• A Bit on the Side...
    Mar 9 2025

    Have you ever had a bit on the side? If not, we encourage you to

    There are many benefits to having a side hustle – any work or project outside of your main job that allows you to earn an extra income, learn new skills, develop an idea, meet new people and teach you something.

    Jac started a side hustle when she was living in Singapore and had a need… she continued her side hustle for years and it taught her more than any MBA could have. Ral set up her side hustle when she was in corporate, it served her well and is still going to this day – though became more than her side hustle.

    Jac & Ral encourage everyone to have a side hustle – it might be the one employment thing you can control.

    Listen in to get inspired on what a side hustle really is, how to start one, why it is good to have one and find out why ‘having no time’ is not a good excuse to starting one!

    Enjoy Keepers!

    Find out more about our Finders Keepers event in Fiji



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    Produced by Keehlan Ferrari-Brown

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    24 mins
  • Our Favourite Podcasts & What They Say About Us!
    Mar 2 2025

    We love a good podcast so we thought we would share our individual most favoured regular listens with our Keepers in this episode but we didn’t stop there… we also asked A.I. what our choices say about us…

    Jac’s podcast choices reveal a sharp, business-savvy, and intellectually curious mindset with a passion for leadership, personal growth, and high performance. Here’s what her podcast picks tell us about her:

    1. A Strategic & Commercial Thinker

    2. A Growth-Oriented & High-Performance Leader

    3. A Deep Thinker with Intellectual Curiosity

    4. Passionate About Governance & Leadership

    5. A No-BS, Practical Problem Solver

    Overall, Jac is a forward-thinking, results-driven leader who thrives on insightful conversations, bold ideas, and continuous learning. She values practical wisdom, high performance, and unfiltered discussions that challenge conventional thinking.

    Ral’s podcast choices reveal her to be intellectually curious, politically engaged, and drawn to sharp, insightful conversations with a touch of humour. Here’s what her podcast picks say about her:

    1. Thoughtful & Reflective

    2. Intellectually Engaged & Politically Curious

    3. Values Smart, Witty Conversation

    4. Australian-Focused but Global in Perspective

    Overall, Ral is a sharp, engaged, and curious thinker who values insight, humour, and deep conversations about the world. She is drawn to strong personalities, intellectual debates, and content that informs, challenges, and entertains.

    Jac's Recommendations:

    Prof G: https://open.spotify.com/show/7syF2ry9j6nqYc656WHBA7

    Alex Hormozi 'The Game' : https://open.spotify.com/show/6YNopzKDGDwf0auIpPTIID

    15 Minute Boss: https://open.spotify.com/episode/5qcHSuuPHTeQfEsMcMgoEG

    Take on Board: https://open.spotify.com/show/38AvsbDrdRJ5fwdL8PnSSb

    Joe Rogan: https://open.spotify.com/episode/3pVNAc36azP2NVP2EHb4Zh

    Diary of a CEO: https://open.spotify.com/episode/0N8pwL3JeHoc34TElV7idF

    Diary of a CEO Book: https://www.amazon.com.au/Diary-CEO-Laws-Business-Marketing-ebook/dp/B09VRXYMW5

    Lex Fridman: https://open.spotify.com/show/2MAi0BvDc6GTFvKFPXnkCL

    Ral's Recommendations:

    Pivot: https://open.spotify.com/show/4MU3RFGELZxPT9XHVwTNPR

    Wiser than Me: https://open.spotify.com/show/3zaHNdVeLiqOSXwxdoWcij

    The Rest is Politics US: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6r1a2M1ISB4JALwpf2W4Yo

    Not Stupid: https://open.spotify.com/show/7F6ALfNtMAKi6zuZSPbWKe

    Chat 10: https://open.spotify.com/show/4vX0jVjbnlzFeWWxugNIbT

    Find out more about our Finders Keepers event in Fiji



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    Produced by Keehlan Ferrari-Brown

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    26 mins
  • Ageism? Or just an excuse!?
    Feb 23 2025

    We think using the ol’ ageism chestnut when you don’t get a role could be a convenient story you tell yourself. Maybe even an excuse…!

    Provocative? Yep. Accurate? Maybe.

    Ageism is when we discriminate based on age – younger or older, everyone could experience ageism but when we deem it the reason we didn’t get the job, or the reason we weren’t promoted or the reason we were made redundant or sacked, we would like to challenge your thinking…

    In this episode we ask you to answer this question:

    “Are you relevant?”

    Have you kept up your training, growth and skills development? It’s a jungle out there… things are changingrapidly so if you’re not keeping up then you’ll be pushed out and your age won’t have anything to do with it!

    Nanna Phillips and Nanna Dolan reckon they’re ageless progressives… because age is an attitude and they both continue to learn, grow and put themselves out there when it comes to ensuring they remain relevant irrespective of the number on their birth certificate! !

