to 52 Norwegian airports to writing a thesis on British Airways – there’s a wealth of knowledge to be learned from this accomplished researcher who is herself terrified of getting on planes…

    Join us for episode 24 of Let’s Clarify It, in which Nicole shares:

    How you can consult effectively to managers even when it’s not fun for them to be benchmarked

    Why she’s just obsessed with infrastructure;

    And what she foresees will unfold in light of the automated vehicle revolution?

    Curious? Let’s Clarify It!

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    35 mins
  • Clear, Concise and Cogent with Diane Wyzga
    Sep 9 2021
    Ever met a problem-solving content collaborator before? You’re in for a real treat cause my guest is a truly special one. The unique experiences in which my friend Diane Wyzga has partaken throughout 30 years of story work, in courtrooms, boardrooms, universities, retreat settings and hospitals have taught her that authentic story principles are key to conscious connection, and to clear, concise and cogent communication. In her podcast, Stories from Women who Walk, her Quarter Moon Story Arts consultancy and My Life as Compost blog, Diane generously shares her wisdom and brilliant insights into Engaged Storyism, genuine story as a means of sharing learnings and vulnerabilities with each other. With a deliciously diverse career, working as a nurse, corporate businesswoman, platform storyteller, lawyer, and litigation consultant, before becoming a solopreneur, story artist, wordsmith mentor, and podcaster, Diane never leaves home without her growth mindset, embracing learnings every step of the way. And as a person who loves living life to its fullest, she’s been known to say: “Hell, Yes!” to: scuba diving the Continental Shelf, flying one plane and parachuting out of another, and walking the 500 mile (780 km) Camino de Santiago de Compostela in Spain. I can’t wait to share even just a fraction of what she’s discovered on her adventures with you. Join us for episode 23 of Let’s Clarify It, in which Diane shares: What she means by the beautiful term: to listen a story out of someone? Why are 60 second podcasts her current favorite form of communication? And which three questions can we each use to become more intentional listeners? Curious? Let’s Clarify It!
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    33 mins
  • Thinking Caps. Lot's of Them. with Danny "Health Hats" van Leeuwen
    Aug 19 2021
    Within the healthcare system, with so very many diverse players communicating with one another – patients with doctors, doctors with administrators, primary care doctors with specialists, vendors with anyone – when any real communication takes place-- it’s pretty amazing. And Danny “Health Hats” van Leeuwen would know – he wears many of the health ecosystem hats in parallel himself, as a registered nurse of 45 years, a leader of massive Electronic Health Records implementation projects, a care partner, a person with Multiple Sclerosis, a patient/caregiver activist, a Latin Band Baritone Saxophonist and a super cool grandfather. Danny knows that since best health is a journey – you’re never really there, you’re always somewhere along the way. That being the case, what’s important is how we make choices about our health and medical care and how we communicate medical information to all our partners at each step of the process. Join us for episode 22 of Let’s Clarify It, in which Danny shares: What an EKG has to do with the Indian parable of the blind men and the elephant; How his wonderful neurologist defined his job when they met; And what he learned from his grandson, the dinosaur aficionado, about “relative expertise”. Curious? Let’s Clarify It!
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    23 mins
  • Rediscovering Audio with Ari Applbaum
    Aug 2 2021
    We’re all experiencing how audio is lagging behind written content, video and images in searchability and discoverability. That’s why Audioburst, the Israeli startup Ari Applbaum has joined as VP Marketing, is developing advanced audio search and delivery services for audio content creators and companies. Throughout his career in marketing and communication, Ari has often experienced the importance of clarity in helping his company and clients achieve their goals. From the simple daily reality of miscommunications with colleagues on the team slack channel, when you’re referring to one issue and they’re assuming you’re responding to something else, to the need to succinctly communicate the bottom line of the uniqueness of your technology to an investor as briefly as “ten times faster or cheaper”, Ari knows that it won’t help to successfully drive the audience to your site if they are expecting a value proposition which is different from the one you’re actually offering, because they misinterpreted your key message. Join us for episode 21 of Let’s Clarify It in which Ari shares: Why voice is such a powerful medium; How you can use an analogy as a shortcut without turning it into part of your brand; And what he learned about his own communication, from the time his educator father-in-law sat in on a lecture he gave. Curious? Let’s Clarify It!
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    28 mins
  • Catch My Drift? with Elad Segal, Ph.D.
    Jul 12 2021
    Elad was just going about his research business, working on his Phd in materials science and chemistry when his advisor happened to suggest that he check out the new on-campus entrepreneurship accelerator. Little did Elad know then that this innocent idea would change the course of his life, evolving his career from researcher to entrepreneur, transforming him into a wonderful research-preneur. Elad and his team at DriftSense are tackling the challenge faced by so very many farmers worldwide: 75% of the pesticides being sprayed to verify food security through ample yields are lost into our air and soil, leading to the need for larger amounts and more lethal substances. And how is DriftSense seeking to optimize spraying and minimize drift? Through accurately predicting the best time to spray, taking into consideration four crucial variables: local meteorological conditions, chemistry of the materials in question, instrumentation of distribution and regional regulations. Along his journey from academia into entrepreneurship, Elad learned so much about the necessity of clearly communicating his messages and tailoring them to his audiences: from the importance of listening carefully and asking lots of questions in order to ascertain his future customers’ true needs, to the need for finding the right everyday examples in order to explain scientific principles concretely to lay audiences. Elad has found that for him, it’s been all about starting out simply and establishing common grounds, then adding on the next layer of complexity and depth as per the listener’s interest. Join us for episode 20 of Let’s Clarify It in which Elad shares: What is the central implication of not being the customer of one’s own platform; Which aspects of research and entrepreneurship are actually very much alike; And why he loves to explain what he does to his wife’s grandmother; Curious? Let’s Clarify It!
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    35 mins
  • Intercultural Clarity with Osnat Lautman
    May 31 2021
    What is the price of misunderstandings between two people in a professional collaboration, which are rooted in very different cultures? It’s certainly all too high, if you ask intercultural expert Osnat Lautman, author of Amazon bestseller: ‘Israeli Business Culture’. Going from pro organizational consultant in Israel to being misunderstood during a relocation by US colleagues, neighbors and teachers, was a profound learning experience which sparked Osnat’s inter-cultural career. She developed the ISRAELI™ model of Israeli business characteristics (I-Informal, S-Straightforward, R-Risk-taking, A-Ambitious, E-Entrepreneurial, L-Loud, I-Improvisational) to reveal the foundations of the Israeli innovative culture and provide a bridge of understanding across which Israelis and their colleagues and associates can reach more mutually trusting and fruitful relationships . Listen to episode 19 of Let’s Clarify It, in which Osnat shares: How clarity is a combination of words, body language and tone of voice; What happens when someone says “I don’t care” when they actually mean “I have no strong preference between these two options”? And why asking someone “ what’s your opinion?” versus asking “what would you do if you were me?” can yield two very different responses. Curious? Let’s clarify it!
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    40 mins