    Find out more about our Finders Keepers event in Fiji



    New Episode Every Monday

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    Produced by Keehlan Ferrari-Brown

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    24 mins
  • Salary Negotiation
    Feb 16 2025

    Salary negotiation should be taught in school Jac & Ral reckon.

    Both have had long careers in corporate as well as working for themselves, so negotiating salaries and incomes are something they have a bit of experience in.

    In this episode they share stories about what they did well and what they did wrong when it comes to seeking out higher salaries with their employers.

    Things like:

    • What is it I want and why do I deserve it? Know your value
    • Do your research when it comes to the salary range/benchmarking
    • Think about the mutual value exchange for both parties (ditch the winner and the loser mentality)
    • Know when to walk away
    • Move with strategy not emotion!

    And here’s a tip.. as professional female speakers, don’t ask them to speak for free on IWD!

    Enjoy Keepers!

    Find out more about our Finders Keepers event in Fiji



    New Episode Every Monday

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    Produced by Keehlan Ferrari-Brown

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    27 mins
  • So, You Want A Portfolio Career?
    Feb 9 2025

    What is a portfolio career? Is one right for you? If so, how do you start?

    Jac & Ral both have portfolio careers and reckon they’re the bees’ knees.

    But not everyone is suited to a portfolio career.

    So how do you know if you are?

    Check out this episode to find out more, including the 3 key tips Jac shares at the end which will set you up well if this is the direction you want to go in. Best advice… start before you start!Enjoy Keepers!

    The article Jac wrote on Career Portfolioshttps://tinyurl.com/jacandral


    New Episode Every Monday

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    Produced by Keehlan Ferrari-Brown

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    30 mins
  • The 20 Things Ral Has Learned From a 20 Year Career
    Feb 2 2025

    She’s been around… but in a good way!

    This year, this month (February) marks 20 years of a great working life with lots of learnings for young Ral and every year she adds a new ‘thing’ she knows to be true, thanks to her many experiences.

    We discuss the 20 things Ral has learned, which cover Being yourself; Dickheads; Relationships; Leaving meetings with no work to do; Busy is overrated and bored is undervalued, Always have your next holiday booked, and If it’s not a hell yes, then it’s a f*#k no!

    Jac asks Ral about her 19th thing… Look for ways to challenge yourself and together they discuss the benefits of trying something new and different. Jac shares 4 tips on how to get started and both agree, if you give no. 19 a crack, you will be BETTER than if you hadn’t!

    Enjoy Keepers!


    New Episode Every Monday

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    Produced by Keehlan Ferrari-Brown

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    30 mins
  • Holiday Reflections + Tropics & Cocktails
    Jan 26 2025

    Our first episode of 2025 and our 50th episode of the podcast! And what a coincidence the significant meaning of the number fifty is “feast and joy” – two words we live our lives by.

    We discuss our reflections and insights from the break. Ral tells us about learning her fave new sport, pickleball (don’t ask her to jump too high!) and the value in trying something new and different.

    Jac says family and friends are everything, we ALL need more breaks, more holidays and mini breaks.

    And taking all of these reflections, Jac & Ral invite you to join them in Fiji in June for the Finders Keepers immersion – an exclusive invitation to our Keepers to develop themselves, as Jac & Ral bring on the feast and joy!

    Enjoy Keepers!

    --------------------------------------------------------- New Episode Every Monday Follow the show https://www.instagram.com/keepingitrealwithjacandral/ https://open.spotify.com/show/5yIs5ncJGvJyXhI55Js0if?si=aCNOdB68QnOGnT0vCTPcPg Follow Jac https://www.linkedin.com/in/jacphillips/ https://www.instagram.com/jac.phillips.coaching/ Follow Ral https://www.linkedin.com/in/gabrielledolan/ https://www.instagram.com/gabrielledolan.1/ Produced by Keehlan Ferrari-Brown

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    24 mins
  • The Art of Asking Great Questions
    Jan 19 2025

    Learn the art of questions to gain a career advantage.

    Do you ask (enough) questions?

    Most of us don’t and it’s holding us back. We need to ask more and better questions so we can deepen our knowledge, challenge beliefs, uncover new opportunities and be considered a curious and intelligent leader.

    In this episode, Jac reveals the key to asking great questions and she shares a story about her and Jimmy Barnes… Ral comes up with a genius invention (who wants to invest??) which could be a game changer for more women speaking up and asking questions!

    Enjoy Keepers!

    Jac’s 25 Great Questions Cheat Sheet


    --------------------------------------------------------- New Episode Every Monday Follow the show https://www.instagram.com/keepingitrealwithjacandral/ https://open.spotify.com/show/5yIs5ncJGvJyXhI55Js0if?si=aCNOdB68QnOGnT0vCTPcPg Follow Jac https://www.linkedin.com/in/jacphillips/ https://www.instagram.com/jac.phillips.coaching/ Follow Ral https://www.linkedin.com/in/gabrielledolan/ https://www.instagram.com/gabrielledolan.1/ Produced by Keehlan Ferrari-Brown

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    22 mins